/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright 2018 Joyent, Inc. * * `triton instance create ...` */ var assert = require('assert-plus'); var format = require('util').format; var tabula = require('tabula'); var vasync = require('vasync'); var common = require('../common'); var distractions = require('../distractions'); var errors = require('../errors'); var mat = require('../metadataandtags'); var NETWORK_OBJECT_FIELDS = require('../constants').NETWORK_OBJECT_FIELDS; function parseVolMount(volume) { var components; var volMode; var volMountpoint; var volName; var VALID_MODES = ['ro', 'rw']; var VALID_VOLUME_NAME_REGEXP = /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+$/; assert.string(volume, 'volume'); components = volume.split(':'); if (components.length !== 2 && components.length !== 3) { return new errors.UsageError('invalid volume specified, must be in ' + 'the form ":[:]", got: "' + volume + '"'); } volName = components[0]; volMountpoint = components[1]; volMode = components[2]; // first component should be a volume name. We only check here that it // syntactically looks like a volume name, we'll leave the upstream to // determine if it's not actually a volume. if (!VALID_VOLUME_NAME_REGEXP.test(volName)) { return new errors.UsageError('invalid volume name, got: "' + volume + '"'); } // second component should be an absolute path // NOTE: if we ever move past node 0.10, we could use path.isAbsolute(path) if (volMountpoint.length === 0 || volMountpoint[0] !== '/') { return new errors.UsageError('invalid volume mountpoint, must be ' + 'absolute path, got: "' + volume + '"'); } if (volMountpoint.indexOf('\0') !== -1) { return new errors.UsageError('invalid volume mountpoint, contains ' + 'invalid characters, got: "' + volume + '"'); } if (volMountpoint.search(/[^\/]/) === -1) { return new errors.UsageError('invalid volume mountpoint, must contain' + ' at least one non-/ character, got: "' + volume + '"'); } // third component is optional mode: 'ro' or 'rw' if (components.length === 3 && VALID_MODES.indexOf(volMode) === -1) { return new errors.UsageError('invalid volume mode, got: "' + volume + '"'); } return { mode: volMode || 'rw', mountpoint: volMountpoint, name: volName }; } function do_create(subcmd, opts, args, cb) { if (opts.help) { this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], cb); return; } else if (args.length !== 2) { return cb(new errors.UsageError('incorrect number of args')); } else if (opts.nic && opts.network) { return cb(new errors.UsageError( '--network and --nic cannot be specified together')); } var log = this.top.log; var tritonapi = this.top.tritonapi; vasync.pipeline({arg: {cli: this.top}, funcs: [ common.cliSetupTritonApi, /* * Make sure if volumes were passed, they're in the correct form. */ function parseVolMounts(ctx, next) { var idx; var validationErrs = []; var parsedObj; var volMounts = []; if (!opts.volume) { next(); return; } for (idx = 0; idx < opts.volume.length; idx++) { parsedObj = parseVolMount(opts.volume[idx]); if (parsedObj instanceof Error) { validationErrs.push(parsedObj); } else { // if it's not an error, it's a volume volMounts.push(parsedObj); } } if (validationErrs.length > 0) { next(new errors.MultiError(validationErrs)); return; } if (volMounts.length > 0) { ctx.volMounts = volMounts; } next(); }, /* * Parse any nics given via `--nic` */ function parseNics(ctx, next) { if (!opts.nic) { next(); return; } ctx.nics = []; var i; var networksSeen = {}; var nic; var nics = opts.nic; log.trace({nics: nics}, 'parsing nics'); for (i = 0; i < nics.length; i++) { nic = nics[i].split(','); try { nic = common.parseNicStr(nic); if (networksSeen[nic.ipv4_uuid]) { throw new errors.UsageError(format( 'only 1 ip on a network allowed ' + '(network %s specified multiple times)', nic.ipv4_uuid)); } networksSeen[nic.ipv4_uuid] = true; ctx.nics.push(nic); } catch (err) { next(err); return; } } log.trace({nics: ctx.nics}, 'parsed nics'); next(); }, function loadMetadata(ctx, next) { mat.metadataFromOpts(opts, log, function (err, metadata) { if (err) { next(err); return; } if (metadata) { log.trace({metadata: metadata}, 'metadata loaded from