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Dave Eddy 225410b4fc TRITON-24 node-triton ListNetworkIPs has unordered results
Reviewed by: Trent Mick <>
Approved by: Trent Mick <>
2017-12-22 18:38:33 -05:00

1457 lines
42 KiB

* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright (c) 2017, Joyent, Inc.
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var child_process = require('child_process');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var fs = require('fs');
var getpass = require('getpass');
var os = require('os');
var path = require('path');
var read = require('read');
var strsplit = require('strsplit');
var tty = require('tty');
var util = require('util'),
format = util.format;
var wordwrap = require('wordwrap');
var errors = require('./errors'),
InternalError = errors.InternalError;
// ---- support stuff
function objCopy(obj, target) {
assert.object(obj, 'obj');
assert.optionalObject(obj, 'target');
if (target === undefined) {
target = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (k) {
target[k] = obj[k];
return target;
function deepObjCopy(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
* Merge given objects into the given `target` object. Last one wins.
* The `target` is modified in place.
* var foo = {bar: 32};
* objMerge(foo, {bar: 42}, {bling: 'blam'});
* Adapted from tunnel-agent `mergeOptions`.
function objMerge(target) {
for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) {
var overrides = arguments[i];
if (typeof (overrides) === 'object') {
var keys = Object.keys(overrides);
for (var j = 0, keyLen = keys.length; j < keyLen; ++j) {
var k = keys[j];
if (overrides[k] !== undefined) {
target[k] = overrides[k];
return target;
function zeroPad(n, width) {
var s = String(n);
assert.number(width, 'width');
assert.string(s, 'string');
while (s.length < width) {
s = '0' + s;
return s;
* Convert a boolean or string representation into a boolean, or
* raise TypeError trying.
* @param value {Boolean|String} The input value to convert.
* @param default_ {Boolean} The default value if `value` is undefined.
* @param errName {String} The context to quote in the possibly
* raised TypeError.
function boolFromString(value, default_, errName) {
if (value === undefined) {
return default_;
} else if (value === 'false' || value === '0') {
return false;
} else if (value === 'true' || value === '1') {
return true;
} else if (typeof (value) === 'boolean') {
return value;
} else {
var errmsg = format('invalid boolean value: %j', value);
if (errName) {
errmsg = format('invalid boolean value for %s: %j', errName, value);
throw new TypeError(errmsg);
* given an array return a string with each element
* JSON-stringifed separated by newlines
function jsonStream(arr, stream) {
stream = stream || process.stdout;
arr.forEach(function (elem) {
stream.write(JSON.stringify(elem) + '\n');
* Parses the string "kv" of the form 'key=value' and returns an object that
* represents it with the form {'key': value}. If "key"" in the "kv" string is
* not included in the list "validKeys", it throws an error. It also throws an
* error if the string "kv" is malformed.
* By default, converts the values as if they were JSON representations of JS
* types, e.g the string 'false' is converted to the boolean primitive "false".
* @param {String} kv
* @param {Array} validKeys: Optional array of strings or regexes matching
* valid keys.
* @param {Object} options: Optional
* - @param disableTypeConversions {Boolean} Optional. If true, then no
* type conversion of values is performed, and all values are returned as
* strings.
* - @param typeHintFromKey {Object} Optional. Type hints for input keys.
* E.g. if parsing 'foo=false' and `typeHintFromKey={foo: 'string'}`,
* then we do NOT parse it to a boolean `false`.
* - @param failOnEmptyValue {Boolean} Optional - If true, throws an error
* if a given key's value is the empty string. Default is false.
function _parseKeyValue(kv, validKeys, options) {
assert.string(kv, 'kv');
assert.optionalArray(validKeys, 'validKeys');
assert.optionalObject(options, 'options');
options = options || {};
assert.optionalObject(options.typeHintFromKey, 'options.typeHintFromKey');
assert.optionalBool(options.failOnEmptyValue, 'options.failOnEmptyValue');
var i;
var idx = kv.indexOf('=');
if (idx === -1) {
throw new errors.UsageError(format('invalid key=value: "%s"', kv));
var k = kv.slice(0, idx);
var typeHint;
var v = kv.slice(idx + 1);
var validKey;
if (validKeys) {
var foundMatch = false;
for (i = 0; i < validKeys.length; i++) {
validKey = validKeys[i];
if ((validKey instanceof RegExp && validKey.test(k)) ||
k === validKey) {
foundMatch = true;
if (!foundMatch) {
throw new errors.UsageError(format(
'invalid key: "%s" (must match one of: %s)',
k, validKeys.join(', ')));
if (v === '' && options.failOnEmptyValue) {
throw new Error(format('key "%s" must have a value', k));
if (options.disableTypeConversions !== true) {
if (options.typeHintFromKey !== undefined) {
typeHint = options.typeHintFromKey[k];
if (typeHint === 'string') {
// Leave `v` a string.
