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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc.
* This module provides functions to read and write (a) a TritonApi config
* and (b) TritonApi profiles.
* The config is a JSON object loaded from "etc/defaults.json" (shipped with
* node-triton) plus possibly overrides from "$configDir/config.json" --
* which is "~/.triton/config.json" for the `triton` CLI. The config has
* a strict set of allowed keys.
* A profile is a small object that includes the necessary info for talking
* to a CloudAPI. E.g.:
* {
* "name": "east1",
* "account": "billy.bob",
* "keyId": "de:e7:73:9a:aa:91:bb:3e:72:8d:cc:62:ca:58:a2:ec",
* "url": ""
* }
* Profiles are stored as separate JSON files in
* "$configDir/profiles.d/$name.json". Typically `triton profiles ...` is
* used to manage them. In addition there is the special "env" profile that
* is constructed from the "SDC_*" environment variables.
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var format = require('util').format;
var fs = require('fs');
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var glob = require('glob');
var path = require('path');
var vasync = require('vasync');
var common = require('./common');
var errors = require('./errors');
var DEFAULTS_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'etc', 'defaults.json');
var OVERRIDE_NAMES = []; // config object keys to do a one-level deep override
// TODO: use this const to create the "Configuration" docs table.
// TODO: use this to create a profile doc table?
name: true,
url: true,
account: true,
keyId: true,
insecure: true
// --- internal support stuff
// TODO: improve this validation: use ConfigError's instead of asserts
function _validateProfile(profile, profilePath) {
assert.object(profile, 'profile');
assert.string(, '');
assert.string(profile.url, 'profile.url');
assert.string(profile.account, 'profile.account');
assert.string(profile.keyId, 'profile.keyId');
assert.optionalBool(profile.insecure, 'profile.insecure');
assert.optionalString(profilePath, 'profilePath');
var bogusFields = [];
Object.keys(profile).forEach(function (field) {
if (!PROFILE_FIELDS[field]) {
if (bogusFields.length) {
throw new errors.ConfigError(format(
'extraneous fields in "%s" profile: %s%s',,
(profilePath ? profilePath + ': ' : ''), bogusFields.join(', ')));
function configPathFromDir(configDir) {
return path.resolve(configDir, 'config.json');
// --- Config
* Load the TritonApi config. This is a merge of the built-in "defaults" (at
* etc/defaults.json) and the "user" config (at "$configDir/config.json",
* typically "~/.triton/config.json", if it exists).
* This includes some internal data on keys with a leading underscore:
* _defaults the defaults.json object
* _user the "user" config.json object
* _configDir the user config dir
* @returns {Object} The loaded config.
function loadConfig(opts) {
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.string(opts.configDir, 'opts.configDir');
var configPath = configPathFromDir(opts.configDir);
var c = fs.readFileSync(DEFAULTS_PATH, 'utf8');
var _defaults = JSON.parse(c);
var config = JSON.parse(c);
if (fs.existsSync(configPath)) {
c = fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8');
var _user = JSON.parse(c);
var userConfig = JSON.parse(c);
if (typeof (userConfig) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(userConfig)) {
throw new errors.ConfigError(
format('"%s" is not an object', configPath));
// These special keys are merged into the key of the same name in the
// base "defaults.json".
Object.keys(userConfig).forEach(function (key) {
if (~OVERRIDE_NAMES.indexOf(key) && config[key] !== undefined) {
Object.keys(userConfig[key]).forEach(function (subKey) {
if (userConfig[key][subKey] === null) {
delete config[key][subKey];
} else {
config[key][subKey] = userConfig[key][subKey];
} else {
config[key] = userConfig[key];
config._user = _user;
config._defaults = _defaults;
config._configDir = opts.configDir;
return config;
function setConfigVar(opts, cb) {
assert.object(opts, 'opts');
assert.string(opts.configDir, 'opts.configDir');
assert.string(, '');
assert.string(opts.value, 'opts.value');
assert.ok('.') === -1,
'dotted config name not yet supported');
assert.ok(CONFIG_VAR_NAMES.indexOf( !== -1,
'unknown config var name: ' +;
var configPath = configPathFromDir(opts.configDir);
var config;
vasync.pipeline({funcs: [
function loadExisting(_, next) {
fs.exists(configPath, function (exists) {
if (!exists) {
config = {};
return next();
fs.readFile(configPath, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
try {
config = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
function mkConfigDir(_, next) {
fs.exists(opts.configDir, function (exists) {
if (!exists) {
mkdirp(opts.configDir, next);
} else {
function updateAndSave(_, next) {
config[] = opts.value;
fs.writeFile(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 4), next);
]}, cb);
// --- Profiles
* Load the special 'env' profile, which handles some details of getting
* values from envvars. *Most* of that is done already via the
* `opts` dashdash Options object.
* @returns {Object} The 'env' profile.
function loadEnvProfile(opts) {
// XXX support keyId being a priv or pub key path, a la imgapi-cli
// XXX Add TRITON_* envvars.
var envProfile = {
name: 'env',
account: opts.account,
url: opts.url,
keyId: opts.keyId,
insecure: opts.insecure
// If --insecure not given, look at envvar(s) for that.
var specifiedInsecureOpt = opts._order.filter(
function (opt) { return opt.key === 'insecure'; }).length > 0;
if (!specifiedInsecureOpt && process.env.SDC_TESTING) {
envProfile.insecure = common.boolFromString(
false, '"SDC_TESTING" envvar');
return envProfile;
function _profileFromPath(profilePath, name) {
if (! fs.existsSync(profilePath)) {
throw new errors.ConfigError('no such profile: ' + name);
var profile;
try {
profile = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(profilePath, 'utf8'));
} catch (e) {
throw new errors.ConfigError(e, format(
'error in "%s" profile: %s: %s', name,
profilePath, e.message));
if ( {
throw new errors.ConfigError(format(
'error in "%s" profile: %s: file must not include "name" field',
name, profilePath));
} = name;
_validateProfile(profile, profilePath);
return profile;
function loadProfile(opts) {
assert.string(opts.configDir, 'opts.configDir');
assert.string(, '');
var profilePath = path.resolve(opts.configDir, 'profiles.d', + '.json');
return _profileFromPath(profilePath,;
function loadAllProfiles(opts) {
assert.string(opts.configDir, 'opts.configDir');
assert.object(opts.log, 'opts.log');
var profiles = [];
var files = glob.sync(path.resolve(opts.configDir,
'profiles.d', '*.json'));
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
var name = path.basename(file).slice(0, - path.extname(file).length);
if (name.toLowerCase() === 'env') {
// Skip the special 'env'.
opts.log.debug('skip reserved name "env" profile: %s', file);
try {
profiles.push(_profileFromPath(file, name));
} catch (e) {
opts.log.warn({err: e, profilePath: file},
'error loading profile; skipping');
return profiles;
//---- exports
module.exports = {
loadConfig: loadConfig,
setConfigVar: setConfigVar,
loadEnvProfile: loadEnvProfile,
loadProfile: loadProfile,
loadAllProfiles: loadAllProfiles
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