opts'); ctx.metadata = metadata; } next(); }); }, function loadTags(ctx, next) { mat.tagsFromCreateOpts(opts, log, function (err, tags) { if (err) { next(err); return; } if (tags) { log.trace({tags: tags}, 'tags loaded from opts'); ctx.tags = tags; } next(); }); }, function getImg(ctx, next) { var _opts = { name: args[0], useCache: true }; tritonapi.getImage(_opts, function (err, img) { if (err) { return next(err); } ctx.img = img; log.trace({img: img}, 'create-instance img'); next(); }); }, function getPkg(ctx, next) { if (args.length < 2) { return next(); } var id = args[1]; if (common.isUUID(id)) { ctx.pkg = {id: id}; next(); return; } tritonapi.getPackage(id, function (err, pkg) { if (err) { return next(err); } log.trace({pkg: pkg}, 'create-instance pkg'); ctx.pkg = pkg; next(); }); }, function getNets(ctx, next) { if (!opts.network) { return next(); } // TODO: want an error or warning on no networks? ctx.nets = []; vasync.forEachPipeline({ inputs: opts.network, func: function getOneNetwork(name, nextNet) { tritonapi.getNetwork(name, function (err, net) { if (err) { nextNet(err); } else { ctx.nets.push(net); nextNet(); } }); } }, next); }, function createInst(ctx, next) { assert.optionalArrayOfObject(ctx.volMounts, 'ctx.volMounts'); var createOpts = { name: opts.name, image: ctx.img.id, 'package': ctx.pkg && ctx.pkg.id }; if (ctx.nets) { createOpts.networks = ctx.nets.map(function (net) { return net.id; }); } else if (ctx.nics) { createOpts.networks = ctx.nics; } if (ctx.volMounts) { createOpts.volumes = ctx.volMounts; } if (opts.affinity) { createOpts.affinity = opts.affinity; } if (ctx.metadata) { Object.keys(ctx.metadata).forEach(function (key) { createOpts['metadata.'+key] = ctx.metadata[key]; }); } if (ctx.tags) { Object.keys(ctx.tags).forEach(function (key) { createOpts['tag.'+key] = ctx.tags[key]; }); } for (var i = 0; i < opts._order.length; i++) { var opt = opts._order[i]; if (opt.key === 'firewall') { createOpts.firewall_enabled = opt.value; } else if (opt.key === 'deletion_protection') { createOpts.deletion_protection = opt.value; } } log.trace({dryRun: opts.dry_run, createOpts: createOpts}, 'create-instance createOpts'); ctx.start = Date.now(); if (opts.dry_run) { ctx.inst = { id: 'beefbeef-4c0e-11e5-86cd-a7fd38d2a50b', name: 'this-is-a-dry-run' }; console.log('Creating instance %s (%s, %s@%s)', ctx.inst.name, ctx.inst.id, ctx.img.name, ctx.img.version); return next(); } tritonapi.cloudapi.createMachine(createOpts, function (err, inst) { if (err) { next(new errors.TritonError(err, 'error creating instance')); return; } ctx.inst = inst; if (opts.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(inst)); } else { console.log('Creating instance %s (%s, %s@%s%s)', inst.name, inst.id, ctx.img.name, ctx.img.version, inst.package ? format(', %s', inst.package) : ''); } next(); }); }, function maybeWait(ctx, next) { if (!opts.wait) { return next(); } // 1 'wait': no distraction. // >1 'wait': distraction, pass in the N. var distraction; if (process.stderr.isTTY && opts.wait.length > 1) { distraction = distractions.createDistraction(opts.wait.length); } // Dry-run: fake wait for a few seconds. var waiter = (opts.dry_run ? function dryWait(waitOpts, waitCb) { setTimeout(function () { ctx.inst.state = 'running'; waitCb(null, ctx.inst); }, 5000); } : tritonapi.cloudapi.waitForMachineStates.bind( tritonapi.cloudapi)); waiter({ id: ctx.inst.id, states: ['running', 'failed'] }, function (err, inst) { if (distraction) { distraction.destroy(); } if (err) { return next(err); } if (opts.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(inst)); } else if (inst.state === 'running') { var dur = Date.now() - ctx.start; console.log('Created instance %s (%s) in %s', inst.name, inst.id, common.humanDurationFromMs(dur)); } if (inst.state !