2017-01-27 12:49:48 +00:00

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The project as it stands is a monorepo, each part of this prototype (cloudapi-graphql, ui, frontend, nginx) can be found in the root directory.

We currently are using CircleCI for continuous deployment. As soon as a commit is push to Github, we fire a hook off to CircleCI which kicks off our tests.

CircleCI is configured through the circle.yaml found at the root of the project. The main take from this is that we install and setup our dependencies such as docker, docker-compose, triton and yarn. CircleCI then runs the appropriate Makefile command.


CircleCI is configured purely from environment variables. The current set of variables are defined below, The SDC_ variables are pulled directly from the output of triton env and inserted into CircleCI to simplifying setting up triton-cli in a testing environment.

We also have some _DOCKER_ variables, again these are used by triton, but because we wish to build and push the images inside CircleCI we only use them at deployment.

The docker login username and password is derived from a robot account



This command is ran at the point when all of the tests are passing. It fires off a call to docker-compose -d up. This can equally be ran on a developers machine if manual intervention is needed.