joyent/node-triton#59 `triton create -m,--metadata` etc. for adding metadata on instance creation

This commit is contained in:
Trent Mick 2015-12-07 11:28:59 -08:00
parent dfacb92445
commit 440d09f8b7
12 changed files with 591 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
# node-triton changelog
## 3.2.1 (not yet released)
## 3.3.0 (not yet released)
(nothing yet)
- #59 CLI options to `triton create` to add metadata on instance creation:
- `triton create -m,--metadata KEY=VALUE` to add a single value
- `triton create -m,--metadata @FILE` to add values from a JSON
or key/value-per-line file
- `triton create -M,--metadata-file KEY=FILE` to set a key from a file
- `triton create --script FILE` to set the special "user-script" key
from a file
## 3.2.0

View File

@ -10,8 +10,12 @@
* `triton create ...`
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var format = require('util').format;
var fs = require('fs');
var strsplit = require('strsplit');
var tabula = require('tabula');
var tilde = require('tilde-expansion');
var vasync = require('vasync');
var common = require('./common');
@ -19,19 +23,242 @@ var distractions = require('./distractions');
var errors = require('./errors');
function do_create_instance(subcmd, opts, args, callback) {
// ---- loading/parsing metadata from relevant options
* Load and validate metadata from these options:
* -m,--metadata DATA
* -M,--metadata-file KEY=FILE
* --script FILE
* <>
* says values may be string, num or bool.
function metadataFromOpts(opts, log, cb) {
assert.arrayOfObject(opts._order, 'opts._order');
assert.object(log, 'log');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
var metadata = {};
inputs: opts._order,
func: function metadataFromOpt(o, next) {
log.trace({opt: o}, 'metadataFromOpt');
if (o.key === 'metadata') {
if (!o.value) {
next(new errors.UsageError(
'empty metadata option value'));
} else if (o.value[0] === '{') {
_addMetadataFromJsonStr(metadata, o.value, null, next);
} else if (o.value[0] === '@') {
_addMetadataFromFile(metadata, o.value.slice(1), next);
} else {
_addMetadataFromKvStr(metadata, o.value, null, next);
} else if (o.key === 'metadata_file') {
_addMetadataFromKfStr(metadata, o.value, null, next);
} else if (o.key === 'script') {
_addMetadatumFromFile(metadata, 'user-script', o.value,
o.value, next);
} else {
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else if (Object.keys(metadata).length) {
cb(null, metadata);
} else {
var allowedTypes = ['string', 'number', 'boolean'];
function _addMetadatum(metadata, key, value, from, cb) {
assert.object(metadata, 'metadata');
assert.string(key, 'key');
assert.optionalString(from, 'from');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
if (allowedTypes.indexOf(typeof (value)) === -1) {
cb(new errors.UsageError(format(
'invalid metadata value type: must be one of %s: %s=%j',
allowedTypes.join(', '), key, value)));
if (metadata.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var valueStr = value.toString();
'warning: metadata "%s=%s"%s replaces earlier value for "%s"',
(valueStr.length > 10
? valueStr.slice(0, 7) + '...' : valueStr),
(from ? ' (from ' + from + ')' : ''),
metadata[key] = value;
function _addMetadataFromObj(metadata, obj, from, cb) {
assert.object(metadata, 'metadata');
assert.object(obj, 'obj');
assert.optionalString(from, 'from');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
inputs: Object.keys(obj),
func: function _oneField(key, next) {
_addMetadatum(metadata, key, obj[key], from, next);
}, cb);
function _addMetadataFromJsonStr(metadata, s, from, cb) {
try {
var obj = JSON.parse(s);
} catch (parseErr) {
cb(new errors.TritonError(parseErr,
format('metadata%s is not valid JSON',
(from ? ' (from ' + from + ')' : ''))));
_addMetadataFromObj(metadata, obj, from, cb);
function _addMetadataFromFile(metadata, file, cb) {
tilde(file, function (metaPath) {
fs.stat(metaPath, function (statErr, stats) {
if (statErr || !stats.isFile()) {
cb(new errors.TritonError(format(
'"%s" is not an existing file', file)));
fs.readFile(metaPath, 'utf8', function (readErr, data) {
if (readErr) {
* The file is either a JSON object (first non-space
* char is '{'), or newline-separated key=value
* pairs.
var dataTrim = data.trim();
if (dataTrim.length && dataTrim[0] === '{') {
_addMetadataFromJsonStr(metadata, dataTrim, file, cb);
} else {
var lines = dataTrim.split(/\r?\n/g).filter(
function (line) { return line.trim(); });
inputs: lines,
func: function oneLine(line, next) {
_addMetadataFromKvStr(metadata, line, file, next);
}, cb);
function _addMetadataFromKvStr(metadata, s, from, cb) {
var parts = strsplit(s, '=', 2);
if (parts.length !== 2) {
cb(new errors.UsageError(
