'triton image create' et al

Fixes #76: `triton image create ...` and `triton image wait ...`
Fixes #72: want `triton image` to still return image details even when it is not in 'active' state
This commit is contained in:
Trent Mick 2016-01-19 12:30:46 -08:00
parent d199ed8503
commit 8d235b8e28
11 changed files with 528 additions and 298 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# node-triton changelog
## 4.2.1 (not yet released)
## 4.3.0 (not yet released)
(nothing yet)
- #76 `triton image create ...` and `triton image wait ...`
- #72 want `triton image` to still return image details even when it is not in 'active' state
## 4.2.0

View File

@ -540,6 +540,85 @@ CloudApi.prototype.getImage = function getImage(opts, cb) {
* <http://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/#CreateImageFromMachine>
* @param {Object} opts
* - {UUID} machine Required. The ID of the machine from which to create
* the image.
* - {String} name Required. The image name.
* - {String} version Required. The image version.
* - {String} description Optional. A short description.
* - {String} homepage Optional. Homepage URL.
* - {String} eula Optional. EULA URL.
* - {Array} acl Optional. An array of account UUIDs to which to give
* access. "Access Control List."
* - {Object} tags Optional.
* @param {Function} cb of the form `function (err, image, res)`
CloudApi.prototype.createImageFromMachine =
function createImageFromMachine(opts, cb) {
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.uuid(opts.machine, 'opts.machine');
assert.string(opts.name, 'opts.name');
assert.string(opts.version, 'opts.version');
assert.optionalString(opts.description, 'opts.description');
assert.optionalString(opts.homepage, 'opts.homepage');
assert.optionalString(opts.eula, 'opts.eula');
assert.optionalArrayOfUuid(opts.acl, 'opts.acl');
assert.optionalObject(opts.tags, 'opts.tags');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
method: 'POST',
path: format('/%s/images', this.account),
data: opts
}, function (err, req, res, body) {
cb(err, body, res);
* Wait for an image to go one of a set of specfic states.
* @param {Object} options
* - {String} id - machine UUID
* - {Array of String} states - desired state
* - {Number} interval (optional) - Time in ms to poll. Default is 1000ms.
* @param {Function} cb - `function (err, image, res)`
* Called when state is reached or on error
CloudApi.prototype.waitForImageStates =
function waitForImageStates(opts, cb) {
var self = this;
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.uuid(opts.id, 'opts.id');
assert.arrayOfString(opts.states, 'opts.states');
assert.optionalNumber(opts.interval, 'opts.interval');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
var interval = (opts.interval === undefined ? 1000 : opts.interval);
assert.ok(interval > 0, 'interval must be a positive number');
function poll() {
self.getImage({id: opts.id}, function (err, img, res) {
if (err) {
cb(err, null, res);
if (opts.states.indexOf(img.state) !== -1) {
cb(null, img, res);
setTimeout(poll, interval);
// ---- packages
@ -583,14 +662,20 @@ CloudApi.prototype.getPackage = function getPackage(opts, cb) {
* XXX add getCredentials equivalent
* XXX cloudapi docs don't doc the credentials=true option
* @param {String} uuid (required) The machine id.
* @param {Function} callback of the form `function (err, machine, res)`
* For backwards compat, calling with `getMachine(id, cb)` is allowed.
* @param {Object} opts
* - id {UUID} Required. The machine id.
* @param {Function} cb of the form `function (err, machine, res)`
CloudApi.prototype.getMachine = function getMachine(id, cb) {
assert.uuid(id, 'id');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
CloudApi.prototype.getMachine = function getMachine(opts, cb) {
if (typeof (opts) === 'string') {
opts = {id: opts};
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.uuid(opts.id, 'opts.id');
var endpoint = format('/%s/machines/%s', this.account, id);
var endpoint = format('/%s/machines/%s', this.account, opts.id);
this._request(endpoint, function (err, req, res, body) {
cb(err, body, res);
@ -677,14 +762,15 @@ CloudApi.prototype._doMachine = function _doMachine(action, uuid, callback) {
* @param {Function} callback - called when state is reached or on error
CloudApi.prototype.waitForMachineStates =
function waitForMachineStates(opts, callback) {
function waitForMachineStates(opts, callback) {
var self = this;
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id');
assert.uuid(opts.id, 'opts.id');
assert.arrayOfString(opts.states, 'opts.states');
assert.optionalNumber(opts.interval, 'opts.interval');
assert.func(callback, 'callback');
var interval = (opts.interval === undefined ? 1000 : opts.interval);
assert.ok(interval > 0, 'interval must be a positive number');

