updated with rfd/0001

This commit is contained in:
Marius Pana 2018-01-05 11:39:31 +02:00
parent a6501bbf27
commit 8a5c33f155
1 changed files with 1 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -34,121 +34,7 @@ formal writing that it has come to represent.)
| state | RFD |
| -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| publish | [RFD 1 Triton Container Naming Service](./rfd/0001/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 2 Docker Logging in SDC](./rfd/0002/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 3 Triton Compute Nodes Reboot](./rfd/0003/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 4 Docker Build Implementation For Triton](./rfd/0004/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 5 Triton Change Feed Support](./rfd/0005/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 6 Improving Triton and Manta RAS Infrastructure](./rfd/0006/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 7 Datalink LLDP and State Tracking](./rfd/0007/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 8 Datalink Fault Management Topology](./rfd/0008/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 9 sdcadm fabrics management](./rfd/0009/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 10 Sending GZ Docker Logs to Manta](./rfd/0010/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 11 IPv6 and multiple IP addresses support in Triton](./rfd/0011/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 12 Bedtime for node-smartdc](./rfd/0012/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 13 RBAC v2 for Improved Organization and Docker RBAC Support](./rfd/0013/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 14 Signed ZFS Send](./rfd/0014/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 15 Reduce/Eliminate runtime LX image customization](./rfd/0015/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 16 Manta Metering](./rfd/0016/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 17 Cloud Analytics v2](./rfd/0017/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 18 Support for using labels to select networks and packages](./rfd/0018/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 19 Interface Drift In Workflow Modules](./rfd/0019/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 20 Manta Slop-Aware Zone Scheduling](./rfd/0020/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 21 Metadata Scrubber For Triton](./rfd/0021/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 22 Improved user experience after a request has failed](./rfd/0022/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 23 Manta docs pipeline](./rfd/0023/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 24 Designation API improvements to facilitate platform update](./rfd/0024/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 25 Pluralizing CloudAPI CreateMachine et al](./rfd/0025/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 26 Network Shared Storage for Triton](./rfd/0026/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 27 Triton Container Monitor](./rfd/0027/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 28 Improving syncing between Compute Nodes and NAPI](./rfd/0028/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 29 Nothing in Triton should rely on ur outside bootstrapping and emergencies](./rfd/0029/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 30 Handling "lastexited" for zones when CN is rebooted or crashes](./rfd/0030/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 31 libscsi and uscsi(7I) Improvements for Firmware Upgrade](./rfd/0031/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 32 Multiple IP Addresses in NAPI](./rfd/0032/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 33 Moray client v2](./rfd/0033/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 34 Instance migration](./rfd/0034/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 35 Distributed Tracing for Triton](./rfd/0035/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 36 Mariposa](./rfd/0036/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 37 Metrics Instrumenter](./rfd/0037/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 38 Zone Physical Memory Capping](./rfd/0038/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 39 VM Attribute Cache (vminfod)](./rfd/0039/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 40 Standalone IMGAPI deployment](./rfd/0040/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 41 Improved JavaScript errors](./rfd/0041/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 42 Provide global zone pkgsrc package set](./rfd/0042/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 43 Rack Aware Network Pools](./rfd/0043/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 44 Create VMs with Delegated Datasets](./rfd/0044/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 45 Tooling for code reviews and code standards](./rfd/0045/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 46 Origin images for Triton and Manta core images](./rfd/0046/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 47 Retention policy for Joyent engineering data in Manta](./rfd/0047/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 48 Triton A&A Overhaul (AUTHAPI)](./rfd/0048/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 49 AUTHAPI internals](./rfd/0049/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 50 Enhanced Audit Trail for Instance Lifecycle Events](./rfd/0050/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 51 Code Review Guidance](./rfd/0051/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 52 Moray test suite rework](./rfd/0052/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 53 Improving ZFS Pool Layout Flexibility](./rfd/0053/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 54 Remove 'autoboot' when VMs stop from within](./rfd/0054/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 55 LX support for Mount Namespaces](./rfd/0055/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 56 Revamp Cloudapi](./rfd/0056/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 57 Moving to Content Addressable Docker Images](./rfd/0057/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 58 Moving Net-Agent Forward](./rfd/0058/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 59 Update Triton to Node.js v4-LTS](./rfd/0059/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 60 Scaling the Designation API](./rfd/0060/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 61 CNAPI High Availability](./rfd/0061/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 62 Replace Workflow API](./rfd/0062/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 63 Adding branding to kernel cred\_t](./rfd/0063/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 64 Hardware Inventory GRUB Menu Item](./rfd/0064/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 65 Multipart Uploads for Manta](./rfd/0065/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 66 USBA improvements for USB 3.x](./rfd/0066/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 67 Triton headnode resilience](./rfd/0067/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 68 Triton versioning](./rfd/0068/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 69 Metadata socket improvements](./rfd/0069/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 70 Joyent Repository Metadata](./rfd/0070/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 71 Manta Client-side Encryption](./rfd/0071/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 72 Chroot-independent Device Access](./rfd/0072/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 73 Moray client support for SRV-based service discovery](./rfd/0073/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 74 Manta fault tolerance test plan](./rfd/0074/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 75 Virtualizing the number of CPUs](./rfd/0075/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 76 Improving Manta Networking Setup](./rfd/0076/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 77 Hardware-backed per-zone crypto tokens](./rfd/0077/README.adoc) |
| publish | [RFD 78 Making Moray's findobjects requests robust with regards to unindexed fields](./rfd/0078/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 79 Reserved for Mariposa](./rfd/0079/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 80 Reserved for Mariposa](./rfd/0080/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 81 Reserved for Mariposa](./rfd/0081/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 82 Triton agents install and update](./rfd/0082/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 83 Triton `http_proxy` support](./rfd/0083/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 84 Providing Manta access on multiple networks](./rfd/0084/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 85 Tactical improvements for Manta alarms](./rfd/0085/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 86 ContainerPilot 3](./rfd/0086/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 87 Docker Events for Triton](./rfd/0087/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 88 DC and Hardware Management Futures](./rfd/0088/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 89 Project Tiresias](./rfd/0089/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 90 Handling CPU Caps in Triton](./rfd/0090/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 91 Application Metrics in SDC and Manta](./rfd/0091/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 92 Triton Services High Availability](./rfd/0092/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 93 Modernize TLS Options](./rfd/0093/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 94 Global Zone metrics in CMON](./rfd/0094/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 95 Seamless Muppet Reconfiguration](./rfd/0095/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 96 Named thread API](./rfd/0096/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 97 Project Hookshot - Improved VLAN Handling](./rfd/0097/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 98 Issue Prioritisation Guidelines](./rfd/0098/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 99 Client Library for Collecting Application Metrics](./rfd/0099/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 100 Improving lint and style checks in JavaScript](./rfd/0100/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 101 Models for operational escalation into engineering](./rfd/0101/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 102 Requests for Enhancement](./rfd/0102/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 103 Operationalize Resharding](./rfd/0103/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 104 Engineering Guide - General Principles](./rfd/0104/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 105 Engineering Guide - Node.js Best Practices](./rfd/0105/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 106 Engineering Guide - Go Best Practices](./rfd/0106/README.adoc) |
| predraft | [RFD 107 Self assigned IP's and reservations](./rfd/0107/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 108 Remove Support for the Kernel Memory Cage](./rfd/0108/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 109 Run Operator-Script Earlier during Image Creation](./rfd/0109/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 110 Operator-Configurable Throttles for Manta](./rfd/0110/README.md) |
| publish | [RFD 111 Manta Incident Response Practice](./rfd/0111/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 112 Manta Storage Auditor](./rfd/0112/README.md) |
| draft | [RFD 113 Triton custom image sharing and x-DC copying](./rfd/0113/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 114 GPGPU Instance Support in Triton](./rfd/0114/README.md) |
| predraft | [RFD 1 Spearhead Directory Service (LDAP)](./rfd/0001/README.md) |
## Contents of an RFD