/* jsl:pass */
} else if (v === '') {
v = null;
} else {
try {
v = JSON.parse(v);
} catch (e) {
/* pass */
return {
key: k,
value: v
* given an array of key=value pairs, break them into a JSON predicate
* @param {Array} kvs - an array of key=value pairs
* @param {Array} validKeys: Optional array of strings or regexes matching
* valid keys.
* @param {String} compositionType - the way each key/value pair will be
* combined to form a JSON predicate. Valid values are 'or' and 'and'.
function jsonPredFromKv(kvs, validKeys, compositionType) {
assert.arrayOfString(kvs, 'kvs');
assert.string(compositionType, 'string');
assert.ok(compositionType === 'or' || compositionType === 'and',
var keyName;
var predicate = {};
var parsedKeyValue;
var parsedKeyValues;
var parseOpts = {
disableDotted: true,
validKeys: validKeys,
failOnEmptyValue: true
if (kvs.length === 0) {
return predicate;
if (kvs.length === 1) {
parsedKeyValue = _parseKeyValue(kvs[0], validKeys, parseOpts);
predicate.eq = [parsedKeyValue.key, parsedKeyValue.value];
} else {
predicate[compositionType] = [];
parsedKeyValues = objFromKeyValueArgs(kvs, parseOpts);
for (keyName in parsedKeyValues) {
eq: [keyName, parsedKeyValues[keyName]]
return predicate;
* return how long ago something happened
* @param {Date} when - a date object in the past
* @param {Date} now (optional) - a date object to compare to
* @return {String} - printable string
function longAgo(when, now) {
now = now || new Date();, 'now');
var seconds = Math.round((now - when) / 1000);
var times = [
seconds / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365, // years
seconds / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7, // weeks
seconds / 60 / 60 / 24, // days
seconds / 60 / 60, // hours
seconds / 60, // minutes
seconds // seconds
var names = ['y', 'w', 'd', 'h', 'm', 's'];
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var time = Math.floor(times[i]);
if (time > 0)
return util.format('%d%s', time, names[i]);
return '0s';
* checks a string and returns a boolean based on if it
* is a UUID or not
function isUUID(s) {
assert.string(s, 's');
return /^([a-f\d]{8}(-[a-f\d]{4}){3}-[a-f\d]{12}?)$/i.test(s);
function humanDurationFromMs(ms) {
assert.number(ms, 'ms');
var sizes = [
['ms', 1000, 's'],
['s', 60, 'm'],
['m', 60, 'h'],
['h', 24, 'd'],
['d', 7, 'w']
if (ms === 0) {
return '0ms';
var bits = [];
var n = ms;
for (var i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
var size = sizes[i];
var remainder = n % size[1];
if (remainder === 0) {
} else {
bits.unshift(format('%d%s', remainder, size[0]));
n = Math.floor(n / size[1]);
if (n === 0) {
} else if (i === sizes.length - 1) {
bits.unshift(format('%d%s', n, size[2]));
if (bits.length > 1 && bits[bits.length - 1].slice(-2) === 'ms') {
return bits.slice(0, 2).join('');
* Adapted from <>
* @param {Number} opts.precision The number of decimal places of precision to
* include. Note: This is just clipping (i.e. floor) instead of rounding.
* TODO: round
* @param {Boolean} opts.narrow Make it as narrow as possible: short units,
* no space between value and unit, drop precision if it is all zeros.
function humanSizeFromBytes(opts, bytes) {
if (bytes === undefined) {
bytes = opts;
opts = {};
assert.number(bytes, 'bytes');
// The number of decimal places, default 1.
