2017-06-09 07:26:25 +03:00
const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid');
const paramCase = require('param-case');
const camelCase = require('camel-case');
const yaml = require('js-yaml');
2017-05-18 21:21:33 +03:00
const {
} = require('./data.json');
const find = (query = {}) => item =>
Object.keys(query).every(key => item[key] === query[key]);
const cleanQuery = (q = {}) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(q));
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
const getInstances = query => {
return Promise.resolve(instances.filter(find(cleanQuery(query))));
2017-06-08 00:15:48 +03:00
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
const getUnfilteredServices = query => {
2017-06-08 00:15:48 +03:00
const instancesResolver = ({ id }) => query =>
Object.assign({}, query, {
serviceId: id
2017-05-18 21:21:33 +03:00
2017-06-08 00:15:48 +03:00
2017-05-18 21:21:33 +03:00
2017-06-08 00:15:48 +03:00
const addNestedResolvers = service =>
Object.assign({}, service, {
instances: instancesResolver(service)
2017-05-18 21:21:33 +03:00
2017-06-08 00:15:48 +03:00
return Promise.resolve(
2017-05-18 21:21:33 +03:00
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
const getServices = query => {
const services = getUnfilteredServices(query)
.then(services => {
// loop through services and for each of them get all services that's parent id is the service
// once done - this will be a Promise all - need to remove any duplicates from the services list - the original
// then we can do below...
return (
services.map(service => getUnfilteredServices({ parent: service.id }))
// this is going to be an array of arrays of services
.then(childServices => {
return childServices.reduce((childServices, childService) => {
return childServices.concat(childService);
}, []);
// now it's at least flat
.then(childServices => {
return services.concat(
childServices.reduce((childServices, childService) => {
const exists = services.filter(
service => service.id === childService.id
if (!exists) {
return childServices;
}, [])
.then(services => {
return Promise.all(
services.map(service => service.instances())
).then(instances => {
return { services, instances };
.then(({ services, instances }) => {
const activeServices = services.reduce((services, service, index) => {
const active = instances[index].filter(
instance =>
instance.status !== 'DELETED' && instance.status !== 'EXITED'
if (active) {
return services;
}, []);
const allServices = activeServices.reduce((allServices, service) => {
if (service.parent) {
const parentService = services.filter(s => s.id === service.parent);
const exists = allServices.filter(s => s.id === service.parent)
if (!exists && parentService) {
return allServices;
}, []);
return allServices;
return Promise.resolve(services);
2017-06-08 00:15:48 +03:00
const getDeploymentGroups = query => {
const servicesResolver = ({ id }) => query =>
Object.assign({}, query, {
deploymentGroupId: id
2017-05-18 21:21:33 +03:00
2017-06-08 00:15:48 +03:00
const addNestedResolvers = dg =>
Object.assign({}, dg, {
services: servicesResolver(dg)
return Promise.resolve(
const getPortal = () =>
Object.assign({}, portal, {
deploymentGroups: getDeploymentGroups
2017-05-18 21:21:33 +03:00
2017-06-09 07:26:25 +03:00
const createDeploymentGroup = ({ name }) => {
const dg = {
id: uuid(),
slug: paramCase(name),
return Promise.resolve(dg);
const createServicesFromManifest = ({ deploymentGroupId, raw }) => {
const manifest = yaml.safeLoad(raw);
Object.keys(manifest).forEach(name => {
const service = {
id: uuid(),
deploymentGroup: deploymentGroupId,
slug: paramCase(name),
const instance = {
id: uuid(),
name: camelCase(`${service.slug}_01`),
service: service.id,
deploymentGroup: deploymentGroupId
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
2017-06-16 17:12:28 +03:00
const scale = options => {
const service = getServices({ id: options.serviceId })[0];
2017-06-19 15:10:57 +03:00
2017-06-16 17:12:28 +03:00
return {
scale: [
id: service.id,
serviceName: service.name,
replicas: 2
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
const updateInstancesStatus = (is, status) => {
is.forEach(i => {