lib/do_image/do_create.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc.
* `triton image create ...`
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var format = require('util').format;
var fs = require('fs');
var strsplit = require('strsplit');
var tabula = require('tabula');
var tilde = require('tilde-expansion');
var vasync = require('vasync');
var common = require('../common');
var distractions = require('../distractions');
var errors = require('../errors');
var mat = require('../metadataandtags');
// ---- the command
function do_create(subcmd, opts, args, cb) {
var self = this;
if (opts.help) {
this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], cb);
} else if (args.length !== 3) {
cb(new errors.UsageError(
'incorrect number of args: expect 3, got ' + args.length));
var log = this.top.log;
var cloudapi = this.top.tritonapi.cloudapi;
vasync.pipeline({arg: {}, funcs: [
function loadTags(ctx, next) {
mat.tagsFromOpts(opts, log, function (err, tags) {
if (err) {
if (tags) {
log.trace({tags: tags}, 'tags loaded from opts');
ctx.tags = tags;
function loadAcl(ctx, next) {
if (!opts.acl) {
for (var i = 0; i < opts.acl.length; i++) {
if (!common.isUUID(opts.acl[i])) {
next(new errors.UsageError(format(
'invalid --acl: "%s" is not a UUID', opts.acl[i])));
ctx.acl = opts.acl;
function getInst(ctx, next) {
var id = args[0];
if (common.isUUID(id)) {
ctx.inst = {id: id};
self.top.tritonapi.getInstance(id, function (err, inst) {
if (err) {
log.trace({inst: inst}, 'image create: inst');
ctx.inst = inst;
function createImg(ctx, next) {
var createOpts = {
machine: ctx.inst.id,
name: args[1],
version: args[2],
description: opts.description,
homepage: opts.homepage,
eula: opts.eula,
acl: ctx.acl,
tags: ctx.tags
log.trace({dryRun: opts.dry_run, createOpts: createOpts},
'image create createOpts');
ctx.start = Date.now();
if (opts.dry_run) {
ctx.inst = {
id: 'cafecafe-4c0e-11e5-86cd-a7fd38d2a50b',
name: 'this-is-a-dry-run'
console.log('Creating image %s@%s from instance %s%s',
createOpts.name, createOpts.version, ctx.inst.id,
(ctx.inst.name ? ' ('+ctx.inst.name+')' : ''));
cloudapi.createImageFromMachine(createOpts, function (err, img) {
if (err) {
next(new errors.TritonError(err, 'error creating image'));
ctx.img = img;
if (opts.json) {
} else {
console.log('Creating image %s@%s (%s)',
img.name, img.version, img.id);
function maybeWait(ctx, next) {
if (!opts.wait) {
return next();
// 1 'wait': no distraction.
// >1 'wait': distraction, pass in the N.
var distraction;
if (process.stderr.isTTY && opts.wait.length > 1) {
distraction = distractions.createDistraction(opts.wait.length);
// Dry-run: fake wait for a few seconds.
var waiter = (opts.dry_run ?
function dryWait(waitOpts, waitCb) {
setTimeout(function () {
ctx.img.state = 'running';
waitCb(null, ctx.img);
}, 5000);
: cloudapi.waitForImageStates.bind(cloudapi));
id: ctx.img.id,
states: ['active', 'failed']
}, function (err, img) {
if (distraction) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if (opts.json) {
} else if (img.state === 'active') {
var dur = Date.now() - ctx.start;
console.log('Created image %s (%s@%s) in %s',
img.id, img.name, img.version,
if (img.state !== 'active') {
next(new Error(format('failed to create image %s (%s@%s)%s',
img.id, img.name, img.version,
(img.error ? format(': (%s) %s',
img.error.code, img.error.message): ''))));
} else {
]}, function (err) {
do_create.options = [
names: ['help', 'h'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'Show this help.'
group: 'Create options'
names: ['description', 'd'],
type: 'string',
helpArg: 'DESC',
help: 'A short description of the image.'
names: ['homepage'],
type: 'string',
helpArg: 'URL',
help: 'A homepage URL for the image.'
names: ['eula'],
type: 'string',
helpArg: 'DESC',
help: 'A URL for an End User License Agreement (EULA) for the image.'
names: ['acl'],
type: 'arrayOfString',
helpArg: 'ID',
help: 'Access Control List. The ID of an account to which to give ' +
'access to this private image. This option can be used multiple ' +
'times to give access to multiple accounts.'
names: ['tag', 't'],
type: 'arrayOfString',
helpArg: 'TAG',
help: 'Add a tag when creating the image. Tags are ' +
'key/value pairs available on the image API object as the ' +
'"tags" field. TAG is one of: a "key=value" string (bool and ' +
'numeric "value" are converted to that type), a JSON object ' +
'(if first char is "{"), or a "@FILE" to have tags be ' +
'loaded from FILE. This option can be used multiple times.'
group: 'Other options'
names: ['dry-run'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'Go through the motions without actually creating.'
names: ['wait', 'w'],
type: 'arrayOfBool',
help: 'Wait for the creation to complete. Use multiple times for a ' +
names: ['json', 'j'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'JSON stream output.'
do_create.help = (
'Create a new instance.\n' +
'\n' +
'Usage:\n' +
' {{name}} create [<options>] INSTANCE IMAGE-NAME IMAGE-VERSION\n' +
'\n' +
do_create.helpOpts = {
maxHelpCol: 20
module.exports = do_create;

