# Project Information site_name: Spearhead Systems Incident Response Documentation site_description: A collection of information about the Spearhead Systems incident response process. Not only how to prepare new employees for on-call responsibilities, but also how to handle major incidents, both in preparation and after-work. site_author: Spearhead Systems, Inc. site_favicon: 'assets/img/icon.png' site_url: https://response.spearhead.systems # Repository repo_name: 'GitHub' repo_url: https://github.com/spearheadsys/issue-response-docs # Copyright copyright: 'Copyright © Spearhead Systems, Inc.' # Theme theme: 'material' theme_dir: 'theme' extra_css: ['assets/css/extra.css'] extra: logo: 'assets/img/icon.png' cover: 'assets/img/cover.png' palette: primary: 'green' accent: 'blue grey' font: text: 'Colfax Regular' code: 'Roboto Mono' author: github: 'spearheadsys' twitter: 'spearhead_sys' # Contents pages: - Home: 'index.md' - On-Call: - Being On-Call: 'oncall/being_oncall.md' - Alerting Principles: 'oncall/alerting_principles.md' - Before an Incident: - Severity Levels: 'before/severity_levels.md' - Different Roles: 'before/different_roles.md' - Call Etiquette: 'before/call_etiquette.md' - During an Incident: - During An Incident: 'during/during_an_incident.md' - Security Incident: 'during/security_incident_response.md' - After an Incident: - Post-Mortem Process: 'after/post_mortem_process.md' - Post-Mortem Template: 'after/post_mortem_template.md' - Training: - Overview: 'training/overview.md' - Incident Commander: 'training/incident_commander.md' - Deputy: 'training/deputy.md' - Scribe: 'training/scribe.md' - Subject Matter Expert: 'training/subject_matter_expert.md' - Glossary: 'training/glossary.md' - About: 'about.md' # Analytics # google_analytics: ['UA-8759953-1', 'auto'] # Extensions markdown_extensions: - toc(permalink=#) - sane_lists: - admonition: