import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form'; import ServiceScaleMutation from '@graphql/ServiceScale.gql'; import { Loader, ErrorMessage } from '@components/messaging'; import { ServiceScale as ServiceScaleComponent } from '@components/service'; import { Modal } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import ServiceGql from './service-gql'; class ServiceScale extends Component { render() { if (this.props.loading) { return ; } if (this.props.error) { return ( ); } const { service, scale, history, match } = this.props; const validateReplicas = ({ replicas }) => { if (replicas === '') { return { replicas: 'Please enter the number of instances you would like to scale to.' }; } }; const ServiceScaleForm = reduxForm({ form: 'scale-service', destroyOnUnmount: true, forceUnregisterOnUnmount: true, validate: validateReplicas, initialValues: { replicas: service.instances.length } })(ServiceScaleComponent); const handleCloseClick = evt => { const closeUrl = match.url.split('/').slice(0, -2).join('/'); history.replace(closeUrl); }; const handleSubmitClick = values => { scale(, values.replicas); }; return ( ); } } ServiceScale.propTypes = { service: PropTypes.object, history: PropTypes.object, scale: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; const ServiceScaleGql = graphql(ServiceScaleMutation, { props: ({ mutate }) => ({ scale: (serviceId, replicas) => mutate({ variables: { serviceId, replicas } }) }) }); const ServiceScaleWithData = compose(ServiceScaleGql, ServiceGql)(ServiceScale); export default ServiceScaleWithData;