lib/do_image/do_wait.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* Copyright 2016 Joyent, Inc.
* `triton image wait ...`
var vasync = require('vasync');
var distractions = require('../distractions');
var errors = require('../errors');
function do_wait(subcmd, opts, args, cb) {
var self = this;
if (opts.help) {
return this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], cb);
} else if (args.length < 1) {
return cb(new errors.UsageError('missing IMAGE arg(s)'));
var ids = args;
var states = [];
opts.states.forEach(function (s) {
states = states.concat(s.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/g));
var distraction;
var done = 0;
var imgFromId = {};
vasync.pipeline({funcs: [
function getImgs(_, next) {
inputs: ids,
func: function getImg(id, nextImg) {
self.top.tritonapi.getImage(id, function (err, img) {
if (err) {
return nextImg(err);
if (states.indexOf(img.state) !== -1) {
console.log('%d/%d: Image %s (%s@%s) already %s',
++done, ids.length, img.id, img.name,
img.version, img.state);
} else {
imgFromId[img.id] = img;
}, next);
function waitForImgs(_, next) {
var idsToWaitFor = Object.keys(imgFromId);
if (idsToWaitFor.length === 0) {
return next();
if (idsToWaitFor.length === 1) {
var img2 = imgFromId[idsToWaitFor[0]];
'Waiting for image %s (%s@%s) to enter state (states: %s)',
img2.id, img2.name, img2.version, states.join(', '));
} else {
'Waiting for %d images to enter state (states: %s)',
idsToWaitFor.length, states.join(', '));
* TODO: need BigSpinner.log first.
* TODO: Also when adding a spinner, we need an equiv option to
* `triton create -wwww` to trigger the spinner (and size). By
* default: no spinner.
if (false &&
distraction = distractions.createDistraction();
inputs: idsToWaitFor,
func: function waitForImg(id, nextImg) {
id: id,
states: states
}, function (err, img, res) {
if (err) {
return nextImg(err);
console.log('%d/%d: Image %s (%s@%s) moved to state %s',
++done, ids.length, img.id, img.name,
img.version, img.state);
}, next);
]}, function (err) {
if (distraction) {
do_wait.help = [
'Wait for images to change to a particular state.',
' {{name}} wait [-s STATES] IMAGE [IMAGE ...]',
'Where "states" is a comma-separated list of target instance states,',
'by default "active,failed". In other words, "triton img wait foo0" will',
'wait for image "foo0" to complete creation.'
do_wait.options = [
names: ['help', 'h'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'Show this help.'
names: ['states', 's'],
type: 'arrayOfString',
default: ['active', 'failed'],
helpArg: 'STATES',
help: 'Instance states on which to wait. Default is "active,failed". '
+ 'Values can be comma-separated or multiple uses of the option.'
module.exports = do_wait;

View File

@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ function ImageCLI(top) {
helpSubcmds: [
@ -45,6 +47,8 @@ ImageCLI.prototype.init = function init(opts, args, cb) {
ImageCLI.prototype.do_list = require('./do_list');
ImageCLI.prototype.do_get = require('./do_get');
ImageCLI.prototype.do_create = require('./do_create');
ImageCLI.prototype.do_wait = require('./do_wait');
ImageCLI.aliases = ['img'];

