[Trixae](https://github.com/spearheadsys/sc-portal), our cloud customer portal, is in an MVP state: it offers minimum functionality for general operations with cloud resources (provision, start, stop, etc.). There are pieces of the software that also require some fine tuning in order for the product to become more usable and user-firendly/intuitive.
We are trying to break our dependece on the existing customer portal (my.spearhead.cloud) which is based on the Joyent provided piranha codebase. This codebase is old but more importantly we could not find developers/designers that would work with this codebase (based on angular v1) in order to update and maintain.
We have decided we would continue using Trixae for the forseeable future by adding new features, fixing existing issue/bugs and generally expanding it as requirements arise.
Users will interact with this portal via their browser. Alternatively and for more advanced use cases, there is a full featured and mature API as well as command line interface.
Operators may use the portal to troubleshoot/investigate issues or for our own tenants. Generally operators will; use the CLI/API's however if we have customers permissions and credentials, we may use this portal.
For an existing install, we expect to git clone/pull the new resources, update configuration files and off we go. Downtime should be be minimal, requireing just a reboot of the service.
Because we can deploy multiple instances of the portal, we can bring up the new version and redirect trafic to the new once we are ready.