import gulp from "gulp"; import cp from "child_process"; import gutil from "gulp-util"; import postcss from "gulp-postcss"; import cssImport from "postcss-import"; import cssnext from "postcss-cssnext"; import BrowserSync from "browser-sync"; import webpack from "webpack"; import webpackConfig from "./webpack.conf"; import inquirer from "inquirer"; import toml from "tomljs"; import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import kebabCase from "lodash.kebabcase"; import tomlify from "tomlify-j0.4"; const browserSync = BrowserSync.create(); const platform = getPlatform(process.platform); const hugoBin = `./bin/hugo_0.26_${platform}_amd64${platform === "windows" ? ".exe" : ""}`; const defaultArgs = ["-s", "site", "-v"]; const buildArgs = ["-d", "../dist"]; gulp.task("hugo", (cb) => buildSite(cb)); gulp.task("hugo-preview", (cb) => buildSite(cb, ["--buildDrafts", "--buildFuture"])); gulp.task("build", ["css", "js", "hugo"]); gulp.task("build-preview", ["css", "js", "hugo-preview"]); gulp.task("css", () => ( gulp.src("./src/css/*.css") .pipe(postcss([cssnext(), cssImport({from: "./src/css/main.css"})])) .pipe(gulp.dest("./dist/css")) .pipe( )); gulp.task("js", (cb) => { const myConfig = Object.assign({}, webpackConfig); webpack(myConfig, (err, stats) => { if (err) throw new gutil.PluginError("webpack", err); gutil.log("[webpack]", stats.toString({ colors: true, progress: true })); browserSync.reload(); cb(); }); }); gulp.task("server", ["hugo", "css", "js"], () => { browserSync.init({ server: { baseDir: "./dist" } });"./src/js/**/*.js", ["js"]);"./src/css/**/*.css", ["css"]);"./site/**/*", ["hugo"]); }); gulp.task("new-incident", (cb) => { const file = fs.readFileSync("site/config.toml").toString(); const config = toml(file); const questions = [{ type: "input", name: "name", message: "What is the cause of the incident?", validate: (value) => { if (value.length > 0) { return true; } return "You must have a cause title!"; } }, { type: "list", name: "severity", message: "What is the severity of the incident?", choices: ["under-maintenance", "degraded-performance", "partial-outage", "major-outage"] }, { type: "checkbox", name: "affected", message: "What are the affected systems?", choices:, validate: (value) => { if (value.length > 0) { return true; } return "You must have an affected system?!"; } }, { type: "input", name: "description", message: "Add a terse description of the incident" }, { type: "confirm", name: "open", message: "Open the incident for editing?", default: false }]; inquirer.prompt(questions).then((answers) => { let args = ["new", `incidents${path.sep}${kebabCase(}.md`]; args = args.concat(defaultArgs); const hugo = cp.spawn(hugoBin, args, {stdio: "pipe"}); hugo.stdout.on("data", (data) => { const message = data.toString(); if (message.indexOf(" created") === -1) { return; } const path = message.split(" ")[0]; const incident = fs.readFileSync(path).toString(); const frontMatter = toml(incident); frontMatter.severity = answers.severity; frontMatter.affectedsystems = answers.affected; frontMatter.title =, " "); const content = generateFrontMatter(frontMatter, answers); fs.writeFileSync(path, content); if (! { return; } let cmd = "xdg-open"; switch (platform) { case "darwin": { cmd = "open"; break; } case "windows": { cmd = "start"; break; } default: { cmd = "xdg-open"; break; } } cp.exec(`${cmd} ${path}`); }); hugo.on("close", (code) => { if (code === 0) { cb(); } else { cb("new incident creation failed"); } }); }); }); function getPlatform(platform) { switch (platform) { case "win32": case "win64": { return "windows"; } default: { return platform; } } } function generateFrontMatter(frontMatter, answers) { return `+++ ${tomlify(frontMatter, null, 2)} +++ ${answers.description}`; } function buildSite(cb, options) { let args = options ? defaultArgs.concat(options) : defaultArgs; args = args.concat(buildArgs); // cp needs to be in site directory return cp.spawn(hugoBin, args, {stdio: "inherit"}).on("close", (code) => { if (code === 0) { browserSync.reload(); cb(); } else { browserSync.notify("Hugo build failed :("); cb("Hugo build failed"); } }); }