joyent/node-triton#195 test *kvm* image creation

This commit is contained in:
Trent Mick 2017-04-03 12:37:58 -07:00
parent a8f4b57ba3
commit 33ff58c3d3
3 changed files with 327 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -22,9 +22,19 @@
// to true.
"skipAffinityTests": false,
// Optional. Set to 'true' to skip testing of KVM things. Some DCs might
// not support KVM (no KVM packages or images available).
"skipKvmTests": false,
// The params used for test provisions. By default the tests use:
// the smallest RAM package, the latest base* image.
"package": "<package name or uuid>",
"resizePackage": "<package name>",
"image": "<image uuid, name or name@version>"
// The params used for test *KVM* provisions. By default the tests use:
// the smallest RAM package with "kvm" in the name, the latest
// ubuntu-certified image.
"kvmPackage": "<package name or uuid>",
"kvmImage": "<image uuid, name or name@version>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright 2016, Joyent, Inc.
* Test image commands.
var format = require('util').format;
var os = require('os');
var test = require('tape');
var vasync = require('vasync');
var common = require('../../lib/common');
var h = require('./helpers');
// --- globals
var _RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX = 'nodetritontest-image-create-kvm-' + os.hostname();
var IMAGE_DATA = {
name: _RESOURCE_NAME_PREFIX + '-image',
version: '1.0.0'
var testOpts = {
skip: !h.CONFIG.allowWriteActions || h.CONFIG.skipKvmTests
// --- Tests
test('triton image ...', testOpts, function (tt) {
var imgNameVer = + '@' + IMAGE_DATA.version;
var originInst;
var img;
tt.comment('Test config:');
Object.keys(h.CONFIG).forEach(function (key) {
var value = h.CONFIG[key];
tt.comment(format('- %s: %j', key, value));
// TODO: `triton rm -f` would be helpful for this
tt.test(' setup: rm existing origin inst ' + ORIGIN_INST_ALIAS,
function (t) {
h.deleteTestInst(t, ORIGIN_INST_ALIAS, function onDel() {
// TODO: `triton rm -f` would be helpful for this
tt.test(' setup: rm existing derived inst ' + DERIVED_INST_ALIAS,
function (t) {
h.deleteTestInst(t, DERIVED_INST_ALIAS, function onDel() {
tt.test(' setup: rm existing img ' + imgNameVer, function (t) {
h.deleteTestImg(t, imgNameVer, function onDel() {
var originImgNameOrId;
tt.test(' setup: find origin image', function (t) {
h.getTestKvmImg(t, function (err, imgId) {
t.ifError(err, 'getTestImg' + (err ? ': ' + err : ''));
originImgNameOrId = imgId;
var pkgId;
tt.test(' setup: find test package', function (t) {
h.getTestKvmPkg(t, function (err, pkgId_) {
t.ifError(err, 'getTestPkg' + (err ? ': ' + err : ''));
pkgId = pkgId_;
var markerFile = '/nodetritontest-was-here.txt';
tt.test(' setup: triton create ... -n ' + ORIGIN_INST_ALIAS, function (t) {
var argv = ['create', '-wj', '-n', ORIGIN_INST_ALIAS,
'-m', 'user-script=touch ' + markerFile,
originImgNameOrId, pkgId];
h.safeTriton(t, argv, function (err, stdout) {
var lines = h.jsonStreamParse(stdout);
originInst = lines[1];
t.ok(, ' ' +;
t.equal(lines[1].state, 'running', 'originInst is running');
// TODO: I'd like to use this 'triton ssh INST touch $markerFile' to
// tweak the image. However, that current hangs when run via
// tape (don't know why yet). Instead we'll use a user-script to
// change the origin as our image change.
