mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 17:30:13 +02:00
1589 lines
37 KiB
1589 lines
37 KiB
const test = require('ava');
const gql = require('graphql-tag');
const { readFile } = require('mz/fs');
const sortBy = require('lodash.sortby');
const path = require('path');
const execa = require('execa');
const IPC = require('crocket');
global.fetch = require('node-fetch');
const {
default: ApolloClient,
} = require('apollo-client');
const EVENT_TYPES = [
let port = 3000;
let sockPort = 2999;
const fetchTag = file =>
readFile(path.join(__dirname, `tags/${file}.gql`), 'utf-8');
const listen = (socket, check) =>
new Promise(resolve => {
const events = [];
let off = false;
EVENT_TYPES.forEach(name =>
socket.on(name, ({ index, payload }) => {
// No .off API
if (off) {
const ev = { name, index, payload };
if (!check(ev)) {
off = true;
sortBy(events, ['index']).map(({ name, payload }) => ({
const getClient = () =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const sock = new IPC();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign
const _port = (port += 1);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign
const _sockPort = (sockPort -= 1);
sock._sockPort = _sockPort;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error('spawning node', {
pid: process.pid
const server = execa('node', ['.'], {
stdio: 'pipe',
cwd: path.join(__dirname, '..'),
env: {
PORT: _port,
SOCK_PORT: _sockPort
const client = new ApolloClient({
networkInterface: createNetworkInterface({
uri: `http://localhost:${port}/api/graphql`
server.stdout.on('data', d => {
if (!/server started at /.test(d)) {
sock.connect({ port: _sockPort }, err => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('sock connected to %d', _sockPort);
Object.assign(client, {
kill: () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error('closing server & client', {
pid: process.pid
test('getPortal', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const res = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups'))
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(res.data, null, 2));
test('getDeploymentGroups', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const res = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-direct'))
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(res.data, null, 2));
test('getDeploymentGroup', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const res = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-group-direct')),
variables: {
id: 'e0ea0c02-55cc-45fe-8064-3e5176a59401'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(res.data, null, 2));
test('getServices', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const res = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('services-direct'))
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(res.data, null, 2));
test('getService', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const res = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('service-direct-filtered')),
variables: {
id: '6d31aff4-de1e-4042-a983-fbd23d5c530c'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(res.data, null, 2));
test('getInstances', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const res = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('instances-direct'))
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(res.data, null, 2));
test('getInstance', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const res = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('instance-direct-filtered')),
variables: {
id: '25f6bc62-63b8-4959-908e-1f6d7ff6341d'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(res.data, null, 2));
test('should return everything', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const res = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('all'))
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(res.data, null, 2));
test('should return only Portal', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const res = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('portal-only'))
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(res.data, null, 2));
test("should return DeploymentGroup's", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const dgs = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups'))
const dgsDirect = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-direct'))
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgs.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsDirect.data, null, 2));
test("should return filtered DeploymentGroup's", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const dgs = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'wordpress-blog-example'
const dgsDirect = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-direct-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'wordpress-blog-example'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgs.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsDirect.data, null, 2));
test('should return services', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const services = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('services'))
const servicesDirect = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('services-direct'))
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(services.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(servicesDirect.data, null, 2));
test('should return filtered services', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const services = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('services-filtered')),
variables: {
dgSlug: 'wordpress-blog-example',
sSlug: 'nginx'
const servicesDirect = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('services-direct-filtered')),
variables: {
sSlug: 'nginx'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(services.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(servicesDirect.data, null, 2));
test('should return instances', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const instances = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('instances'))
const instancesDirect = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('instances-direct'))
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(instances.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(instancesDirect.data, null, 2));
test('should return filtered instances', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const instances = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('instances-filtered')),
variables: {
dgSlug: 'cpexample',
sSlug: 'mysql',
iName: 'mysql-2',
biName: 'mysql-1'
const instancesDirect = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('instances-direct-filtered')),
variables: {
dgSlug: 'cpexample',
sSlug: 'mysql',
iName: 'mysql-2',
biName: 'mysql-1'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(instances.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(instancesDirect.data, null, 2));
test('should create DeploymentGroup', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test'
const dgs = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups'))
const dgsDirect = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-direct'))
const fDgs = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test'
const fDgsDirect = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-direct-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(created.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgs.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsDirect.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(fDgs.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(fDgsDirect.data, null, 2));
test('should provisionManifest', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test1'
const dgsBeforeProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test1'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
const provisionEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test1'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsBeforeProvision.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(provisionEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterProvision.data, null, 2));
test('should delete DeploymentGroup', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test2'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test2'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test2'
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('delete-deployment-group')),
variables: {
id: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id
const deleteDgEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'dg-deleted' && payload === created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id
const dgsAfterDelete = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test2'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterProvision.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(deleteDgEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterDelete.data, null, 2));
test('should scale up', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test3'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test3'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test3'
const serviceId =
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('scale')),
variables: {
replicas: 10
const scaleEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) => name === 'service-scaled' && payload === serviceId
const dgsAfterScale = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test3'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterProvision.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(scaleEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterScale.data, null, 2));
test('should scale down', async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test4'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test4'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test4'
const serviceId =
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('scale')),
variables: {
replicas: 10
await listen(
({ name, payload }) => name === 'service-scaled' && payload === serviceId
const dgsAfterScaleUp = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test4'