'invalid KEY=VALUE metadata argument: ' + s));
var value = parts[1];
var valueTrim = value.trim();
if (valueTrim === 'true') {
value = true;
} else if (valueTrim === 'false') {
value = false;
} else {
var num = Number(value);
if (!isNaN(num)) {
value = num;
_addMetadatum(metadata, parts[0].trim(), value, from, cb);
* Add metadata from `KEY=FILE` argument.
* Here "Kf" stands for "key/file".
function _addMetadataFromKfStr(metadata, s, from, cb) {
var parts = strsplit(s, '=', 2);
if (parts.length !== 2) {
cb(new errors.UsageError(
'invalid KEY=FILE metadata argument: ' + s));
var key = parts[0].trim();
var file = parts[1];
_addMetadatumFromFile(metadata, key, file, file, cb);
function _addMetadatumFromFile(metadata, key, file, from, cb) {
tilde(file, function (filePath) {
fs.stat(filePath, function (statErr, stats) {
if (statErr || !stats.isFile()) {
cb(new errors.TritonError(format(
'metadata path "%s" is not an existing file',
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function (readErr, content) {
if (readErr) {
_addMetadatum(metadata, key, content, from, cb);
// ---- the command
function do_create_instance(subcmd, opts, args, cb) {
var self = this;
if ( {
this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], callback);
this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], cb);
} else if (args.length !== 2) {
return callback(new errors.UsageError('incorrect number of args'));
return cb(new errors.UsageError('incorrect number of args'));
var log = this.tritonapi.log;
var cloudapi = this.tritonapi.cloudapi;
vasync.pipeline({arg: {}, funcs: [
function loadMetadata(ctx, next) {
metadataFromOpts(opts, self.log, function (err, metadata) {
if (err) {
if (metadata) {
log.trace({metadata: metadata},
'metadata loaded from opts');
ctx.metadata = metadata;
function getImg(ctx, next) {
var _opts = {
name: args[0],
@ -87,6 +314,11 @@ function do_create_instance(subcmd, opts, args, callback) {
networks: ctx.nets &&
function (net) { return; })
if (ctx.metadata) {
Object.keys(ctx.metadata).forEach(function (key) {
createOpts['metadata.'+key] = ctx.metadata[key];
for (var i = 0; i < opts._order.length; i++) {
var opt = opts._order[i];
@ -111,7 +343,9 @@ function do_create_instance(subcmd, opts, args, callback) {
cloudapi.createMachine(createOpts, function (err, inst) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
next(new errors.TritonError(err,
'error creating instance'));
ctx.inst = inst;
if (opts.json) {
@ -172,7 +406,7 @@ function do_create_instance(subcmd, opts, args, callback) {
]}, function (err) {
@ -187,8 +421,9 @@ do_create_instance.options = [
names: ['name', 'n'],
helpArg: 'NAME',
type: 'string',
help: 'Instance name. If not given, a random one will be created.'
help: 'Instance name. If not given, one will be generated server-side.'
// TODO: add boolNegationPrefix:'no-' when that cmdln pull is in
@ -197,23 +432,47 @@ do_create_instance.options = [
help: 'Enable Cloud Firewall on this instance. See ' +
names: ['metadata', 'm'],
type: 'arrayOfString',
helpArg: 'DATA',
help: 'Add metadata to when creating the instance. Metadata are ' +
'key/value pairs available on the instance API object on the ' +
'"metadata" field, and inside the instance via the "mdata-*" ' +
'commands. DATA is one of: a "key=value" string (bool and ' +
'numeric "value" are converted to that type), a JSON object ' +
'(if first char is "{"), or a "@FILE" to have metadata be ' +
'loaded from FILE. This option cal be used multiple times.'
names: ['metadata-file', 'M'],
type: 'arrayOfString',
helpArg: 'KEY=FILE',
help: 'Set a metadata key KEY from the contents of FILE.'
names: ['script'],
type: 'arrayOfString',
helpArg: 'FILE',
help: 'Load a file to be used for the "user-script" metadata key. In ' +
'Joyent-provided images, the user-script is run at every boot ' +
'of the instance. This is a shortcut for `-M user-script=FILE`.'
// XXX arrayOfCommaSepString dashdash type
// names: ['networks', 'nets'],
// type: 'arrayOfCommaSepString',
// help: 'One or more (comma-separated) networks IDs.'
// XXX script (user-script)
// XXX tag
// XXX locality: near, far
// XXX metadata, metadata-file
group: 'Other options'
names: ['dry-run'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'Go through the motions without actually creating an instance.'
help: 'Go through the motions without actually creating.'
names: ['wait', 'w'],
@ -227,6 +486,7 @@ do_create_instance.options = [
help: 'JSON stream output.'
]; = (
'Create a new instance.\n' +
@ -238,6 +498,13 @@ = (
do_create_instance.helpOpts = {
maxHelpCol: 25
do_create_instance.aliases = ['create'];
module.exports = do_create_instance;
do_create_instance.metadataFromOpts = metadataFromOpts; // export for testing