== 'running') { next(new Error(format('failed to create instance %s (%s)', inst.name, inst.id))); } else { next(); } }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err); }); } do_create.options = [ { names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool', help: 'Show this help.' }, { group: 'Create options' }, { names: ['name', 'n'], helpArg: 'NAME', type: 'string', help: 'Instance name. If not given, one will be generated server-side.' }, { names: ['tag', 't'], type: 'arrayOfString', helpArg: 'TAG', help: 'Add a tag when creating the instance. Tags are ' + 'key/value pairs available on the instance API object as the ' + '"tags" field. TAG is one of: a "key=value" string (bool and ' + 'numeric "value" are converted to that type), a JSON object ' + '(if first char is "{"), or a "@FILE" to have tags be ' + 'loaded from FILE. This option can be used multiple times.' }, { names: ['affinity', 'a'], type: 'arrayOfString', helpArg: 'RULE', help: 'Affinity rules for selecting a server for this instance. ' + 'Rules have one of the following forms: `instance==INST` (the ' + 'new instance must be on the same server as INST), ' + '`instance!=INST` (new inst must *not* be on the same server as ' + 'INST), `instance==~INST` (*attempt* to place on the same server ' + 'as INST), or `instance!=~INST` (*attempt* to place on a server ' + 'other than INST\'s). `INST` is an existing instance name or ' + 'id. Use this option more than once for multiple rules.', completionType: 'tritonaffinityrule' }, { group: '' }, { names: ['network', 'N'], type: 'arrayOfCommaSepString', helpArg: 'NETWORK', help: 'One or more comma-separated networks (ID, name or short id). ' + 'This option can be used multiple times.', completionType: 'tritonnetwork' }, { names: ['nic'], type: 'arrayOfString', helpArg: 'NICOPTS', help: 'A network interface object containing comma separated ' + 'key=value pairs (Network object format). ' + 'This option can be used multiple times for multiple NICs. ' + 'Valid keys are: ' + Object.keys(NETWORK_OBJECT_FIELDS).join(', ') }, { // TODO: add boolNegationPrefix:'no-' when that cmdln pull is in names: ['firewall'], type: 'bool', help: 'Enable Cloud Firewall on this instance. See ' + '' }, { names: ['deletion-protection'], type: 'bool', help: 'Enable Deletion Protection on this instance. Such an instance ' + 'cannot be deleted until the protection is disabled. See ' + '' }, { names: ['volume', 'v'], type: 'arrayOfString', help: 'Mount a volume into the instance (non-KVM only). VOLMOUNT is ' + '"[:access-mode]" where access mode is ' + 'one of "ro" for read-only or "rw" for read-write (default). For ' + 'example: "-v myvolume:/mnt:ro" to mount "myvolume" read-only on ' + '/mnt in this instance.', helpArg: 'VOLMOUNT', hidden: true }, { group: '' }, { names: ['metadata', 'm'], type: 'arrayOfString', helpArg: 'DATA', help: 'Add metadata when creating the instance. Metadata are ' + 'key/value pairs available on the instance API object as the ' + '"metadata" field, and inside the instance via the "mdata-*" ' + 'commands. DATA is one of: a "key=value" string (bool and ' + 'numeric "value" are converted to that type), a JSON object ' + '(if first char is "{"), or a "@FILE" to have metadata be ' + 'loaded from FILE. This option can be used multiple times.' }, { names: ['metadata-file', 'M'], type: 'arrayOfString', helpArg: 'KEY=FILE', help: 'Set a metadata key KEY from the contents of FILE.' }, { names: ['script'], type: 'arrayOfString', helpArg: 'FILE', help: 'Load a file to be used for the "user-script" metadata key. In ' + 'Joyent-provided images, the user-script is run at every boot ' + 'of the instance. This is a shortcut for `-M user-script=FILE`.' }, { group: 'Other options' }, { names: ['dry-run'], type: 'bool', help: 'Go through the motions without actually creating.' }, { names: ['wait', 'w'], type: 'arrayOfBool', help: 'Wait for the creation to complete. Use multiple times for a ' + 'spinner.' }, { names: ['json', 'j'], type: 'bool', help: 'JSON stream output.' } ]; do_create.synopses = ['{{name}} {{cmd}} [OPTIONS] IMAGE PACKAGE']; do_create.help = [ /* BEGIN JSSTYLED */ 'Create a new instance.', '', '{{usage}}', '', '{{options}}', 'Where IMAGE is an image name, name@version, id, or short id (from ', '`spearhead image list`) and PACKAGE is a package name, id, or short id', '(from `spearhead package list`).' /* END JSSTYLED */ ].join('\n'); do_create.helpOpts = { maxHelpCol: 16 }; do_create.completionArgtypes = ['tritonimage', 'tritonpackage', 'none']; module.exports = do_create;