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('scale')),
variables: {
replicas: 7
const scaleDownEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) => name === 'service-scaled' && payload === serviceId
const dgsAfterScaleDown = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test4'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterScaleUp.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(scaleDownEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterScaleDown.data, null, 2));
test("shouldn't scale", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test10'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test10'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test10'
const serviceId =
const scaleUpVersion = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('scale')),
variables: {
replicas: 10
await listen(
({ name, payload }) => name === 'service-scaled' && payload === serviceId
const dgsAfterScaleUp = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test10'
const scaleEqVersion = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('scale')),
variables: {
replicas: 10
const dgsAfterScaleEq = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test10'
t.deepEqual(scaleUpVersion.data, scaleEqVersion.data);
t.deepEqual(dgsAfterScaleUp.data, dgsAfterScaleEq.data);
test("should delete Service's", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test5'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test5'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test5'
const serviceIds = dgsAfterProvision.data.portal.deploymentGroups
.filter(({ id }) => id === created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id)[0]
.services.map(({ id }) => id);
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('delete-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const deleteServicesEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-deleted' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterDelete = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test5'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterProvision.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(deleteServicesEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterDelete.data, null, 2));
test("shouldn't delete Service's twice", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test5'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test5'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test5'
const serviceIds = dgsAfterProvision.data.portal.deploymentGroups
.filter(({ id }) => id === created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id)[0]
.services.map(({ id }) => id);
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('delete-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const deleteServicesEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-deleted' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterDelete = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test5'
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('delete-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const deleteServicesAgainEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-deleted' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterDeleteAgain = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test5'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterProvision.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(deleteServicesEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterDelete.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(deleteServicesAgainEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterDeleteAgain.data, null, 2));
test("should restart Service's", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test6'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test6'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test6'
const serviceIds = dgsAfterProvision.data.portal.deploymentGroups
.filter(({ id }) => id === created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id)[0]
.services.map(({ id }) => id);
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('restart-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const restartEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-restarted' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterRestart = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test6'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterProvision.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(restartEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterRestart.data, null, 2));
test("should stop Service's", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test7'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test7'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test7'
const serviceIds = dgsAfterProvision.data.portal.deploymentGroups
.filter(({ id }) => id === created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id)[0]
.services.map(({ id }) => id);
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('stop-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const stopEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-stopped' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterStop = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test7'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterProvision.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(stopEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterStop.data, null, 2));
test("shouldn't stop Service's twice", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test9'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test9'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test9'
const serviceIds = dgsAfterProvision.data.portal.deploymentGroups
.filter(({ id }) => id === created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id)[0]
.services.map(({ id }) => id);
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('stop-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const stopEventsBefore = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-stopped' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterStop = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test9'
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('stop-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const stopEventsAfter = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-stopped' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterStopAgain = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test9'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterProvision.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(stopEventsBefore, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterStop.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(stopEventsAfter, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterStopAgain.data, null, 2));
test("should start Service's", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test8'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test8'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test8'
const serviceIds = dgsAfterProvision.data.portal.deploymentGroups
.filter(({ id }) => id === created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id)[0]
.services.map(({ id }) => id);
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('start-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const startEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-started' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterStart = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test8'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterProvision.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(startEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterStart.data, null, 2));
test("shouldn't start Service's twice", async t => {
const client = await getClient();
const created = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('create-deployment-group')),
variables: {
name: 'test10'
await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test10'
const version = await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('provision-manifest')),
variables: {
deploymentGroupId: created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id,
type: 'COMPOSE',
format: 'YAML',
environment: {},
files: [],
raw: `
image: redis:latest
image: nginx:latest
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'manifest-provisioned' &&
payload === version.data.provisionManifest.id
const dgsAfterProvision = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test10'
const serviceIds = dgsAfterProvision.data.portal.deploymentGroups
.filter(({ id }) => id === created.data.createDeploymentGroup.id)[0]
.services.map(({ id }) => id);
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('stop-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-stopped' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterStop = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test10'
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('start-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const startEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-started' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterStart = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test10'
await client.mutate({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
mutation: gql(await fetchTag('start-services')),
variables: {
ids: serviceIds
const startAgainEvents = await listen(
({ name, payload }) =>
name === 'services-started' &&
serviceIds.every(id => payload.indexOf(id) >= 0)
const dgsAfterStartAgain = await client.query({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
query: gql(await fetchTag('deployment-groups-filtered')),
variables: {
slug: 'test10'
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterStop.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(startEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterStart.data, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(startAgainEvents, null, 2));
t.snapshot(JSON.stringify(dgsAfterStartAgain.data, null, 2));