View File

@ -25,23 +25,38 @@ var verror = require('verror'),
* Base error. Instances will always have a string `message` and
* a string `code` (a CamelCase string).
function _TritonBaseVError(options) {
assert.object(options, 'options');
assert.string(options.message, 'options.message');
assert.optionalString(options.code, 'options.code');
assert.optionalObject(options.cause, 'options.cause');
assert.optionalNumber(options.statusCode, 'options.statusCode');
function _TritonBaseVError(opts) {
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.string(opts.message, 'opts.message');
assert.optionalString(opts.code, 'opts.code');
assert.optionalObject(opts.cause, 'opts.cause');
assert.optionalNumber(opts.statusCode, 'opts.statusCode');
var self = this;
var args = [];
if (options.cause) args.push(options.cause);
VError.apply(this, args);
* If the given cause has `body.errors` a la
* then lets add text about those specifics to the error message.
var message = opts.message;
if (opts.cause && opts.cause.body && opts.cause.body.errors) {
opts.cause.body.errors.forEach(function (e) {
message += format('\n %s: %s', e.field, e.code);
if (e.message) {
message += ': ' + e.message;
var extra = Object.keys(options).filter(
var veArgs = [];
if (opts.cause) veArgs.push(opts.cause);
VError.apply(this, veArgs);
var extra = Object.keys(opts).filter(
function (k) { return ['cause', 'message'].indexOf(k) === -1; });
extra.forEach(function (k) {
self[k] = options[k];
self[k] = opts[k];
util.inherits(_TritonBaseVError, VError);
@ -51,29 +66,34 @@ util.inherits(_TritonBaseVError, VError);
* This is useful in cases where we are wrapping CloudAPI errors with
* onces that should *replace* the CloudAPI error message.
function _TritonBaseWError(options) {
assert.object(options, 'options');
assert.string(options.message, 'options.message');
assert.optionalString(options.code, 'options.code');
assert.optionalObject(options.cause, 'options.cause');
assert.optionalNumber(options.statusCode, 'options.statusCode');
function _TritonBaseWError(opts) {
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.string(opts.message, 'opts.message');
assert.optionalString(opts.code, 'opts.code');
assert.optionalObject(opts.cause, 'opts.cause');
assert.optionalNumber(opts.statusCode, 'opts.statusCode');
var self = this;
var args = [];
if (options.cause) args.push(options.cause);
WError.apply(this, args);
var weArgs = [];
if (opts.cause) weArgs.push(opts.cause);
WError.apply(this, weArgs);
var extra = Object.keys(options).filter(
var extra = Object.keys(opts).filter(
function (k) { return ['cause', 'message'].indexOf(k) === -1; });
extra.forEach(function (k) {
self[k] = options[k];
self[k] = opts[k];
util.inherits(_TritonBaseWError, WError);
* A generic (i.e. a cop out) code-less error.
* Usage:
* new TritonError(<message>)
* new TritonError(<cause>, <message>)
function TritonError(cause, message) {
if (message === undefined) {

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"name": "triton",
"description": "Joyent Triton CLI and client (",
"version": "3.2.1",
"version": "3.3.0",
"author": "Joyent (",
"dependencies": {
"assert-plus": "0.1.5",
"assert-plus": "0.2.0",
"backoff": "2.4.1",
"bigspinner": "3.1.0",
"bunyan": "1.5.1",

View File

@ -142,9 +142,16 @@ test('triton manage workflow', opts, function (tt) {
// create a test machine (blocking) and output JSON
tt.test(' triton create', function (t) {
h.safeTriton(t, ['create', '-wjn', INST_ALIAS, imgId, pkgId],
function (stdout) {
var argv = [
'-m', 'foo=bar',
'--script', __dirname + '/',
imgId, pkgId
h.safeTriton(t, argv, function (stdout) {
// parse JSON response
var lines = stdout.trim().split('\n');
t.equal(lines.length, 2, 'correct number of JSON lines');
@ -159,6 +166,8 @@ test('triton manage workflow', opts, function (tt) {
instance = lines[1];
t.equal(lines[0].id, lines[1].id, 'correct UUID given');
t.equal(lines[0], 'bar', 'foo metadata set');
t.ok(lines[0].metadata['user-script'], 'user-script set');
t.equal(lines[1].state, 'running', 'correct machine state');
@ -204,6 +213,7 @@ test('triton manage workflow', opts, function (tt) {
t.equal(output[0], 'bar', 'foo metadata set');
output.forEach(function (res) {
t.deepEqual(output[0], res, 'same data');
@ -219,6 +229,9 @@ test('triton manage workflow', opts, function (tt) {
// TODO: would be nice to have a `triton ssh cat /var/log/boot.log` to
// verify the user-script worked.
// create a test machine (non-blocking)
tt.test(' triton create', function (t) {
h.safeTriton(t, ['create', '-jn', INST_ALIAS, imgId, pkgId],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
touch $LOGFILE
echo "booted: $(date -u "+%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")" >>$LOGFILE