View File

@ -12,287 +12,15 @@
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var format = require('util').format;
var fs = require('fs');
var strsplit = require('strsplit');
var tabula = require('tabula');
var tilde = require('tilde-expansion');
var vasync = require('vasync');
var common = require('../common');
var distractions = require('../distractions');
var errors = require('../errors');
var mat = require('../metadataandtags');
// ---- loading/parsing metadata (and tags) from relevant options
* Load and validate metadata from these options:
* -m,--metadata DATA
* -M,--metadata-file KEY=FILE
* --script FILE
* <https://github.com/joyent/sdc-vmapi/blob/master/docs/index.md#vm-metadata>
* says values may be string, num or bool.
function metadataFromOpts(opts, log, cb) {
assert.arrayOfObject(opts._order, 'opts._order');
assert.object(log, 'log');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
var metadata = {};
inputs: opts._order,
func: function metadataFromOpt(o, next) {
log.trace({opt: o}, 'metadataFromOpt');
if (o.key === 'metadata') {
if (!o.value) {
next(new errors.UsageError(
'empty metadata option value'));
} else if (o.value[0] === '{') {
'metadata', metadata, o.value, null, next);
} else if (o.value[0] === '@') {
'metadata', metadata, o.value.slice(1), next);
} else {
'metadata', metadata, o.value, null, next);
} else if (o.key === 'metadata_file') {
'metadata', metadata, o.value, null, next);
} else if (o.key === 'script') {
_addMetadatumFromFile('metadata', metadata,
'user-script', o.value, o.value, next);
} else {
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else if (Object.keys(metadata).length) {
cb(null, metadata);
} else {
* Load and validate tags from these options:
* -t,--tag DATA
* <https://github.com/joyent/sdc-vmapi/blob/master/docs/index.md#vm-metadata>
* says values may be string, num or bool.
function tagsFromOpts(opts, log, cb) {
assert.arrayOfObject(opts._order, 'opts._order');
assert.object(log, 'log');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
var tags = {};
inputs: opts._order,
func: function tagsFromOpt(o, next) {
log.trace({opt: o}, 'tagsFromOpt');
if (o.key === 'tag') {
if (!o.value) {
next(new errors.UsageError(
'empty tag option value'));
} else if (o.value[0] === '{') {
_addMetadataFromJsonStr('tag', tags, o.value, null, next);
} else if (o.value[0] === '@') {
_addMetadataFromFile('tag', tags, o.value.slice(1), next);
} else {
_addMetadataFromKvStr('tag', tags, o.value, null, next);
} else {
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else if (Object.keys(tags).length) {
cb(null, tags);
} else {
var allowedTypes = ['string', 'number', 'boolean'];
function _addMetadatum(ilk, metadata, key, value, from, cb) {
assert.string(ilk, 'ilk');
assert.object(metadata, 'metadata');
assert.string(key, 'key');
assert.optionalString(from, 'from');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
if (allowedTypes.indexOf(typeof (value)) === -1) {
cb(new errors.UsageError(format(
'invalid %s value type%s: must be one of %s: %s=%j',
ilk, (from ? ' (from ' + from + ')' : ''),
allowedTypes.join(', '), key, value)));
if (metadata.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var valueStr = value.toString();
'warning: %s "%s=%s"%s replaces earlier value for "%s"',
(valueStr.length > 10
? valueStr.slice(0, 7) + '...' : valueStr),
(from ? ' (from ' + from + ')' : ''),
metadata[key] = value;
function _addMetadataFromObj(ilk, metadata, obj, from, cb) {
assert.string(ilk, 'ilk');
assert.object(metadata, 'metadata');
assert.object(obj, 'obj');
assert.optionalString(from, 'from');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
inputs: Object.keys(obj),
func: function _oneField(key, next) {
_addMetadatum(ilk, metadata, key, obj[key], from, next);
}, cb);
function _addMetadataFromJsonStr(ilk, metadata, s, from, cb) {
assert.string(ilk, 'ilk');
try {
var obj = JSON.parse(s);
} catch (parseErr) {
cb(new errors.TritonError(parseErr,
format('%s%s is not valid JSON', ilk,
(from ? ' (from ' + from + ')' : ''))));
_addMetadataFromObj(ilk, metadata, obj, from, cb);
function _addMetadataFromFile(ilk, metadata, file, cb) {
assert.string(ilk, 'ilk');
tilde(file, function (metaPath) {
fs.stat(metaPath, function (statErr, stats) {
if (statErr || !stats.isFile()) {
cb(new errors.TritonError(format(
'"%s" is not an existing file', file)));
fs.readFile(metaPath, 'utf8', function (readErr, data) {
if (readErr) {
* The file is either a JSON object (first non-space
* char is '{'), or newline-separated key=value
* pairs.
var dataTrim = data.trim();
if (dataTrim.length && dataTrim[0] === '{') {
_addMetadataFromJsonStr(ilk, metadata, dataTrim, file, cb);
} else {
var lines = dataTrim.split(/\r?\n/g).filter(
function (line) { return line.trim(); });
inputs: lines,
func: function oneLine(line, next) {
ilk, metadata, line, file, next);
}, cb);
function _addMetadataFromKvStr(ilk, metadata, s, from, cb) {
assert.string(ilk, 'ilk');
var parts = strsplit(s, '=', 2);
if (parts.length !== 2) {
cb(new errors.UsageError(format(
'invalid KEY=VALUE %s argument: %s', ilk, s)));
var value = parts[1];
var valueTrim = value.trim();
if (valueTrim === 'true') {
value = true;
} else if (valueTrim === 'false') {
value = false;
} else {
var num = Number(value);
if (!isNaN(num)) {
value = num;
_addMetadatum(ilk, metadata, parts[0].trim(), value, from, cb);
* Add metadata from `KEY=FILE` argument.
* Here "Kf" stands for "key/file".
function _addMetadataFromKfStr(ilk, metadata, s, from, cb) {
assert.string(ilk, 'ilk');
var parts = strsplit(s, '=', 2);
if (parts.length !== 2) {
cb(new errors.UsageError(format(
'invalid KEY=FILE %s argument: %s', ilk, s)));
var key = parts[0].trim();
var file = parts[1];
_addMetadatumFromFile(ilk, metadata, key, file, file, cb);
function _addMetadatumFromFile(ilk, metadata, key, file, from, cb) {
assert.string(ilk, 'ilk');
tilde(file, function (filePath) {
fs.stat(filePath, function (statErr, stats) {
if (statErr || !stats.isFile()) {
cb(new errors.TritonError(format(
'%s path "%s" is not an existing file', ilk, file)));
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function (readErr, content) {
if (readErr) {
_addMetadatum(ilk, metadata, key, content, from, cb);
// ---- the command
function do_create(subcmd, opts, args, cb) {
var self = this;
if (opts.help) {
@ -307,7 +35,7 @@ function do_create(subcmd, opts, args, cb) {
vasync.pipeline({arg: {}, funcs: [
function loadMetadata(ctx, next) {
metadataFromOpts(opts, log, function (err, metadata) {
mat.metadataFromOpts(opts, log, function (err, metadata) {
if (err) {
@ -321,7 +49,7 @@ function do_create(subcmd, opts, args, cb) {
function loadTags(ctx, next) {
tagsFromOpts(opts, log, function (err, tags) {
mat.tagsFromOpts(opts, log, function (err, tags) {
if (err) {
@ -604,5 +332,3 @@ do_create.helpOpts = {
module.exports = do_create;
do_create.metadataFromOpts = metadataFromOpts; // export for testing
do_create.tagsFromOpts = tagsFromOpts; // export for testing

