const calc = require('reduce-css-calc'); const traverse = require('traverse'); const isFunction = require('lodash.isfunction'); const Color = require('color'); const tables = { tableBg: 'transparent', tableCellPadding: '.75rem' }; // const sizes = { gutterWidth: '1rem', outerMargin: '2rem', gutterCompensation: ({ gutterWidth }) => { return calc(`calc((${gutterWidth} * 0.5) * -1)`); }, halfGutterWidth: ({ gutterWidth }) => { return calc(`calc(${gutterWidth} * 0.5)`); }, xsMin: 30, smMin: 48, mdMin: 64, lgMin: 75, screenXsMin: ({ xsMin }) => { return `${xsMin}em`; }, screenSmMin: ({ smMin }) => { return `${smMin}em`; }, screenMdMin: ({ mdMin }) => { return `${mdMin}em`; }, screenLgMin: ({ lgMin }) => { return `${lgMin}em`; }, containerSm: ({ gutterWidth, smMin }) => { return calc(`calc(${smMin} + ${gutterWidth})`); }, containerMd: ({ gutterWidth, mdMin }) => { return calc(`calc(${mdMin} + ${gutterWidth})`); }, containerLg: ({ gutterWidth, lgMin }) => { return calc(`calc(${lgMin} + ${gutterWidth})`); } }; const forms = { cursorDisabled: 'not-allowed' }; const colors = { brandPrimary: '#0275d8', brandSecondary: '#160D42', grayLight: '#818a91', confirmation: '#38C647' }; const typography = { dtFontWeight: 'bold', abbrBorderColor: colors.grayLight, textMuted: colors.grayLight }; const links = { linkColor: colors.brandPrimary, linkDecoration: 'none', linkHoverColor: ({ linkColor }) => { return Color(linkColor).darken('0.15').hexString(); }, linkHoverDecoration: 'underline' }; // const breakpoints = { // >= 768px sm: 'only screen and (min-width: 48em)', // >= 1024px md: 'only screen and (min-width: 64em)', // >= 1200px lg: 'only screen and (min-width: 75em)' }; module.exports = traverse({ breakpoints, colors, forms, links, sizes, tables, typography }).map(function(x) { return isFunction(x) ? x(this.parent.node) : x; });