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Marsell Kukuljevic f3956df8ce PUBAPI-1233/PUBAPI-1234 - add support for triton fwrules and
`triton snapshots`; triton can work with machine snapshots and
firewall rules.
2016-02-05 00:39:50 +11:00

453 lines
13 KiB

* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Copyright 2016 Joyent, Inc.
* The `triton` CLI class.
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var bunyan = require('bunyan');
var child_process = require('child_process'),
spawn = child_process.spawn,
exec = child_process.exec;
var cmdln = require('cmdln'),
Cmdln = cmdln.Cmdln;
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
var util = require('util'),
format = util.format;
var path = require('path');
var vasync = require('vasync');
var common = require('./common');
var mod_config = require('./config');
var errors = require('./errors');
var tritonapi = require('./tritonapi');
//---- globals
var pkg = require('../package.json');
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
* For better or worse we are using APPDATA (i.e. the *Roaming* AppData
* dir) over LOCALAPPDATA (non-roaming). The former is meant for "user"
* data, the latter for "machine" data.
* TODO: We should likely separate out the *cache* subdir to
* machine-specific data dir.
CONFIG_DIR = path.resolve(process.env.APPDATA, 'Joyent', 'Triton');
} else {
CONFIG_DIR = path.resolve(process.env.HOME, '.triton');
var OPTIONS = [
names: ['help', 'h'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'Print this help and exit.'
name: 'version',
type: 'bool',
help: 'Print version and exit.'
names: ['verbose', 'v'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'Verbose/debug output.'
names: ['profile', 'p'],
type: 'string',
completionType: 'tritonprofile',
helpArg: 'NAME',
help: 'Triton client profile to use.'
group: 'CloudAPI Options'
* Environment variable integration.
* While dashdash supports integrated envvar parsing with options
* we don't use that with `triton` because (a) we want to apply *option*
* usage (but not envvars) to profiles other than the default 'env'
* profile, and (b) we want to support `TRITON_*` *and* `SDC_*` envvars,
* which dashdash doesn't support.
* See <> for some details.
names: ['account', 'a'],
type: 'string',
help: 'Account (login name). Environment: TRITON_ACCOUNT=ACCOUNT ' +
helpArg: 'ACCOUNT'
names: ['act-as'],
type: 'string',
help: 'Masquerade as the given account login name. This can only ' +
'succeed for operator accounts. Note that accesses like these ' +
'audited on the CloudAPI server side.',
helpArg: 'ACCOUNT',
hidden: true
names: ['user', 'u'],
type: 'string',
help: 'RBAC user (login name). Environment: TRITON_USER=USER ' +
helpArg: 'USER'
// TODO: full rbac support
// names: ['role'],
// type: 'arrayOfString',
// env: 'MANTA_ROLE',
// help: 'Assume a role. Use multiple times or once with a list',
// helpArg: 'ROLE,ROLE,...'
names: ['keyId', 'k'],
type: 'string',
help: 'SSH key fingerprint. Environment: TRITON_KEY_ID=FINGERPRINT ' +
helpArg: 'FP'
names: ['url', 'U'],
type: 'string',
help: 'CloudAPI URL. Environment: TRITON_URL=URL or SDC_URL=URL.',
helpArg: 'URL'
names: ['J'],
type: 'string',
hidden: true,
help: 'Joyent Public Cloud (JPC) datacenter name. This is ' +
'a shortcut to the "https://$" ' +
'cloudapi URL.'
names: ['insecure', 'i'],
type: 'bool',
help: 'Do not validate the CloudAPI SSL certificate. Environment: ' +
'TRITON_TLS_INSECURE=1, SDC_TLS_INSECURE=1 (or the deprecated ' +
'default': false
names: ['accept-version'],
type: 'string',
helpArg: 'VER',
help: 'A cloudapi API version, or semver range, to attempt to use. ' +
'This is passed in the "Accept-Version" header. ' +
'See `triton cloudapi /--ping` to list supported versions. ' +
'The default is "' + tritonapi.CLOUDAPI_ACCEPT_VERSION + '". ' +
'*This is intended for development use only. It could cause ' +
'`triton` processing of responses to break.*',
hidden: true
// ---- other support stuff
function parseCommaSepStringNoEmpties(option, optstr, arg) {
return arg.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/g)
.filter(function (part) { return part; });
name: 'commaSepString',
takesArg: true,
helpArg: 'STRING',
parseArg: parseCommaSepStringNoEmpties
name: 'arrayOfCommaSepString',
takesArg: true,
helpArg: 'STRING',
parseArg: parseCommaSepStringNoEmpties,
array: true,
arrayFlatten: true
//---- CLI class
function CLI() {, {
name: 'triton',
desc: pkg.description,
options: OPTIONS,
helpOpts: {
includeEnv: true,
minHelpCol: 30
helpSubcmds: [
{ group: 'Instances (aka VMs/Machines/Containers)' },
{ group: 'Images, Packages, Networks' },
{ group: 'Other Commands' },
helpBody: [
'Exit Status:',
' 0 Successful completion.',
' 1 An error occurred.',
' 2 Usage error.',
' 3 "ResourceNotFound" error. Returned when an instance, image,',
' package, etc. with the given name or id is not found.'
