triton create affinity support for tag matching, globs, regex note in README that full UUIDs is much faster in the API *type*: cloudapi changes to clarify: LX, docker, smartos, kvm instances # maybe next PUBAPI-1117 triton create -c|--count N Rate limiting. Testing with non-op accounts. I suspect PUBAPI-1117 and other usage will lead to rate limiting errors from cloudapi. `triton` should (a) retry reasonably on those error codes and (b) proactively control rate of cloudapi requests (tunable). triton images Drop 'state' in default columns. Add type to be able to see lx or not for 'linux' ones. That might hit that stupid naming problem. # another day triton config get|set|list # see 'npm config' triton --shell # or whatever, repl $ triton shell $profile> cd inst $profile inst> ls ... $profile inst> cd vm0 $profile inst/vm0> get ... $profile inst/vm0> cd snapshot $profile inst/vm0/snapshot> ls ... extensible triton commands: ~/.triton/plugins.d/$plugin.json Would be nice to not have to read/parse all these files for every run, i.e. lazily. Is that a problem for `triton` showing commands list? How do plugins in other node projects work? Is there an npm special thing that would work? Should plugins just be commands? Perhaps for starters, but don't hardcode that. $ cat build.json { "cmd": "build", "desc": "Build a Triton image from a Tritonfile" "require": "triton-plugin-build" }