View File

@ -354,9 +354,6 @@ TritonApi.prototype.getImage = function getImage(opts, cb) {
]}, function done(err) {
if (err) {
} else if (img.state !== 'active') {
cb(new errors.TritonError(
format('image %s is not active', opts.name)));
} else {
cb(null, img);
@ -366,7 +363,10 @@ TritonApi.prototype.getImage = function getImage(opts, cb) {
var name = s[0];
var version = s[1];
var listOpts = {};
var listOpts = {
// Explicitly include inactive images.
state: 'all'
if (version) {
listOpts.name = name;
listOpts.version = version;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "triton",
"description": "Joyent Triton CLI and client (https://www.joyent.com/triton)",
"version": "4.2.1",
"version": "4.3.0",
"author": "Joyent (joyent.com)",
"dependencies": {
"assert-plus": "0.2.0",

View File

@ -225,8 +225,10 @@ test('triton manage workflow', opts, function (tt) {
// remove instance
tt.test(' triton delete', function (t) {
// Remove instance. Add a test timeout, because '-w' on delete doesn't
// have a way to know if the attempt failed or if it is just taking a
// really long time.
tt.test(' triton delete', {timeout: 10 * 60 * 1000}, function (t) {
h.safeTriton(t, ['delete', '-w', instance.id], function (stdout) {

View File

@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ var cmdln = require('cmdln');
var format = require('util').format;
var test = require('tape');
var metadataFromOpts =
var metadataFromOpts = require('../../lib/metadataandtags').metadataFromOpts;
// ---- globals

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ var cmdln = require('cmdln');
var format = require('util').format;
var test = require('tape');
var tagsFromOpts = require('../../lib/do_instance/do_create').tagsFromOpts;
var tagsFromOpts = require('../../lib/metadataandtags').tagsFromOpts;
// ---- globals