/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright 2017 Joyent, Inc. * * `triton volume create ...` */ var assert = require('assert-plus'); var format = require('util').format; var vasync = require('vasync'); var common = require('../common'); var distractions = require('../distractions'); var errors = require('../errors'); var mod_volumes = require('../volumes'); function do_create(subcmd, opts, args, cb) { var self = this; if (opts.help) { this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], cb); return; } if (args.length !== 0) { cb(new errors.UsageError('incorrect number of args')); return; } vasync.pipeline({arg: {cli: this.top}, funcs: [ function validateVolumeSize(ctx, next) { if (opts.size === undefined) { next(); return; } try { ctx.size = mod_volumes.parseVolumeSize(opts.size); } catch (parseSizeErr) { next(parseSizeErr); return; } next(); }, common.cliSetupTritonApi, function createVolume(ctx, next) { var createVolumeParams = { type: 'tritonnfs', name: opts.name, network: opts.network, size: ctx.size }; if (opts.type) { createVolumeParams.type = opts.type; } self.top.tritonapi.createVolume(createVolumeParams, function onRes(volCreateErr, volume) { /* * VolumeSizeNotAvailable errors include additional * information in their message * about available volume sizes using units that are * different than the units node-triton users have to use * when specifying volume sizes on the command line * (mebibytes vs gibibytes). * As a result, we override this type of error to provide a * simpler message that is less confusing, and users can use * the "triton volume sizes" command to find out which * sizes are available. */ if (volCreateErr && volCreateErr.name === 'VolumeSizeNotAvailableError') { next(new Error('volume size not available, use ' + 'triton volume sizes command for available sizes')); return; } if (!volCreateErr && !opts.json) { console.log('Creating volume %s (%s)', volume.name, volume.id); } ctx.volume = volume; next(volCreateErr); }); }, function maybeWait(ctx, next) { var distraction; var waitTimeout = opts.wait_timeout === undefined ? undefined : opts.wait_timeout * 1000; if (!opts.wait) { next(); return; } if (process.stderr.isTTY && opts.wait.length > 1) { distraction = distractions.createDistraction(opts.wait.length); } self.top.tritonapi.cloudapi.waitForVolumeStates({ id: ctx.volume.id, states: ['ready', 'failed'], timeout: waitTimeout }, function onWaitDone(waitErr, volume) { if (distraction) { distraction.destroy(); } if (waitErr) { next(waitErr); return; } assert.object(volume, 'volume'); if (opts.json) { console.log(JSON.stringify(volume)); } else if (volume.state === 'ready') { console.log('Created volume %s (%s)', volume.name, volume.id); } else { next(new Error(format('failed to create volume %s (%s)', volume.name, volume.id))); return; } next(); }); } ]}, cb); } do_create.options = [ { names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool', help: 'Show this help.' }, { group: 'Create options' }, { names: ['name', 'n'], helpArg: 'NAME', type: 'string', help: 'Volume name. If not given, one will be generated server-side.' }, { names: ['type', 't'], helpArg: 'TYPE', type: 'string', help: 'Volume type. Default and currently only supported type is ' + '"tritonnfs".' }, { names: ['size', 's'], type: 'string', helpArg: 'SIZE', help: 'The size of the volume to create, in gibibytes, in the form ' + '`G`, e.g. `20G`. must be > 0. If a size is ' + 'not specified, the newly created volume will have a default ' + 'size corresponding to the smallest size available. Available ' + 'volume sizes can be listed via the "volume sizes" sub-command.', completionType: 'tritonvolumesize' }, { names: ['network', 'N'], type: 'string', helpArg: 'NETWORK', help: 'A network (ID, name or short id) to which the newly created ' + 'volume will be attached. By default, the newly created volume ' + 'will be attached to the account\'s default fabric network.', completionType: 'tritonnetwork' }, { group: 'Other options' }, { names: ['json', 'j'], type: 'bool', help: 'JSON stream output.' }, { names: ['wait', 'w'], type: 'arrayOfBool', help: 'Wait for the creation to complete. Use multiple times for a ' + 'spinner.' }, { names: ['wait-timeout'], type: 'positiveInteger', help: 'The number of seconds to wait before timing out with an error.' } ]; do_create.synopses = ['{{name}} {{cmd}} [OPTIONS]']; do_create.help = [ /* BEGIN JSSTYLED */ 'Create a volume.', '', '{{usage}}', '', '{{options}}', 'Note: Currently this dumps prettified JSON by default. That might change', 'in the future. Use "-j" to explicitly get JSON output.' /* END JSSTYLED */ ].join('\n'); do_create.completionArgtypes = ['tritonvolume', 'none']; module.exports = do_create;