//tt.test(' setup: add marker to origin', function (t) {
// var argv = ['ssh',,
// '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
// '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null',
// 'touch', markerFile];
// h.safeTriton(t, argv, function (err, stdout) {
// t.ifError(err, 'adding origin marker file, err=' + err);
// t.end();
// });
tt.test(' triton image create ...', function (t) {
var argv = ['image', 'create', '-j', '-w', '-t', 'foo=bar',,, IMAGE_DATA.version];
h.safeTriton(t, argv, function (err, stdout) {
var lines = h.jsonStreamParse(stdout);
img = lines[1];
t.ok(img, 'created image, id=' +;
t.equal(,, '');
t.equal(img.version, IMAGE_DATA.version, 'img.version');
t.equal(img.public, false, 'img.public is false');
t.equal(img.state, 'active', 'img.state is active');
t.equal(img.origin, originInst.image, 'img.origin');
var derivedInst;
tt.test(' triton create ... -n ' + DERIVED_INST_ALIAS, function (t) {
var argv = ['create', '-wj', '-n', DERIVED_INST_ALIAS,, pkgId];
h.safeTriton(t, argv, function (err, stdout) {
var lines = h.jsonStreamParse(stdout);
derivedInst = lines[1];
t.ok(, ' ' +;
t.equal(lines[1].state, 'running', 'derivedInst is running');
// TODO: Once have `triton ssh ...` working in test suite without hangs,
// then want to check that the created VM has the markerFile.
// Remove instances. Add a test timeout, because '-w' on delete doesn't
// have a way to know if the attempt failed or if it is just taking a
// really long time.
tt.test(' cleanup: triton rm', {timeout: 10 * 60 * 1000}, function (t) {
h.safeTriton(t, ['rm', '-w',,],
function () {
tt.test(' cleanup: triton image rm', function (t) {
h.safeTriton(t, ['image', 'rm', '-f',], function () {

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Copyright (c) 2015, Joyent, Inc.
* Copyright 2017 Joyent, Inc.
@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ function triton(args, opts, cb) {
* @param {Tape} t - tape test object
* @param {Object|Array} opts - options object, or just the `triton` args
* @param {Function} cb - `function (err, stdout)`
* Note that `err` will already have been tested to be falsey via
* `t.error(err, ...)`, so it may be fine for the calling test case
* to ignore `err`.
function safeTriton(t, opts, cb) {
assert.object(t, 't');
@ -160,6 +163,7 @@ function safeTriton(t, opts, cb) {
* Find and return an image that can be used for test provisions. We look
* for an available base or minimal image.
@ -206,6 +210,47 @@ function getTestImg(t, cb) {
* Find and return an image that can be used for test *KVM* provisions.
* @param {Tape} t - tape test object
* @param {Function} cb - `function (err, imgId)`
* where `imgId` is an image identifier (an image name, shortid, or id).
function getTestKvmImg(t, cb) {
if (CONFIG.kvmImage) {
assert.string(CONFIG.kvmPackage, 'CONFIG.kvmPackage');
t.ok(CONFIG.kvmImage, 'kvmImage from config: ' + CONFIG.kvmImage);
cb(null, CONFIG.kvmImage);
var candidateImageNames = {
'ubuntu-certified-16.04': true
safeTriton(t, ['img', 'ls', '-j'], function (err, stdout) {
var imgId;
var imgs = jsonStreamParse(stdout);
// Newest images first.
tabula.sortArrayOfObjects(imgs, ['-published_at']);
var imgRepr;
for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
var img = imgs[i];
if (candidateImageNames[]) {
imgId =;
imgRepr = f('%s@%s',, img.version);
f('latest KVM image (using subset of supported names): %s (%s)',
imgId, imgRepr));
cb(err, imgId);
* Find and return an package that can be used for test provisions.
@ -222,6 +267,10 @@ function getTestPkg(t, cb) {
safeTriton(t, ['pkg', 'ls', '-j'], function (err, stdout) {
var pkgs = jsonStreamParse(stdout);
// Filter out those with 'kvm' in the name.
pkgs = pkgs.filter(function (pkg) {
return'kvm') == -1;
// Smallest RAM first.
tabula.sortArrayOfObjects(pkgs, ['memory']);
var pkgId = pkgs[0].id;
@ -231,6 +280,36 @@ function getTestPkg(t, cb) {
* Find and return an package that can be used for *KVM* test provisions.