assert.optionalNumber(opts.precision, 'opts.precision');
var precision = opts.precision === undefined ? 1 : opts.precision;
assert.ok(precision >= 0);
assert.optionalBool(opts.narrow, 'opts.narrow');
var sizes = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB'];
if (opts.narrow) {
sizes = ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P'];
var template = opts.narrow ? '%s%s%s' : '%s%s %s';
if (bytes === 0) {
return '0 B';
var sign = bytes < 0 ? '-' : '';
bytes = Math.abs(bytes);
var i = Number(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024)));
var s = String(bytes / Math.pow(1024, i));
var hasDecimal = s.indexOf('.') !== -1;
if (precision === 0) {
if (hasDecimal) {
s = s.slice(0, s.indexOf('.'));
} else if (opts.narrow && !hasDecimal) {
/* skip all-zero precision */
/* jsl:pass */
} else {
if (!hasDecimal) {
s += '.';
var places = s.length - s.indexOf('.') - 1;
while (places < precision) {
s += '0';
if (places > precision) {
s = s.slice(0, s.length - places + precision);
//var precision1 = (s.indexOf('.') === -1
// ? s + '.0' : s.slice(0, s.indexOf('.') + 2));
return format(template, sign, s, sizes[i]);
* capitalize the first character of a string and return the new string
function capitalize(s) {
assert.string(s, 's');
return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.substr(1);
* Convert a UUID to a short ID
function uuidToShortId(s) {
assert.uuid(s, 's');
return s.split('-', 1)[0];
* Normalize a short ID. Returns undefined if the given string isn't a valid
* short id.
* Short IDs:
* - UUID prefix
* - allow '-' to be elided (to support using containers IDs from docker)
* - support docker ID *longer* than a UUID? The curr implementation does.
function normShortId(s) {
assert.string(s, 's');
var shortIdCharsRe = /^[a-f0-9]+$/;
var shortId;
if (s.indexOf('-') === -1) {
if (!shortIdCharsRe.test(s)) {
shortId = s.substr(0, 8) + '-'
+ s.substr(8, 4) + '-'
+ s.substr(12, 4) + '-'
+ s.substr(16, 4) + '-'
+ s.substr(20, 12);
shortId = shortId.replace(/-+$/, '');
} else {
// UUID prefix.
shortId = '';
var remaining = s;
var spans = [8, 4, 4, 4, 12];
for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
var span = spans[i];
var head = remaining.slice(0, span);
remaining = remaining.slice(span + 1);
if (!shortIdCharsRe.test(head)) {
shortId += head;
if (remaining && i + 1 < spans.length) {
shortId += '-';
} else {
return shortId;
* Take a "profile" object and return a slug based on: account, url and user.
* This is currently used to create a filesystem-safe name to use for caching
function profileSlug(o) {
assert.object(o, 'o');
assert.string(o.account, 'o.account');
assert.string(o.url, 'o.url');
var slug;
var account = o.account.replace(/[@]/g, '_');
var url = o.url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '');
if (o.user) {
var user = o.user.replace(/[@]/g, '_');
slug = format('%s-%s@%s', user, account, url);
} else {
slug = format('%s@%s', account, url);
slug = slug.replace(/[!#$%\^&\*:'"\?\/\\\.]/g, '_');
return slug;
* Return a filename-safe slug for the given string.
function filenameSlug(str) {
return str
.replace(/ +/g, '-')
.replace(/[^-\w]/g, '');
* take some basic information and return node-cmdln options suitable for
* tabula
* @param {String} (optional) opts.columnDefault Default value for `-o`
* @param {String} (optional) opts.sortDefault Default value for `-s`
* @param {String} (optional) opts.includeLong Include `-l` option
* @return {Array} Array of cmdln options objects
function getCliTableOptions(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.optionalString(opts.columnsDefault, 'opts.columnsDefault');
assert.optionalString(opts.sortDefault, 'opts.sortDefault');
assert.optionalBool(opts.includeLong, 'opts.includeLong');
var o;
// construct the options object
var tOpts = [];
// header
group: 'Output options'
// -H
names: ['H'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'Omit table header row.'
// -o field1,field2,...
o = {
names: ['o'],
type: 'string',
help: 'Specify fields (columns) to output.',
helpArg: 'field1,...'
if (opts.columnsDefault)
o.default = opts.columnsDefault;
// -l, --long
if (opts.includeLong) {
names: ['long', 'l'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'Long/wider output. Ignored if "-o ..." is used.'
// -s field1,field2,...
o = {
names: ['s'],
type: 'string',
help: 'Sort on the given fields.',
helpArg: 'field1,...'
if (opts.sortDefault) {
o.default = opts.sortDefault; = format('%s Default is "%s".',, opts.sortDefault);
// -j, --json
names: ['json', 'j'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'JSON output.'
return tOpts;
* Prompt a user for a y/n answer.
