/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015, Joyent, Inc. */ /* * Test subcommands existence and usage */ var f = require('util').format; var h = require('./helpers'); var test = require('tape'); var common = require('../../lib/common'); var subs = [ ['info'], ['profile'], ['profile list', 'profile ls', 'profiles'], ['profile get'], ['profile set-current'], ['profile create'], ['profile edit'], ['profile delete', 'profile rm'], ['account'], ['account get'], ['account update'], ['services'], ['datacenters'], ['instance', 'inst'], ['instance list', 'instance ls', 'instances', 'insts', 'ls'], ['instance get'], ['instance create', 'create'], ['instance start', 'start'], ['instance stop', 'stop'], ['instance reboot', 'reboot'], ['instance delete', 'instance rm', 'delete', 'rm'], ['instance wait'], ['instance audit'], ['instance fwrules'], ['ssh'], ['network'], ['network list', 'networks'], ['network get'], ['key'], ['key add'], ['key list', 'key ls', 'keys'], ['key get'], ['key delete', 'key rm'], ['image', 'img'], ['image get'], ['image list', 'images', 'imgs'], ['package', 'pkg'], ['package get'], ['package list', 'packages', 'pkgs'], ['snapshot'], ['snapshot create'], ['snapshot list', 'snapshot ls'], ['snapshot get'], ['snapshot delete', 'snapshot rm'], ['fwrule'], ['fwrule create'], ['fwrule list', 'fwrule ls'], ['fwrule get'], ['fwrule update'], ['fwrule delete', 'fwrule rm'], ['fwrule enable'], ['fwrule disable'], ['fwrule instances', 'fwrule insts'], ['rbac'], ['rbac info'], ['rbac apply'], ['rbac users'], ['rbac user'], ['rbac keys'], ['rbac key'], ['rbac policies'], ['rbac policy'], ['rbac roles'], ['rbac role'], ['rbac instance-role-tags'], ['rbac image-role-tags'], ['rbac network-role-tags'], ['rbac package-role-tags'], ['rbac role-tags'] ]; // --- Tests test('triton subcommands', function (ttt) { // loop each sub command group subs.forEach(function (subcmds) { ttt.test(f(' [%s]', subcmds), function (tt) { var out = []; // loop each individual subcommand to test // triton help // triton -h subcmds.forEach(function (subcmd) { var helpArgs = subcmd.split(' '); helpArgs.splice(helpArgs.length - 1, 0, 'help'); tt.test(f(' triton %s', helpArgs.join(' ')), function (t) { h.triton(helpArgs, function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (h.ifErr(t, err, 'no error')) return t.end(); t.equal(stderr, '', 'stderr produced'); t.notEqual(stdout, '', 'stdout empty'); out.push(stdout); t.end(); }); }); var flagArgs = subcmd.split(' ').concat('-h'); tt.test(f(' triton %s', flagArgs.join(' ')), function (t) { h.triton(flagArgs, function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (h.ifErr(t, err, 'no error')) return t.end(); t.equal(stderr, '', 'stderr produced'); t.notEqual(stdout, '', 'stdout empty'); out.push(stdout); t.end(); }); }); }); // ensure all stdout output is the same out.forEach(function (stdout) { tt.equal(stdout, out[0], 'stdout mismatch'); }); tt.end(); }); }); ttt.end(); });