
191 lines
8.4 KiB

# -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
# +------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
# | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
# | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
# | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
# | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
# | |
# | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2017 |
# +------------------------------------------------------------------+
# This file is part of Check_MK.
# The official homepage is at
# check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
# in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
# out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
# tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
# to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# example output:
# <<<storeonce_clusterinfo:sep(9)>>>
# Appliance Name HPCT15732RTD
# Network Name
# Serial Number CT15732RTD
# Software Version 3.15.1-1636.1
# Product Class HPE StoreOnce 4700 Backup
# Total Capacity 75952.808613643
# Free Space 53819.324528395
# User Data Stored 305835.97014174
# Size On Disk 19180.587585836
# Total Capacity (bytes) 75952808613643
# Free Space (bytes) 53819324528395
# User Data Stored (bytes) 305835970141743
# Size On Disk (bytes) 19180587585836
# Dedupe Ratio 15.945078260667367
# Cluster Health Level 1
# Cluster Health OK
# Cluster Status Running
# Replication Health Level 1
# Replication Health OK
# Replication Status Running
# Uptime Seconds 4305030
# sysContact None
# sysLocation None
# isMixedCluster false
# .--general-------------------------------------------------------------.
# | _ |
# | __ _ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _| | |
# | / _` |/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | | |
# | | (_| | __/ | | | __/ | | (_| | | |
# | \__, |\___|_| |_|\___|_| \__,_|_| |
# | |___/ |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | |
# '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
#def parse_storeonce_clusterinfo(info):
# parsed = {}
# for line in info:
# parsed[line[0]] = line[1]
# return parsed
def inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo(parsed):
if "Product Class" in parsed:
return [ (parsed['Product Class'], None) ]
def check_storeonce_clusterinfo(item, _no_params, parsed):
return 0, "Name: %s, Serial Number: %s, Version: %s" % \
(parsed['Appliance Name'],
parsed['Serial Number'],
parsed['Software Version'])
check_info['storeonce_clusterinfo'] = {
'parse_function' : parse_storeonce_clusterinfo,
'inventory_function' : inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo,
'check_function' : check_storeonce_clusterinfo,
'service_description' : '%s',
'includes' : [ 'storeonce.include' ],
# .--cluster-------------------------------------------------------------.
# | _ _ |
# | ___| |_ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ |
# | / __| | | | / __| __/ _ \ '__| |
# | | (__| | |_| \__ \ || __/ | |
# | \___|_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_| |
# | |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | |
# '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
def inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_cluster(parsed):
if "Cluster Health" in parsed:
return [ (None, {}) ]
def check_storeonce_clusterinfo_cluster(item, params, parsed):
yield 0, "Cluster Status: %s, Replication Status: %s" % \
(parsed['Cluster Status'], parsed['Replication Status'])
# Check state of components
for component in ['Cluster Health', 'Replication Health']:
state = translate_storeonce_status(parsed['%s Level' % component])
state_readable = "%s: %s" % (component, parsed[component])
if state > 0:
yield state, state_readable
check_info['storeonce_clusterinfo.cluster'] = {
'inventory_function' : inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_cluster,
'check_function' : check_storeonce_clusterinfo_cluster,
'service_description' : 'Appliance Status',
# .--cluster space-------------------------------------------------------.
# | _ _ |
# | ___| |_ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ |
# | / __| | | | / __| __/ _ \ '__| / __| '_ \ / _` |/ __/ _ \ |
# | | (__| | |_| \__ \ || __/ | \__ \ |_) | (_| | (_| __/ |
# | \___|_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_| |___/ .__/ \__,_|\___\___| |
# | |_| |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | |
# '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
def inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_space(parsed):
return [ ('Total Capacity', {}) ]
def check_storeonce_clusterinfo_space(item, params, parsed):
total_mb = float(parsed['Total Capacity (bytes)'])/1024/1024
free_mb = float(parsed['Free Space (bytes)'])/1024/1024
yield df_check_filesystem_list(item, params, [ (item, total_mb, free_mb, 0) ])
dedup = float(parsed['Dedupe Ratio'])
yield 0, "Dedup: %.2f" % dedup
check_info[''] = {
'inventory_function' : inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_space,
'check_function' : check_storeonce_clusterinfo_space,
'service_description' : "%s",
'has_perfdata' : True,
'includes' : [ "size_trend.include", "df.include"],
'group' : "filesystem",
'default_levels_variable' : "filesystem_Default_levels",
# .--uptime--------------------------------------------------------------.
# | _ _ |
# | _ _ _ __ | |_(_)_ __ ___ ___ |
# | | | | | '_ \| __| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ |
# | | |_| | |_) | |_| | | | | | | __/ |
# | \__,_| .__/ \__|_|_| |_| |_|\___| |
# | |_| |
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | |
# '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
def inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_uptime(parsed):
return [ (None, {}) ]
def check_storeonce_clusterinfo_uptime(item, params, parsed):
uptime = float(parsed['Uptime Seconds'])
return check_uptime_seconds(params, uptime)
check_info['storeonce_clusterinfo.uptime'] = {
'inventory_function' : inventory_storeonce_clusterinfo_uptime,
'check_function' : check_storeonce_clusterinfo_uptime,
'service_description' : "Uptime",
'has_perfdata' : True,
'includes' : [ "uptime.include"],
'group' : "uptime",