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"array": [1,2,3],
"obj": {"a": "A"}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"foo": "bar",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"foo": "bar",
"one": "four",
"num": 42

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
echo "hi"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright (c) 2015, Joyent, Inc.
* Unit tests for `metadataFromOpts()` used by `triton create ...`.
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var dashdash = require('dashdash');
var format = require('util').format;
var test = require('tape');
var metadataFromOpts = require('../../lib/do_create_instance').metadataFromOpts;
// ---- globals
var log = require('../lib/log');
var debug = function () {};
// debug = console.warn;
// ---- test cases
var OPTIONS = [
names: ['metadata', 'm'],
type: 'arrayOfString'
names: ['metadata-file', 'M'],
type: 'arrayOfString'
names: ['script'],
type: 'arrayOfString'
var cases = [
argv: ['triton', 'create', '-m', 'foo=bar'],
expect: {
metadata: {foo: 'bar'}
argv: ['triton', 'create', '-m', 'foo=bar', '-m', 'bling=bloop'],
expect: {
metadata: {
foo: 'bar',
bling: 'bloop'
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', 'num=42',
'-m', 'pi=3.14',
'-m', 'yes=true',
'-m', 'no=false',
'-m', 'array=[1,2,3]'],
expect: {
metadata: {
num: 42,
pi: 3.14,
yes: true,
no: false,
array: '[1,2,3]'
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '@' + __dirname + '/corpus/metadata.json'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'foo': 'bar',
'one': 'four',
'num': 42
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '@' + __dirname + '/corpus/metadata.kv'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'foo': 'bar',
'one': 'four',
'num': 42
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'--script', __dirname + '/corpus/'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'user-script': '#!/bin/sh\necho "hi"\n'
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', 'foo=bar',
'-M', 'user-script=' + __dirname + '/corpus/'],
expect: {
metadata: {
foo: 'bar',
'user-script': '#!/bin/sh\necho "hi"\n'
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', 'foo=bar',
'--metadata-file', 'foo=' + __dirname + '/corpus/'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'foo': '#!/bin/sh\necho "hi"\n'
stderr: /warning: metadata "foo=.* replaces earlier value for "foo"/
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '@' + __dirname + '/corpus/metadata-illegal-types.json'],
expect: {
err: /invalid metadata value type: must be one of string, number, boolean: array=\[1,2,3\]/
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '@' + __dirname + '/corpus/metadata-invalid-json.json'],
expect: {
err: [
/* jsl:ignore */
/is not valid JSON/,
/* jsl:end */
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '{"foo":"bar","num":12}'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'foo': 'bar',
'num': 12
// ---- test driver
test('metadataFromOpts', function (tt) {
cases.forEach(function (c, num) {
var testName = format('case %d: %s', num, c.argv.join(' '));
tt.test(testName, function (t) {
debug('--', num);
debug('c: %j', c);
var parser = new dashdash.Parser({options: OPTIONS});
var opts = parser.parse({argv: c.argv});
debug('opts: %j', opts);
// Capture stderr for warnings while running.
var stderrChunks = [];
var _oldStderrWrite = process.stderr.write;
process.stderr.write = function (s) {
metadataFromOpts(opts, log, function (err, metadata) {
// Restore stderr.
process.stderr.write = _oldStderrWrite;
var stderr = stderrChunks.join('');
if (c.expect.err) {
var errRegexps = (Array.isArray(c.expect.err)
? c.expect.err : [c.expect.err]);
errRegexps.forEach(function (regexp) {
assert.regexp(regexp, 'case.expect.err');
t.ok(err, 'expected an error');
t.ok(regexp.test(err.message), format(
'error message matches %s, actual %j',
regexp, err.message));
} else {
if (c.expect.hasOwnProperty('metadata')) {
t.deepEqual(metadata, c.expect.metadata);
if (c.expect.hasOwnProperty('stderr')) {
var stderrRegexps = (Array.isArray(c.expect.stderr)
? c.expect.stderr : [c.expect.stderr]);
stderrRegexps.forEach(function (regexp) {
assert.regexp(regexp, 'case.expect.stderr');
t.ok(regexp.test(stderr), format(
'error message matches %s, actual %j',
regexp, stderr));