* cb('y') user entered in the affirmative
* cb('n') user entered in the negative
* cb(false) user ^C'd
* Dev Note: Borrowed from imgadm's common.js. If this starts showing issues,
* we should consider using the npm 'read' module.
function promptYesNo(opts_, cb) {
assert.object(opts_, 'opts');
assert.string(opts_.msg, 'opts.msg');
assert.optionalString(opts_.default, 'opts.default');
var opts = objCopy(opts_);
// Setup stdout and stdin to talk to the controlling terminal if
// process.stdout or process.stdin is not a TTY.
var stdout;
if (opts.stdout) {
stdout = opts.stdout;
} else if (process.stdout.isTTY) {
stdout = process.stdout;
} else {
opts.stdout_fd = fs.openSync('/dev/tty', 'r+');
stdout = opts.stdout = new tty.WriteStream(opts.stdout_fd);
var stdin;
if (opts.stdin) {
stdin = opts.stdin;
} else if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
stdin = process.stdin;
} else {
opts.stdin_fd = fs.openSync('/dev/tty', 'r+');
stdin = opts.stdin = new tty.ReadStream(opts.stdin_fd);
var input = '';
stdin.on('data', onData);
function postInput() {
stdin.removeListener('data', onData);
function finish(rv) {
if (opts.stdout_fd !== undefined) {
delete opts.stdout_fd;
if (opts.stdin_fd !== undefined) {
delete opts.stdin_fd;
function onData(ch) {
ch = ch + '';
switch (ch) {
case '\n':
case '\r':
case '\u0004':
// EOT. They've finished typing their answer
var answer = input.toLowerCase();
if (answer === '' && opts.default) {
} else if (answer === 'yes' || answer === 'y') {
} else if (answer === 'no' || answer === 'n') {
} else {
stdout.write('Please enter "y", "yes", "n" or "no".\n');
promptYesNo(opts, cb);
case '\u0003': // Ctrl C
case '\u007f': // DEL
input = input.slice(0, -1);
// Rule out special ASCII chars.
var code = ch.charCodeAt(0);
if (0 <= code && code <= 31) {
// More plaintext characters
input += ch;
* Prompt and wait for <Enter> or Ctrl+C. Usage:
* common.promptEnter('Press <Enter> to re-edit, Ctrl+C to abort.',
* function (err) {
* if (err) {
* // User hit Ctrl+C
* } else {
* // User hit Enter
* }
* }
* );
function promptEnter(prompt, cb) {
prompt: prompt
}, function (err, result, isDefault) {
* Prompt the user for a value.
* @params field {Object}
* - field.desc {String} Optional. A description of the field to print
* before prompting.
* - field.key {String} The field name. Used as the prompt.
* - field.default Optional default value.
* - field.validate {Function} Optional. A validation/manipulation
* function of the form:
* function (value, cb)
* which should callback with
* cb([<error or null>, [<manipulated value>]])
* examples:
* cb(new Error('value is not a number'));
* cb(); // value is fine as is
* cb(null, Math.floor(Number(value))); // manip to a floored int
* - field.required {Boolean} Optional. If `field.validate` is not
* given, `required=true` will provide a validate func that requires
* a value.
* @params cb {Function} `function (err, value)`
* If the user aborted, the `err` will be whatever the [read
* package]( returns, i.e. a
* string "cancelled".
function promptField(field, cb) {
var wrap = wordwrap(Math.min(process.stdout.columns, 80));
var validate = field.validate;
if (!validate && field.required) {
validate = function (value, validateCb) {
if (!value) {
validateCb(new Error(format('A value for "%s" is required.',
} else {
function attempt(next) {
// read/readline prompting messes up width with ANSI codes here.
prompt: field.key + ':',
default: field.default,
silent: field.password,
edit: true
}, function (err, result, isDefault) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
var value = result.trim();
if (!validate) {
return cb(null, value);
validate(value, function (validationErr, newValue) {
if (validationErr) {
wrap(validationErr.message), 'red'));
} else {
if (newValue !== undefined) {
value = newValue;
cb(null, value);
if (field.desc) {
// Wrap, if no newlines.
var wrapped = field.desc;
if (field.desc.indexOf('\n') === -1) {
wrapped = wrap(field.desc);
// Bold up to the first period, or all of it, if no period.
var periodIdx = wrapped.indexOf('.');
if (periodIdx !== -1) {
ansiStylize(wrapped.slice(0, periodIdx + 1), 'bold') +
wrapped.slice(periodIdx + 1));
} else {
console.log(ansiStylize(wrap(field.desc), 'bold'));
* A utility method to unlock a private key on a TritonApi client instance,
* if necessary.