* @param {Tape} t - tape test object
* @param {Function} cb - `function (err, pkgId)`
* where `pkgId` is an package identifier (a name, shortid, or id).
function getTestKvmPkg(t, cb) {
if (CONFIG.kvmPackage) {
assert.string(CONFIG.kvmPackage, 'CONFIG.kvmPackage');
t.ok(CONFIG.kvmPackage, 'kvmPackage from config: ' + CONFIG.kvmPackage);
cb(null, CONFIG.kvmPackage);
safeTriton(t, ['pkg', 'ls', '-j'], function (err, stdout) {
var pkgs = jsonStreamParse(stdout);
// Filter on those with 'kvm' in the name.
pkgs = pkgs.filter(function (pkg) {
return'kvm') !== -1;
// Smallest RAM first.
tabula.sortArrayOfObjects(pkgs, ['memory']);
var pkgId = pkgs[0].id;
t.ok(pkgId, f('smallest (RAM) available KVM package: %s (%s)',
pkgId, pkgs[0].name));
cb(null, pkgId);
* Find and return second smallest package name that can be used for
* test provisions.
@ -323,26 +402,76 @@ function createTestInst(t, name, cb) {
* Remove test instance, if exists.
* Delete the given test instance (by name or id). It is not an error for the
* instance to not exist. I.e. this is somewhat like `rm -f FILE`.
* Once we've validated that the inst exists, it *is* an error if the delete
* fails. This function checks that with `t.ifErr`.
* @param {Tape} t - Tape test object on which to assert details.
* @param {String} instNameOrId - The instance name or id to delete.
* @param {Function} cb - `function ()`. A deletion error is NOT returned
* currently, because it is checked via `t.ifErr`.
function deleteTestInst(t, name, cb) {
triton(['inst', 'get', '-j', name], function (err, stdout, stderr) {
function deleteTestInst(t, instNameOrId, cb) {
assert.object(t, 't');
assert.string(instNameOrId, 'instNameOrId');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
triton(['inst', 'get', '-j', instNameOrId],
function onInstGet(err, stdout, _) {
if (err) {
if (err.code === 3) { // `triton` code for ResourceNotFound
t.ok(true, 'no pre-existing alias in the way');
t.ok(true, 'no existing inst ' + instNameOrId);
} else {
t.ifErr(err, err);
return cb();
} else {
var instToRm = JSON.parse(stdout);
safeTriton(t, ['inst', 'rm', '-w',], function onRm() {
t.ok(true, 'deleted inst ' +;
var oldInst = JSON.parse(stdout);
* Delete the given test image (by name or id). It is not an error for the
* image to not exist. I.e. this is somewhat like `rm -f FILE`.
* Once we've validated that the image exists, it *is* an error if the delete
* fails. This function checks that with `t.ifErr`.
* @param {Tape} t - Tape test object on which to assert details.
* @param {String} imgNameOrId - The image name or id to delete.
* @param {Function} cb - `function ()`. A deletion error is NOT returned
* currently, because it is checked via `t.ifErr`.
function deleteTestImg(t, imgNameOrId, cb) {
assert.object(t, 't');
assert.string(imgNameOrId, 'imgNameOrId');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
safeTriton(t, ['delete', '-w',], function (dErr) {
t.ifError(dErr, 'deleted old inst ' +;
triton(['img', 'get', '-j', imgNameOrId],
function onImgGet(err, stdout, _) {
if (err) {
if (err.code === 3) { // `triton` code for ResourceNotFound
t.ok(true, 'no existing img ' + imgNameOrId);
} else {
t.ifErr(err, err);
} else {
var imgToRm = JSON.parse(stdout);
safeTriton(t, ['img', 'rm', '-w',], function onRm() {
t.ok(true, 'deleted img ' +;
@ -366,12 +495,18 @@ module.exports = {
triton: triton,
safeTriton: safeTriton,
createClient: createClient,
createTestInst: createTestInst,
deleteTestInst: deleteTestInst,
deleteTestImg: deleteTestImg,
getTestImg: getTestImg,
getTestKvmImg: getTestKvmImg,
getTestPkg: getTestPkg,
getTestKvmPkg: getTestKvmPkg,
getResizeTestPkg: getResizeTestPkg,
jsonStreamParse: jsonStreamParse,
printConfig: printConfig,