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Marsell Kukuljevic 8672439358 Changed how paths are handled by server.js, to more closely match the Angular
dev environment. New paths:

/api/login: redirects to SSO
/api: all calls (other than above) are sent to cloudapi
/: static content served from static/

All API calls to cloudapi now pass through server.js's HTTP /api, not /.

The static/static path is now gone, since it was causing too much trouble.
static/ is now a symlink directly to app/dist, which is where a fresh Angular
build appears when app/ is built.
2021-04-10 21:50:50 +02:00

189 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File

'use strict';
// Copyright 2021 Spearhead Systems S.R.L.
const mod_restify = require('restify');
const mod_cueball = require('cueball');
const mod_crypto = require('crypto');
const mod_fs = require('fs');
const mod_sdcauth = require('smartdc-auth');
// Globals that are assigned to by main(). They are used by proxy() and login().
let CONFIG = {};
let PRIVATE_KEY = '';
let CLOUDAPI = {};
let SIGNER = {};
const LOGIN_PATH = '/api/login';
const API_PATH = '/api'; // all calls here go to cloudapi
const API_RE = new RegExp('^' + API_PATH + '/');
const STATIC_RE = new RegExp('^/');
// Take any HTTP request that has a token, sign that request with an
// HTTP-Signature header, and pass it along to cloudapi. Return any response
// from cloudapi to our client caller. Effectively this function is a proxy
// that solely signs the request as it passes through.
function proxy(req, res, cb) {
console.log('### proxy', req.url)
// return data from cloudapi to the client caller
function proxyReturn(err, _, res2, data) {
if (err && !res2) {
return cb();
// bypass the convenient send() method to avoid a serialization step
res.writeHead(res2.statusCode, res2.headers);
return cb();
// check the X-Auth-Token is present
if (req.header('X-Auth-Token') == undefined) {
res.send({'Error': 'X-Auth-Token header missing'});
return cb();
// strip off /api from path before forwarding to cloudapi
let url = req.url.substr(API_PATH.length);
// sign the request before forwarding to cloudapi
let headers = req.headers;
var rs = mod_sdcauth.requestSigner({ sign: SIGNER }); = rs.writeDateHeader();
rs.writeTarget(req.method, url);
rs.sign(function signedCb(err, authz) {
if (err) {
return (cb(err));
headers.authorization = authz;
const opts = {
path: url,
headers: headers
// make the call to cloudapi
switch (req.method) {
case 'GET': CLOUDAPI.get(opts, proxyReturn); break;
case 'DELETE': CLOUDAPI.del(opts, proxyReturn); break;
case 'HEAD': CLOUDAPI.head(opts, proxyReturn); break;
case 'POST':, req.body, proxyReturn); break;
case 'PUT': CLOUDAPI.put(opts, req.body, proxyReturn); break;
// Redirect to SSO with (signed) details that the SSO will need to generate a
// secure token. Once the user successfully logs in, the token is returned
// through an SSO redirect to token() below.
function login(req, res, cb) {
console.log('### login');
const query = {
permissions: '{"cloudapi":["/my/*"]}',
returnto: CONFIG.urls.local,
now: new Date().toUTCString(),
keyid: '/' + CONFIG.key.user + '/keys/' +,
nonce: mod_crypto.randomBytes(15).toString('base64')
// the query args MUST be sorted for SSO to validate
const querystr = Object.keys(query).sort().map(function encode(key) {
return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(query[key]);
let url = CONFIG.urls.sso + '/login?' + querystr;
const signer = mod_crypto.createSign('sha256');
const signature = signer.sign(PRIVATE_KEY, 'base64');
url += '&sig=' + encodeURIComponent(signature);
res.json({ url });
// Start up HTTP server and pool of cloudapi clients.
// Read from config file, establish crypto singer needed for requests to
// cloudapi, prepare pool of HTTP clients for communication to cloudapi, and
// start up HTTP server.
function main() {
// load config and private key
const configStr = mod_fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2]);
CONFIG = JSON.parse(configStr);
PRIVATE_KEY = mod_fs.readFileSync(CONFIG.key.path);
// signer is used for signing requests made to cloudapi with HTTP-Signature
SIGNER = mod_sdcauth.privateKeySigner({
user: CONFIG.key.user
// enable pool of clients to cloudapi
CLOUDAPI = mod_restify.createStringClient({
url: CONFIG.urls.cloudapi,
agent: new mod_cueball.HttpsAgent({
spares: 0,
maximum: 4,
recovery: {
default: {
timeout: 2000,
retries: 2,
delay: 250,
maxDelay: 1000
CLOUDAPI_HOST = CONFIG.urls.cloudapi.split('/')[2];
// prepare HTTP server
const options = {
key: mod_fs.readFileSync(CONFIG.server.key),
cert: mod_fs.readFileSync(CONFIG.server.cert)
const server = mod_restify.createServer(options);
// login path is /api/login
server.get(LOGIN_PATH, login);
// all cloudapi calls are proxied through /api
server.get(API_RE, proxy);
server.put(API_RE, proxy);
server.del(API_RE, proxy);, proxy);
server.head(API_RE, proxy);
// where to serve static content from
server.get(STATIC_RE, mod_restify.plugins.serveStatic({
directory: 'static',
default: 'index.html'
// enable HTTP server
server.listen(CONFIG.server.port, function listening() {
console.log('%s listening at %s',, server.url);