* If the client's key is locked, this will prompt for the passphrase on the
* TTY (via the `getpass` module) and attempt to unlock.
* @param opts {Object}
* - opts.tritonapi {Object} An `.init()`ialized TritonApi instance.
* @param cb {Function} `function (err)`
function promptPassphraseUnlockKey(opts, cb) {
assert.object(opts.tritonapi, 'opts.tritonapi');
var kp = opts.tritonapi.keyPair;
if (!kp) {
cb(new errors.InternalError('TritonApi instance given to '
+ 'promptPassphraseUnlockKey is not initialized'));
if (!kp.isLocked()) {
var keyDesc;
if (kp.source !== undefined) {
keyDesc = kp.source;
} else if (kp.comment !== undefined && kp.comment.length > 1) {
keyDesc = kp.getPublicKey().type.toUpperCase() +
' key for ' + kp.comment;
} else {
keyDesc = kp.getPublicKey().type.toUpperCase() +
' key ' + kp.getKeyId();
var getpassOpts = {
prompt: 'Enter passphrase for ' + keyDesc
var tryPass = function (err, pass) {
if (err) {
try {
} catch (unlockErr) {
getpassOpts.prompt = 'Bad passphrase, try again for ' + keyDesc;
getpass.getPass(getpassOpts, tryPass);
getpass.getPass(getpassOpts, tryPass);
* A utility for the `triton` CLI subcommands to `init()`ialize a
* `tritonapi` instance and ensure that the profile's key is unlocked
* (prompting on a TTY if necessary). This is typically the CLI's
* `tritonapi` instance, but a `tritonapi` can also be passed in
* directly.
* @param opts.cli {Object}
* @param opts.tritonapi {Object}
* @param cb {Function} `function (err)`
function cliSetupTritonApi(opts, cb) {
assert.optionalObject(opts.cli, 'opts.cli');
assert.optionalObject(opts.tritonapi, 'opts.tritonapi');
var tritonapi = opts.tritonapi || opts.cli.tritonapi;
assert.object(tritonapi, 'tritonapi');
tritonapi.init(function (initErr) {
if (initErr) {
tritonapi: tritonapi
}, function (keyErr) {
* Edit the given text in $EDITOR (defaulting to `vi`) and return the edited
* text.
* This callback with `cb(err, updatedText, changed)` where `changed`
* is a boolean true if the text was changed.
function editInEditor(opts, cb) {
assert.string(opts.text, 'opts.text');
assert.optionalString(opts.filename, 'opts.filename');
assert.optionalObject(opts.log, 'opts.log');
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
var tmpPath = path.resolve(os.tmpDir(),
format('triton-%s-edit-%s',, opts.filename || 'text'));
fs.writeFileSync(tmpPath, opts.text, 'utf8');
var editor = process.env.EDITOR || '/usr/bin/vi';
var argv = argvFromLine(format('%s "%s"', editor, tmpPath));
if (opts.log) {
opts.log.trace({argv: argv}, 'editInEditor argv');
var kid = child_process.spawn(argv[0], argv.slice(1), {stdio: 'inherit'});
kid.on('exit', function (code, signal) {
if (code || signal) {
cb(new errors.TritonError(format(
'editor terminated abnormally: argv=%j, code=%j, signal=%j',
argv, code, signal)));
var afterText = fs.readFileSync(tmpPath, 'utf8');
cb(null, afterText, (afterText !== opts.text));
// Suggested colors (some are unreadable in common cases):
// - Good: cyan, yellow (limited use), bold, green, magenta, red
// - Bad: blue (not visible on cmd.exe), grey (same color as background on
// Solarized Dark theme from <>, see
// issue #160)
var colors = {
'bold' : [1, 22],
'italic' : [3, 23],
'underline' : [4, 24],
'inverse' : [7, 27],
'white' : [37, 39],
'grey' : [90, 39],
'black' : [30, 39],
'blue' : [34, 39],
'cyan' : [36, 39],
'green' : [32, 39],
'magenta' : [35, 39],
'red' : [31, 39],
'yellow' : [33, 39]
function ansiStylize(str, color) {
if (!str)
return '';
var codes = colors[color];
if (codes) {
return '\033[' + codes[0] + 'm' + str +
'\033[' + codes[1] + 'm';
} else {
return str;
* Style the given string with ANSI style codes *if stdout is a TTY*.
