import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { NetworkingService } from '../helpers/networking.service'; import { BsModalService } from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal'; import { distinctUntilChanged, first, takeUntil, debounceTime, filter, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { NetworkEditorComponent } from '../network-editor/network-editor.component'; import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr'; import { VirtualNetworkEditorComponent } from '../virtual-network-editor/virtual-network-editor.component'; import { ConfirmationDialogComponent } from '../../components/confirmation-dialog/confirmation-dialog.component'; import { Network } from '../models/network'; import { VirtualAreaNetwork } from '../models/vlan'; import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators, AbstractControl, FormArray } from '@angular/forms'; import Fuse from 'fuse.js'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { sortArray } from '../../helpers/utils.service'; import { Title } from "@angular/platform-browser"; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-networks', templateUrl: './networks.component.html', styleUrls: ['./networks.component.scss'] }) export class NetworksComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { vlans: VirtualAreaNetwork[]; listItems: VirtualAreaNetwork[]; loadingIndicator = true; editorForm: FormGroup; private readonly fuseJsOptions: {}; private destroy$ = new Subject(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- constructor(private readonly networkingService: NetworkingService, private readonly modalService: BsModalService, private readonly toastr: ToastrService, private readonly fb: FormBuilder, private readonly titleService: Title, private readonly translationService: TranslateService) { translationService.get('networking.networks.title').pipe(first()).subscribe(x => titleService.setTitle(`Spearhead - ${x}`)); this.getVlans(); // Configure FuseJs this.fuseJsOptions = { includeScore: false, minMatchCharLength: 2, includeMatches: true, shouldSort: false, threshold: .3, // Lower value means a more exact search keys: [ { name: 'name', weight: .9 }, { name: '', weight: .7 } ] }; this.createForm(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private createForm() { this.editorForm = { searchTerm: [''], sortProperty: ['name'] }); this.editorForm.get('searchTerm').valueChanges .pipe( debounceTime(300), distinctUntilChanged(), takeUntil(this.destroy$) ) .subscribe(() => this.applyFiltersAndSort()); this.editorForm.get('sortProperty').valueChanges .pipe( distinctUntilChanged(), takeUntil(this.destroy$) ) .subscribe(() => this.applyFiltersAndSort()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private applyFiltersAndSort() { let listItems: VirtualAreaNetwork[] = null; const searchTerm = this.editorForm.get('searchTerm').value; if (searchTerm.length >= 2) { const fuse = new Fuse(this.vlans, this.fuseJsOptions); const fuseResults =; listItems = => x.item as VirtualAreaNetwork); } if (!listItems) listItems = [...this.vlans]; this.listItems = sortArray(listItems, this.editorForm.get('sortProperty').value); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setSortProperty(propertyName: string) { this.editorForm.get('sortProperty').setValue(propertyName); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clearSearch() { this.editorForm.get('searchTerm').setValue(''); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private getVlans() { this.networkingService.getFabricVirtualLocalAreaNetworks() .subscribe(x => { //// DEMO ONLY !!!!! //const arr = new Array(21); //for (let j = 0; j < 21; j++) //{ // const el = { ...x[0] }; // = this.dummyNames[j]; // arr[j] = el; //} //// DEMO ONLY !!!!! this.vlans = => { return v; }).filter(n => !n.public); this.applyFiltersAndSort(); this.loadingIndicator = false; }); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getNetworks(expanded: boolean, vlan: VirtualAreaNetwork) { vlan.expanded = expanded; if (!expanded || vlan.networks) return; vlan.working = true; this.networkingService.getFabricNetworks(vlan.vlan_id) .subscribe(x => { //// DEMO ONLY !!!!! //const arr = new Array(21); //for (let j = 0; j < 21; j++) //{ // const el = { ...x[0] }; // = this.dummyNames[j]; // el.resolvers = this.dummyIPs; // const key: string = this.dummyIPs[j]; // el.routes = { // [key]: this.dummyIPs[j] // }; // arr[j] = el; //} //// DEMO ONLY !!!!! vlan.networks = x; vlan.working = false; }, err => { this.toastr.error(`Couldn't load the networks for VLAN "${}"`); vlan.working = false; }); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- showVlanEditor(vlan?: VirtualAreaNetwork) { const modalConfig = { ignoreBackdropClick: true, keyboard: false, animated: true, initialState: { vlan } }; const modalRef =, modalConfig); => { const observable = vlan ? this.networkingService.editFabricVirtualLocalAreaNetwork(x.vlan_id,, x.description) : this.networkingService.addFabricVirtualLocalAreaNetwork(x); observable.subscribe(response => { if (vlan) { =; vlan.description = x.description; } else this.vlans.push(response); }, err => { this.toastr.error(err.error.message); }); }); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deleteVlan(vlan: VirtualAreaNetwork) { const modalConfig = { ignoreBackdropClick: true, keyboard: false, animated: true, initialState: { prompt: `Are you sure you wish to permanently delete the "${}" VLAN?`, confirmButtonText: 'Yes, delete this virtual network', declineButtonText: 'No, keep it', confirmByDefault: false } }; const modalRef =, modalConfig); modalRef.content.confirm.pipe(first()).subscribe(() => { this.networkingService.deleteFabricVirtualLocalAreaNetwork(vlan.vlan_id) .subscribe(() => { const index = this.vlans.findIndex(x => x.vlan_id === vlan.vlan_id); if (index >= 0) { this.vlans.splice(index, 1); this.applyFiltersAndSort(); }`The "${}" virtual network has been deleted`); }, err => { const errorDetails = err.error?.message ? `(${err.error.message})` : ''; this.toastr.error(`Failed to remove the "${}" virtual network ${errorDetails}`); }); }); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- showNetworkEditor(vlan: VirtualAreaNetwork, network?: Network) { const modalConfig = { ignoreBackdropClick: true, keyboard: false, animated: true, initialState: { vlan, network } }; const modalRef =, modalConfig); modalRef.setClass('modal-lg'); => { if (network) { // Update existing entry =; network.subnet = x.subnet; network.provision_start_ip = x.provision_start_ip; network.provision_end_ip = x.provision_end_ip; network.gateway = x.gateway; network.resolvers = x.resolvers; network.routes = x.routes; } else { vlan.networks = vlan.networks || []; vlan.networks.push(x); } }); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deleteNetwork(vlan: VirtualAreaNetwork, network: Network) { const modalConfig = { ignoreBackdropClick: true, keyboard: false, animated: true, initialState: { prompt: `Are you sure you wish to permanently delete the "${}" > "${}" network?`, confirmButtonText: 'Yes, delete this network', declineButtonText: 'No, keep it', confirmByDefault: false } }; const modalRef =, modalConfig); modalRef.content.confirm.pipe( first(), switchMap(() => this.networkingService.deleteFabricNetworks(vlan.vlan_id, ) .subscribe(() => { const index = vlan.networks.findIndex(x => ===; if (index >= 0) vlan.networks.splice(index, 1);`The "${}" network has been deleted`); }, err => { const errorDetails = err.error?.message ? `(${err.error.message})` : ''; this.toastr.error(`Failed to remove the "${}" network ${errorDetails}`); }); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ngOnInit(): void { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy$.next(); } }