util.inherits(CLI, Cmdln);
CLI.prototype.init = function (opts, args, callback) {
var self = this;
this.opts = opts;
this.log = bunyan.createLogger({
serializers: bunyan.stdSerializers,
stream: process.stderr,
level: 'warn'
if (opts.verbose) {
this.log.src = true;
this.showErrStack = true;
if (opts.version) {
console.log(, pkg.version);
if (opts.url && opts.J) {
callback(new errors.UsageError(
'cannot use both "--url" and "-J" options'));
} else if (opts.J) {
opts.url = format('', opts.J);
this.configDir = CONFIG_DIR;
this.__defineGetter__('tritonapi', function () {
if (self._tritonapi === undefined) {
var config = mod_config.loadConfig({
configDir: self.configDir
self.log.trace({config: config}, 'loaded config');
var profileName = opts.profile || config.profile || 'env';
var profile = mod_config.loadProfile({
configDir: self.configDir,
name: profileName
self.log.trace({profile: profile}, 'loaded profile');
self._tritonapi = tritonapi.createClient({
log: self.log,
profile: profile,
config: config
return self._tritonapi;
// Cmdln class handles ``.
Cmdln.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
CLI.prototype.fini = function fini(subcmd, err, cb) {
this.log.trace({err: err, subcmd: subcmd}, 'cli fini');
if (this._tritonapi) {
delete this._tritonapi;
cb(err, subcmd);
* Apply overrides from CLI options to the given profile object *in place*.
CLI.prototype._applyProfileOverrides =
function _applyProfileOverrides(profile) {
var self = this;
{oname: 'account', pname: 'account'},
{oname: 'user', pname: 'user'},
{oname: 'url', pname: 'url'},
{oname: 'keyId', pname: 'keyId'},
{oname: 'insecure', pname: 'insecure'},
{oname: 'accept_version', pname: 'acceptVersion'},
{oname: 'act_as', pname: 'actAsAccount'}
].forEach(function (field) {
// We need to check `opts._order` to know if boolean opts
// were specified.
var specified = self.opts._order.filter(
function (opt) { return opt.key === field.oname; }).length > 0;
if (specified) {
profile[field.pname] = self.opts[field.oname];
// Meta
CLI.prototype.do_completion = require('./do_completion');
CLI.prototype.do_profiles = require('./do_profiles');
CLI.prototype.do_profile = require('./do_profile');
CLI.prototype.do_env = require('./do_env');
// Other
CLI.prototype.do_account = require('./do_account');
CLI.prototype.do_services = require('./do_services');
CLI.prototype.do_datacenters = require('./do_datacenters');
CLI.prototype.do_info = require('./do_info');
// Account keys
CLI.prototype.do_key = require('./do_key');
CLI.prototype.do_keys = require('./do_keys');
// Firewall rules
CLI.prototype.do_fwrule = require('./do_fwrule');
// Images
CLI.prototype.do_images = require('./do_images');
CLI.prototype.do_image = require('./do_image');
// Instances (aka VMs/containers/machines)
CLI.prototype.do_instance = require('./do_instance');
CLI.prototype.do_instances = require('./do_instances');
CLI.prototype.do_create = require('./do_create');
CLI.prototype.do_delete = require('./do_delete');
CLI.prototype.do_start = require('./do_start');
CLI.prototype.do_stop = require('./do_stop');
CLI.prototype.do_reboot = require('./do_reboot');
CLI.prototype.do_ssh = require('./do_ssh');
// Packages
CLI.prototype.do_packages = require('./do_packages');
CLI.prototype.do_package = require('./do_package');
// Networks
CLI.prototype.do_networks = require('./do_networks');
CLI.prototype.do_network = require('./do_network');
// Snapshots
CLI.prototype.do_snapshot = require('./do_snapshot');
// Hidden commands
CLI.prototype.do_cloudapi = require('./do_cloudapi');
CLI.prototype.do_badger = require('./do_badger');
CLI.prototype.do_rbac = require('./do_rbac');
//---- mainline
function main(argv) {
if (!argv) {
argv = process.argv;
var cli = new CLI();
cli.main(argv, function (err, subcmd) {
var exitStatus = (err ? err.exitStatus || 1 : 0);
var showErr = (cli.showErr !== undefined ? cli.showErr : true);
if (err && showErr) {
var code = (err.body ? err.body.code : err.code) || err.restCode;
if (code === 'NoCommand') {
/* jsl:pass */
} else if (err.message !== undefined) {
console.error('%s%s: error%s: %s',,
(subcmd ? ' ' + subcmd : ''),
(code ? format(' (%s)', code) : ''),
(cli.showErrStack ? err.stack : err.message));
// If this is a usage error, attempt to show some usage info.
if (['Usage', 'Option'].indexOf(code) !== -1 && subcmd) {
var help = cli.helpFromSubcmd(subcmd);
if (help && typeof (help) === 'string') {
// Would like a shorter synopsis. Attempt to
// parse it down, somewhat generally. Unfortunately this
// doesn't work for multi-level subcmds, like
// `triton rbac subcmd ...`.
var usageIdx = help.indexOf('\nUsage:');
if (usageIdx !== -1) {
help = help.slice(usageIdx);
* We'd like to NOT use `process.exit` because that doesn't always
* allow std handles to flush (e.g. all logging to complete). However
* I don't know of another way to exit non-zero.
if (exitStatus !== 0) {
//---- exports
module.exports = {
main: main