function ansiStylizeTty(str, color) {
if (!process.stdout.isTTY) {
return str;
} else {
return ansiStylize(str, color);
function indent(s, indentation) {
if (!indentation) {
indentation = ' ';
var lines = s.split(/\r?\n/g);
return indentation + lines.join('\n' + indentation);
function chomp(s) {
if (s.length) {
while (s.slice(-1) === '\n') {
s = s.slice(0, -1);
return s;
* Generate a random password of the specified length (default 20 chars)
* using ASCII printable, non-space chars: ASCII 33-126 (inclusive).
* No idea if this is crypto-sound. Doubt it.
* This needs to pass UFDS's "insufficientPasswordQuality". This actually
* depends on the pwdcheckquality configurable JS function configured for
* the datacenter. By default that is from:
* which at the time of writing requires at least a number and a letter.
function generatePassword(opts) {
assert.optionalObject(opts, 'opts');
opts = opts || {};
assert.optionalNumber(opts.len, 'opts.len');
var buf = crypto.randomBytes(opts.len || 20);
var min = 33;
var max = 126;
var chars = [];
for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
var num = Math.round(((buf[i] / 0xff) * (max - min)) + min);
var pwd = chars.join('');
// "quality" checks
if (!/[a-zA-Z]+/.test(pwd) || !/[0-9]+/.test(pwd)) {
// Try again.
return generatePassword(opts);
} else {
return pwd;
* Convenience wrapper around `child_process.exec`, mostly oriented to
* run commands using pipes w/o having to deal with logging/error handling.
* @param args {Object}
* - cmd {String} Required. The command to run.
* - log {Bunyan Logger} Required. Use to log details at trace level.
* - opts {Object} Optional. child_process.exec execution Options.
* @param cb {Function} `function (err, stdout, stderr)` where `err` here is
* an `errors.InternalError` wrapper around the child_process error.
function execPlus(args, cb) {
assert.object(args, 'args');
assert.string(args.cmd, 'args.cmd');
assert.object(args.log, 'args.log');
assert.optionalObject(args.opts, 'args.opts');
var cmd = args.cmd;
var execOpts = args.opts || {};
var log = args.log;
log.trace({exec: true, cmd: cmd}, 'exec start');
child_process.exec(cmd, execOpts, function execPlusCb(err, stdout, stderr) {
log.trace({exec: true, cmd: cmd, err: err, stdout: stdout,
stderr: stderr}, 'exec done');
if (err) {
var msg = format(
'exec error:\n'
+ '\tcmd: %s\n'
+ '\texit status: %s\n'
+ '\tstdout:\n%s\n'
+ '\tstderr:\n%s',
cmd, err.code, stdout.trim(), stderr.trim());
cb(new errors.InternalError(err, msg), stdout, stderr);
} else {
cb(null, stdout, stderr);
function deepEqual(a, b) {
try {
assert.deepEqual(a, b);
} catch (err) {
return false;
return true;
* Resolve "~/..." and "~" to an absolute path.
* Limitations:
* - This does not handle "~user/...".
* - This depends on the HOME envvar being defined (%USERPROFILE% on Windows).
function tildeSync(s) {
var envvar = (process.platform === 'win32' ? 'USERPROFILE' : 'HOME');
var home = process.env[envvar];
if (!home) {
throw new Error(format('cannot determine home dir: %s environment ' +
'variable is not defined', envvar));
if (s === '~') {
return home;
} else if (s.slice(0, 2) === '~/' ||
(process.platform === 'win32' && s.slice(0, 2) === '~'+path.sep))
return path.resolve(home, s.slice(2));
} else {
return s;
* Transform an array of 'key=value' CLI arguments to an object.
* - The use of '.' in the key allows sub-object assignment (only one level
* deep). This can be disabled with `opts.disableDotted`.
* - An attempt will be made the `JSON.parse` a given value, such that
* booleans, numbers, objects, arrays can be specified; at the expense
* of not being able to specify, e.g., a literal 'true' string.
* If `opts.typeHintFromKey` states that a key is a string, this JSON.parse
* is NOT done.
* - An empty 'value' is transformed to `null`. Note that 'null' also
* JSON.parse's as `null`.
