/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015, Joyent, Inc. */ /* * Test helpers for the integration tests */ var error = console.error; var assert = require('assert-plus'); var f = require('util').format; var path = require('path'); var tabula = require('tabula'); var common = require('../../lib/common'); var mod_triton = require('../../'); var testcommon = require('../lib/testcommon'); var CONFIG; var configPath = process.env.TRITON_TEST_CONFIG ? path.resolve(process.cwd(), process.env.TRITON_TEST_CONFIG) : path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'config.json'); try { CONFIG = require(configPath); assert.object(CONFIG, configPath); if (CONFIG.profile && CONFIG.profileName) { throw new Error( 'cannot specify both "profile" and "profileName" in ' + configPath); } else if (CONFIG.profile) { assert.string(CONFIG.profile.url, 'CONFIG.profile.url'); assert.string(CONFIG.profile.account, 'CONFIG.profile.account'); assert.string(CONFIG.profile.keyId, 'CONFIG.profile.keyId'); assert.optionalBool(CONFIG.profile.insecure, 'CONFIG.profile.insecure'); } else if (CONFIG.profileName) { CONFIG.profile = mod_triton.loadProfile({ configDir: path.join(process.env.HOME, '.triton'), name: CONFIG.profileName }); } else { throw new Error('one of "profile" or "profileName" must be defined ' + 'in ' + configPath); } assert.optionalBool(CONFIG.allowWriteActions, 'test/config.json#allowWriteActions'); } catch (e) { error('* * *'); error('node-triton integration tests require a config file. By default'); error('it looks for "test/config.json". Or you can set the'); error('TRITON_TEST_CONFIG envvar. E.g.:'); error(''); error(' TRITON_TEST_CONFIG=test/coal.json make test'); error(''); error('See "test/config.json.sample" for a starting point for a config.'); error(''); error('Warning: This test suite will create machines, images, etc. '); error('using this CloudAPI and account. While it will do its best'); error('to clean up all resources, running the test suite against'); error('a public cloud could *cost* you money. :)'); error('* * *'); throw e; } if (CONFIG.profile.insecure === undefined) CONFIG.profile.insecure = false; if (CONFIG.allowWriteActions === undefined) CONFIG.allowWriteActions = false; var TRITON = [process.execPath, path.resolve(__dirname, '../../bin/triton')]; var UA = 'node-triton-test'; var LOG = require('../lib/log'); /* * Call the `triton` CLI with the given args. * * @param args {String|Array} Required. CLI arguments to `triton ...` (without * the "triton"). This can be an array of args, or a string. * @param opts {Object} Optional. * - opts.cwd {String} cwd option to exec. * @param cb {Function} */ function triton(args, opts, cb) { var command = [].concat(TRITON).concat(args); if (typeof (args) === 'string') command = command.join(' '); if (cb === undefined) { cb = opts; opts = {}; } assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.optionalString(opts.cwd, 'opts.cwd'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); testcommon.execPlus({ command: command, execOpts: { maxBuffer: Infinity, env: { PATH: process.env.PATH, HOME: process.env.HOME, SSH_AUTH_SOCK: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK, TRITON_PROFILE: 'env', TRITON_URL: CONFIG.profile.url, TRITON_ACCOUNT: CONFIG.profile.account, TRITON_KEY_ID: CONFIG.profile.keyId, TRITON_TLS_INSECURE: CONFIG.profile.insecure }, cwd: opts.cwd }, log: LOG }, cb); } /* * `triton ...