{ "dashboard": { "title": "Dashboard", "general": { "save": "Save changes", "close": "Close without saving" }, "list": { "add": "Create a new machine", "search": "Search...", "searchTooltip": "Search by name, tag, metadata, operating system or brand", "clearSearch": "Clear search", "noResults": "No machine matches your filters", "filters": "Showing {filteredCount} (out of {totalCount}: {totalRunning} running, {totalStopped} stopped)", "filterByState": "Filter by state", "anyState": "Any state", "filterByMemory": "Filter by memory", "filterByDisk": "Filter by disk size", "between": "Between", "and": "and", "resetFilters": "Reset filters", "showDetails": "Show machine details", "dualColumns": "2 columns on large displays", "sortBy": "Sort by {sortProperty}", "sortByName": "Name", "sortByOs": "Operating system", "sortByBrand": "Brand", "sortByImage": "Image", "sortByState": "State" }, "listItem": { "infrastructureContainer": "{brand} - Infrastructure container", "virtualMachine": "{brand} - Virtual machine", "stateRunning": "Running", "stateStopping": "Stopping", "stateProvisioning": "Provisioning", "stateStopped": "Stopped", "stateStarting": "Starting", "restart": "Restart this machine", "moreOptions": "More options", "rename": "Rename this machine", "editTags": "Edit machine tags", "editMetadata": "Edit machine metadata", "clone": "Create a machine with same specs", "createImage": "Create an image from this machine", "stop": "Stop this machine", "delete": "Delete this machine", "history": "Show machine history", "renameTitle": "Rename machine", "renamePrompt": "Type in the new name for your machine", "renamePlaceholder": "New machine name", "renameButtonText": "Change machine name", "messages": { "starting": "Starting machine \"{machineName}\"...", "started": "The machine \"{machineName}\" has been started", "startFailed": "Failed to start the machine \"{machineName}\" {errorDetails}", "restarting": "Restarting machine \"{machineName}\"...", "restarted": "The machine \"{machineName}\" has been restarted", "restartFailed": "Failed to restart the machine \"{machineName}\" {errorDetails}", "stopping": "Stopping machine \"{machineName}\"...", "stopped": "The machine \"{machineName}\" has been stopped", "stopFailed": "Failed to stop the machine \"{machineName}\" {errorDetails}", "upgrading": "Changing machine \"{machineName}\" specifications...", "upgraded": "The machine \"{machineName}\" specifications have been changed", "upgradeFailed": "Failed to change the specifications the machine \"{machineName}\" {errorDetails}", "renameSameName": "You provided the same name for machine \"{machineName}\"", "renamed": "The \"{oldMachineName}\" machine has been renamed to \"{newMachineName}\"", "renamingFailed": "Failed to rename the \"{machineName}\" machine", "creatingImageFromMachine": "Creating a new image based on the \"{machineName}\" machine...", "imageCreated": "A new image \"{imageName}\" based on the \"{machineName}\" machine has been created", "imageCreationFailed": "Failed to create an image based on the \"{machineName}\" machine {errorDetails}", "deleteConfirmation": "Are you sure you wish to permanently delete the \"{machineName}\" machine?", "deleting": "Removing the \"{machineName}\" machine...", "deleted": "The \"{machineName}\" machine has been removed", "deletingFailed": "Failed to delete the \"{machineName}\" machine", "loadingFailed": "Failed to load additional details for the \"{machineName}\" machine" } }, "infoTab": { "title": "Info", "machineId": "Machine ID", "clipboard": "Copy link to clipboard", "preventDeletion": "Prevent this machine from being deleted", "messages": { "deletionProtectionToggled": "The deletion protection for machine \"{machineName}\" is now {status}", "deletionProtectionToggleError": "Failed to toggle the deletion protection for machine \"{machineName}\" {errorDetails}", "copied": "The DNS address has been copied to the clipboard", "loadError": "Couldn't load details for machine \"{machineName}\" {errorDetails}" } }, "networkTab": { "title": "Network", "connect": "Connect to a network", "publicNetworks": "Public networks", "privateNetworks": "Private networks", "connectTo": "Connect machine to {networkName}", "public": "Public network", "private": "Private network", "primary": "Primary network interface", "ip": "IP address", "gateway": "Gateway", "disconnect": "Disconnect from this network", "toggleCloudFirewall": "Toggle cloud firewall", "confirmationTitle": "Confirm", "messages": { "loadError": "Failed to load the list of available networks for machine \"{machineName}\" {errorDetails}", "disconnectConfirmation": "Disconnecting from the \"{networkName}\" network will reboot this machine. Do you wish to continue?", "disconnectConfirm": "Yes, disconnect from this network", "disconnectDecline": "No, stay connected", "connectConfirmation": "Connecting to a network will cause this machine to reboot. Do you wish to continue?", "connectConfirm": "Yes, connect to this network", "connectDecline": "No, don't connect", "connecting": "Connecting machine \"{machineName}\" to the \"{networkName}\" network...", "connected": "The machine \"{machineName}\" has been connected to the \"{networkName}\" network", "connectError": "Failed to connect machine \"{machineName}\" to the \"{networkName}\" network {errorDetails}", "disconnecting": "Disconnecting machine \"{machineName}\" from the \"{networkName}\" network...", "disconnected": "The network interface has been removed from machine \"{machineName}\"", "disconnectError": "Failed to disconnect machine \"{machineName}\" from the \"{networkName}\" network {errorDetails}", "firewallToggled": "The cloud firewall for machine \"{machineName}\" is now {status}", "firewallToggleError": "Failed to toggle the cloud firewall for machine \"{machineName}\" {errorDetails}" } }, "snapshotsTab": { "title": "Snapshots", "search": "Search by name...", "searchTooltip": "Click to search", "add": "Create a new snapshot", "addPlaceholder": "New snapshot name", "start": "Start machine from this snapshot", "delete": "Delete this snapshot", "restoring": "restoring", "created": "created", "queued": "queued", "confirmationTitle": "Confirm", "messages": { "created": "A new snapshot \"{snapshotName}\" has been created for machine \"{machineName}\"", "creationError": "Failed to create snapshot for machine \"{machineName}\" {errorDetails}", "restarting": "Restarting machine \"{machineName}\"", "restartError": "Failed to restore machine \"{machineName}\" to \"{snapshotName}\" snapshot", "confirmationTitle": "Confirmation", "restorePrompt": "Restoring the \"{snapshotName}\" snapshot will reboot the \"{machineName}\" machine. Do you wish to continue?", "restoreConfirm": "Yes, reboot and restore", "restoreDecline": "No, don't restore", "restoring": "Restoring machine \"{machineName}\" from \"{snapshotName}\" snapshot...", "restored": "The machine \"{machineName}\" has been started from the \"{snapshotName}\" snapshot", "deletePrompt": "Are you sure you wish to permanently delete the \"{snapshotName}\" snapshot?", "deleteConfirm": "Yes, delete this snapshot", "deleteDecline": "No, keep it", "deleted": "The \"{snapshotName}\" snapshot has been deleted", "deleteError": "Failed to delete the \"{snapshotName}\" snapshot {errorDetails}" } }, "tags": { "title": "Machine tags", "addHeader": "Add a new tag by specifying its key and value", "add": "Add tag", "remove": "Remove this tag", "keyExists": "The key \"{key}\" is already present" }, "metadata": { "title": "Machine metadata", "addHeader": "Add a new metadata by specifying its key and value", "add": "Add metadata", "remove": "Remove this metadata", "keyExists": "The key \"{key}\" is already present" }, "wizard": { "stepImageTitle": "Image", "stepImageDescription": "The image used to provision this machine", "stepPackageTitle": "Image", "stepPackageDescription": "This machine's technical specifications", "stepSettingsTitle": "Settings", "stepSettingsDescription": "Name your machine, configure networks and setup volumes", "stepCreateTitle": "Create", "stepCreateDescription": "Tag and create your machine", "add": "Create a new machine", "imageTypeHint": "Pick the type of machine you wish to create and the image used to provision it", "container": "Infrastructure container", "vm": "Virtual machine", "docker": "Docker container", "custom": "Custom images", "more": "more", "packageHint": "Choose the package that matches the technical specifications this machine will have", "nameHint": "Give this machine a name for easier lookup", "namePlaceholder": "Name", "networksHint": "Which networks will this machine use?", "noNetworks": "There are no networks configured", "enableFirewall": "Enable the firewall for you machine", "cloudFirewall": "Cloud firewall", "volumesHint": "Choose the volumes you wish to mount", "volumeName": "Volume name", "volumeMountPoint": "Mount point", "volumeMountPointTooltip": "Must begin with a '/' and be at least 2 characters long", "volumeReadOnly": "Read only", "volumesDisabled": "Volumes are disabled for KVM packages", "noVolumes": "You don't have any volumes defined", "tagsHint": "Tags make it easier to lookup an machine", "addTag": "Add a new tag", "removeTag": "Remove this tag", "metadataHint": "Metadata makes it easier to find a machine", "addMetadata": "Add metadata", "removeMetadata": "Remove this metadata", "affinityHint": "Affinity", "affinityTip": "Affinity (aka 'locality') controls whether the machine should be placed close to or away from other machines.", "affinityRequired": "Provision only when the affinity criteria are met", "previousStep": "Previous step", "createButtonText": "Create machine", "ready": "You're about to create {imageType} having {packageDescription}, named {machineName}, based on the {imageDescription}", "readyImageTypeContainer": "an infrastructure container", "readyImageTypeVm": "a virtual machine", "readyPackageDescription": "{cpu} vCPUs, {memory} RAM and {disk} storage", "messages": { "creationFailed": "Failed to create machine {errorDetails}" } }, "packageSelector": { "title": "Change machine specifications", "subTitle": "Pick the package that best suits your requirements", "currentPackage": "This machine's current package is", "selectedPackage": "This package you've selected is", "keepCurrent": "Keep current package", "useSelected": "Use selected package" }, "history": { "title": "Machine history", "action": "Action", "when": "When", "finished": "Finished", "messages": { "loadFailed": "Failed to retrieve the audit log for \"{machineName}\" machine" } } } }