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title: Check for RDS licenses usage state
agents: windows
catalog: os/windows
license: GPL
This check return usage of RDS licenses.
You need to install the plugin {rds_licenses_2008.ps1}
into the {plugins} directory of your windows agent in
case of Win 2008 Server. In case of Win 2012 Server
in plugin directory must be copied elevate_shell.ps1
and the rds_licenses_2008.ps1 must be copied into
check_mk agent folder and the user which run the check_mk
service must be allowed to elevate privileges.
This check was tested with Windows 2008 Server
and must have PowerShell installed. On Windows x64 is
recommended to use x64 agent. As always you must set
"set-executionpolicy remotesigned" on monitored host.
The check gets critical if the usage percentage is above
95 percents and warning if the usage percentage is above
90 percents.
Both limits are definable in Wato under "Parameters for
Inventorized Checks", "Applications, Processes & Services".
One service will be created for each host running the plugin.
Licenses usage.