const instance = instances.filter(instance => instance.id === i.id)[0];
instance.status = status;
2017-07-06 13:10:10 +03:00
return null;
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
2017-07-06 18:28:05 +03:00
const updateServiceStatus = (ss, status) => {
ss.forEach(s => {
const service = services.filter(service => service.id === s.id)[0];
service.status = status;
return null;
const updateServiceAndInstancesStatus = (serviceId, serviceStatus, instancesStatus) => {
return Promise.all([
getServices({ id: serviceId }),
getServices({ parentId: serviceId })
2017-07-06 13:10:10 +03:00
.then(services => services.reduce((services, service) =>
services.concat(service), []))
2017-07-06 18:28:05 +03:00
.then(services => {
updateServiceStatus(services, serviceStatus);
return Promise.all(
services.reduce((instances, service) =>
service.instances ? instances.concat(service.instances()) : instances, []))
.then(instances => updateInstancesStatus(instances.reduce((is, i) =>
is.concat(i), []), instancesStatus))
2017-07-06 13:10:10 +03:00
.then(() => Promise.all([
2017-07-06 18:28:05 +03:00
getUnfilteredServices({ id: serviceId }),
getUnfilteredServices({ parentId: serviceId })
2017-07-06 13:10:10 +03:00
.then(services => services.reduce((services, service) =>
services.concat(service), []));
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
2017-07-06 18:28:05 +03:00
const handleStatusUpdateRequest = (serviceId,
transitionalServiceStatus, transitionalInstancesStatus,
serviceStatus, instancesStatus) => {
// this is what we need to delay
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
serviceStatus, instancesStatus);
}, 5000);
// this is what we'll need to return
return updateServiceAndInstancesStatus(serviceId,
transitionalServiceStatus, transitionalInstancesStatus);
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
2017-07-06 18:28:05 +03:00
const deleteServices = options => {
// service transitional 'DELETING'
// instances transitional 'STOPPING'
// service 'DELETED'
// instances 'DELETED'
const deleteService = handleStatusUpdateRequest(options.ids[0],
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
return Promise.resolve(deleteService);
2017-06-19 15:10:57 +03:00
const stopServices = options => {
2017-07-06 18:28:05 +03:00
// service transitional 'STOPPING'
// instances transitional 'STOPPING'
// service 'STOPPED'
// instances 'STOPPED'
const stopService = handleStatusUpdateRequest(options.ids[0],
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
return Promise.resolve(stopService);
2017-06-19 15:10:57 +03:00
const startServices = options => {
2017-07-06 18:28:05 +03:00
// service transitional ...
// instances transitional ...
// service 'ACTIVE'
// instances 'RUNNING'
const startService = handleStatusUpdateRequest(options.ids[0],
2017-06-26 15:25:46 +03:00
return Promise.resolve(startService);
2017-06-19 15:10:57 +03:00
2017-07-06 18:28:05 +03:00
const restartServices = options => {
// service transitional 'RESTARTING'
// instances transitional 'STOPPING'
// service 'ACTIVE'
// instances 'RUNNING'
const restartService = handleStatusUpdateRequest(options.ids[0],
return Promise.resolve(restartService);
2017-05-18 21:21:33 +03:00
module.exports = {
2017-06-08 00:15:48 +03:00
portal: getPortal,
deploymentGroups: getDeploymentGroups,
2017-06-16 15:41:30 +03:00
deploymentGroup: query => getDeploymentGroups(query).then(dgs => dgs.shift()),
2017-06-08 00:15:48 +03:00
services: getServices,
service: query => getServices(query).then(services => services.shift()),
instances: getInstances,
2017-06-09 07:26:25 +03:00
instance: query => getInstances(query).then(instances => instances.shift()),
provisionManifest: options =>
createServicesFromManifest(options).then(() => ({
id: uuid(),
type: options.type,
format: options.format
2017-06-16 17:12:28 +03:00
deleteServices: (options, request, fn) => fn(null, deleteServices(options)),
2017-06-19 15:10:57 +03:00
scale: (options, reguest, fn) => fn(null, scale(options)),
restartServices: (options, request, fn) => fn(null, restartServices(options)),
stopServices: (options, request, fn) => fn(null, stopServices(options)),
startServices: (options, request, fn) => fn(null, startServices(options))
2017-05-18 21:21:33 +03:00