* Example:
* > objFromKeyValueArgs(['nm=foo', 'tag.blah=true', 'empty=', 'nada=null']);
* { nm: 'foo',
* tag: { blah: true },
* empty: null,
* nada: null }
* @param args {Array} Array of string args to process.
* @param opts {Object} Optional.
* - @param disableDotted {Boolean} Optional. Set to true to disable
* dotted keys.
* - @param typeHintFromKey {Object} Optional. Type hints for input keys.
* E.g. if parsing 'foo=false' and `typeHintFromKey={foo: 'string'}`,
* then we do NOT parse it to a boolean `false`.
* - @param {Array} validKeys: Optional array of strings or regexes
* matching valid keys. By default all keys are valid.
* - @param failOnEmptyValue {Boolean} Optional. If true, then a key with a
* value that is the empty string throws an error. Default is false.
function objFromKeyValueArgs(args, opts)
assert.arrayOfString(args, 'args');
assert.optionalObject(opts, 'opts');
opts = opts || {};
assert.optionalBool(opts.disableDotted, 'opts.disableDotted');
assert.optionalObject(opts.typeHintFromKey, opts.typeHintFromKey);
assert.optionalBool(opts.failOnEmptyValue, 'opts.failOnEmptyValue');
var obj = {};
args.forEach(function (arg) {
var parsedKeyValue = _parseKeyValue(arg, opts.validKeys, {
typeHintFromKey: opts.typeHintFromKey,
disableTypeConversions: opts.disableTypeConversions,
failOnEmptyValue: opts.failOnEmptyValue
if (opts.disableDotted) {
obj[parsedKeyValue.key] = parsedKeyValue.value;
} else {
var dotted = strsplit(parsedKeyValue.key, '.', 2);
if (dotted.length > 1) {
if (!obj[dotted[0]]) {
obj[dotted[0]] = {};
obj[dotted[0]][dotted[1]] = parsedKeyValue.value;
} else {
obj[parsedKeyValue.key] = parsedKeyValue.value;
return obj;
* Returns the time difference between the current time and the time
* represented by "relativeTo" in milliseconds. It doesn't use the built-in
* `Date` class internally, and instead uses a node facility that uses a
* monotonic clock. Thus, the time difference computed is not subject to time
* drifting due to e.g changes in the wall clock system time.
* @param {arrayOfNumber} relativeTo: an array representing the starting time as
* returned by `process.hrtime()` from which to compute the
* time difference.
function monotonicTimeDiffMs(relativeTo) {
assert.arrayOfNumber(relativeTo, 'relativeTo');
var diff = process.hrtime(relativeTo);
var ms = (diff[0] * 1e3) + (diff[1] / 1e6); // in milliseconds
return ms;
* Parse the given line into an argument vector, e.g. for use in sending to
* `child_process.spawn(argv[0], argv.slice(1), ...)`.
* Translated from the Python `line2argv` in
* See also the tests in "test/unit/argvFromLine.test.js".
* @throws {Error} if there are unbalanced quotes or some other parse failure.
function argvFromLine(line) {
assert.string(line, 'line');
var trimmed = line.trim();
var argv = [];
var state = 'default';
var arg = null; // the current argument being parsed
var i = -1;
' ': true,
'\t': true,
'\n': true,
'\r': true
// Other whitespace chars?
while (true) {
i += 1;
if (i >= trimmed.length) {
var ch = trimmed[i];
// An escaped char always added to the arg.
if (ch == '\\' && i+1 < trimmed.length) {
if (arg === null) { arg = ''; }
* Include the escaping backslash, unless it is escaping a quote
* inside a quoted string. E.g.:
* foo\Xbar => foo\Xbar
* 'foo\'bar' => foo'bar
* "foo\"bar" => foo"bar
* Note that's line2argv had a Windows-specific subtlety
* here (dating to cmdln commit 87430930160f) that we are skipping
* for now.
if ((state === 'double-quoted' && trimmed[i+1] !== '"') ||
(state === 'single-quoted' && trimmed[i+1] !== '\'')) {
arg += ch;
i += 1;
arg += trimmed[i];
if (state === 'single-quoted') {
if (ch === '\'') {
state = 'default';
} else {
arg += ch;
} else if (state === 'double-quoted') {
if (ch === '"') {
state = 'default';
} else {
arg += ch;
} else if (state === 'default') {
if (ch === '"') {
if (arg === null) { arg = ''; }
state = 'double-quoted';
} else if (ch === '\'') {
if (arg === null) { arg = ''; }
state = 'single-quoted';
} else if (WHITESPACE.hasOwnProperty(ch)) {
if (arg !== null) {
arg = null;
} else {
if (arg === null) { arg = ''; }
arg += ch;
if (arg !== null) {
* Note:'s line2argv would not throw this error on Windows, i.e.