` wrapper that: * - tests non-error exit * - tests stderr is empty * * @param {Tape} t - tape test object * @param {Object|Array} opts - options object, or just the `triton` args * @param {Function} cb - `function (err, stdout)` */ function safeTriton(t, opts, cb) { assert.object(t, 't'); if (Array.isArray(opts)) { opts = {args: opts}; } assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.arrayOfString(opts.args, 'opts.args'); assert.optionalBool(opts.json, 'opts.json'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); // t.comment(f('running: triton %s', opts.args.join(' '))); triton(opts.args, function (err, stdout, stderr) { t.error(err, f('ran "triton %s", err=%s', opts.args.join(' '), err)); t.equal(stderr, '', 'empty stderr'); if (opts.json) { try { stdout = JSON.parse(stdout); } catch (e) { t.fail('failed to parse JSON'); return; } } cb(err, stdout); }); } /* * Find and return an image that can be used for test provisions. We look * for an available base or minimal image. * * @param {Tape} t - tape test object * @param {Function} cb - `function (err, imgId)` * where `imgId` is an image identifier (an image name, shortid, or id). */ function getTestImg(t, cb) { if (CONFIG.image) { t.ok(CONFIG.image, 'image from config: ' + CONFIG.image); cb(null, CONFIG.image); return; } var candidateImageNames = { 'base-64-lts': true, 'base-64': true, 'minimal-64': true, 'base-32-lts': true, 'base-32': true, 'minimal-32': true, 'base': true }; safeTriton(t, ['img', 'ls', '-j'], function (err, stdout) { var imgId; var imgs = jsonStreamParse(stdout); // Newest images first. tabula.sortArrayOfObjects(imgs, ['-published_at']); var imgRepr; for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { var img = imgs[i]; if (candidateImageNames[img.name]) { imgId = img.id; imgRepr = f('%s@%s', img.name, img.version); break; } } t.ok(imgId, f('latest available base/minimal image: %s (%s)', imgId, imgRepr)); cb(err, imgId); }); } /* * Find and return an package that can be used for test provisions. * * @param {Tape} t - tape test object * @param {Function} cb - `function (err, pkgId)` * where `pkgId` is an package identifier (a name, shortid, or id). */ function getTestPkg(t, cb) { if (CONFIG.package) { t.ok(CONFIG.package, 'package from config: ' + CONFIG.package); cb(null, CONFIG.package); return; } safeTriton(t, ['pkg', 'ls', '-j'], function (err, stdout) { var pkgs = jsonStreamParse(stdout); // Smallest RAM first. tabula.sortArrayOfObjects(pkgs, ['memory']); var pkgId = pkgs[0].id; t.ok(pkgId, f('smallest (RAM) available package: %s (%s)', pkgId, pkgs[0].name)); cb(null, pkgId); }); } function jsonStreamParse(s) { var results = []; var lines = s.trim().split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i].trim(); if (line) { results.push(JSON.parse(line)); } } return results; } /* * Create a TritonApi client using the CLI. */ function createClient() { return mod_triton.createClient({ log: LOG, profile: CONFIG.profile, configDir: '~/.triton' // piggy-back on Triton CLI config dir }); } /* * Create a small test instance. */ function createTestInst(t, name, cb) { getTestPkg(t, function (err, pkgId) { t.ifErr(err); getTestImg(t, function (err2, imgId) { t.ifErr(err2); var cmd = f('instance create -w -n %s %s %s', name, imgId, pkgId); triton(cmd, function (err3, stdout) { t.ifErr(err3, 'create test instance'); var match = stdout.match(/Created .+? \((.+)\)/); var inst = match[1]; cb(null, inst); }); }); }); } /* * Remove test instance, if exists. */ function deleteTestInst(t, name, cb) { triton(['inst', 'get', '-j', name], function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (err) { if (err.code === 3) { // `triton` code for ResourceNotFound t.ok(true, 'no pre-existing alias in the way'); } else { t.ifErr(err); } return cb(); } var oldInst = JSON.parse(stdout); safeTriton(t, ['delete', '-w', oldInst.id], function (dErr) { t.ifError(dErr, 'deleted old inst ' + oldInst.id); cb(); }); }); } /* * Print out a listing of the test config.json values. */ function printConfig(t) { t.comment('Test config:'); Object.keys(CONFIG).forEach(function (key) { var value = CONFIG[key]; t.comment(f('- %s: %j', key, value)); }); } // --- exports module.exports = { CONFIG: CONFIG, triton: triton, safeTriton: safeTriton, createClient: createClient, createTestInst: createTestInst, deleteTestInst: deleteTestInst, getTestImg: getTestImg, getTestPkg: getTestPkg, jsonStreamParse: jsonStreamParse, printConfig: printConfig, ifErr: testcommon.ifErr };