* allowing unclosed quoted-strings. This impl. is not following that lead.
if (state !== 'default') {
throw new Error(format('unfinished %s segment in line: %j',
state, line));
return argv;
* Read stdin in and callback with it as a string
* @param {Function} cb - callback in the form `function (str) {}`
function readStdin(cb) {
assert.func(cb, 'cb');
var stdin = '';
process.stdin.on('data', function stdinOnData(chunk) {
stdin += chunk;
process.stdin.on('end', function stdinOnEnd() {
* Validate an object of values against an object of types.
* Example:
* var input = {
* foo: 'hello',
* bar: 42,
* baz: true
* };
* var valid = {
* foo: 'string',
* bar: 'number',
* baz: 'boolean'
* }
* validateObject(input, valid);
* // no error is thrown
* All keys in `input` are check for their matching counterparts in `valid`.
* If the key is not found in `valid`, or the type specified for the key in
* `valid` doesn't match the type of the value in `input` an error is thrown.
* Also an error is thrown (optionally, enabled by default) if the input object
* is empty. Note that any keys found in `valid` not found in `input` are not
* considered an error.
* @param {Object} input - Required. Input object of values.
* @param {Object} valid - Required. Validation object of types.
* @param {Object} opts: Optional
* - @param {Boolean} allowEmptyInput - don't consider an empty
* input object an error
* @throws {Error} if the input object contains a key not found in the
* validation object
function validateObject(input, valid, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
assert.object(input, 'input');
assert.object(valid, 'valid');
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.optionalBool(opts.allowEmptyInput, 'opts.allowEmptyInput');
var validFields = Object.keys(valid).sort().join(', ');
var i = 0;
Object.keys(input).forEach(function (key) {
var value = input[key];
var type = valid[key];
if (!type) {
throw new errors.UsageError(format('unknown or ' +
'unupdateable field: %s (updateable fields are: %s)',
key, validFields));
assert.string(type, 'type');
if (typeof (value) !== type) {
throw new errors.UsageError(format('field "%s" must be ' +
'of type "%s", but got a value of type "%s"',
key, type, typeof (value)));
if (i === 0 && !opts.allowEmptyInput) {
throw new errors.UsageError('Input object must not be empty');
* Convert an IPv4 address (as a string) to a number
function ipv4ToLong(ip) {
var l = 0;
var spl;
assert.string(ip, 'ip');
spl = ip.split('.');
assert.equal(spl.length, 4, 'ip octet length');
spl.forEach(function processIpOctet(octet) {
octet = parseInt(octet, 10);
assert.number(octet, 'octet');
assert(octet >= 0, 'octet >= 0');
assert(octet < 256, 'octet < 256');
l <<= 8;
l += octet;
return l;
//---- exports
module.exports = {
objCopy: objCopy,
deepObjCopy: deepObjCopy,
objMerge: objMerge,
zeroPad: zeroPad,
boolFromString: boolFromString,
jsonStream: jsonStream,
longAgo: longAgo,
humanDurationFromMs: humanDurationFromMs,
humanSizeFromBytes: humanSizeFromBytes,
capitalize: capitalize,
normShortId: normShortId,
uuidToShortId: uuidToShortId,
profileSlug: profileSlug,
filenameSlug: filenameSlug,
getCliTableOptions: getCliTableOptions,
promptYesNo: promptYesNo,
promptEnter: promptEnter,
promptField: promptField,
promptPassphraseUnlockKey: promptPassphraseUnlockKey,
cliSetupTritonApi: cliSetupTritonApi,
editInEditor: editInEditor,
ansiStylize: ansiStylize,
ansiStylizeTty: ansiStylizeTty,
indent: indent,
chomp: chomp,
generatePassword: generatePassword,
execPlus: execPlus,
deepEqual: deepEqual,
tildeSync: tildeSync,
objFromKeyValueArgs: objFromKeyValueArgs,
argvFromLine: argvFromLine,
jsonPredFromKv: jsonPredFromKv,
monotonicTimeDiffMs: monotonicTimeDiffMs,
readStdin: readStdin,
validateObject: validateObject,
ipv4ToLong: ipv4ToLong
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