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2017-09-29 12:15:46 -07:00

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node-triton changelog

Known issues:

  • triton ssh ... disables ssh ControlMaster to avoid issue #52.

not yet released

(nothing yet)


  • [joyent/node-triton#74, TOOLS-1872] Filter instance list by tag, e.g. triton instance list


  • [joyent/node-triton#187] DTraceProviderBindings errors on FreeBSD.
  • [joyent/node-triton#226] added new triton volume sizes subcommand.
  • [PUBAPI-1420] added support for mounting volumes in LX and SmartOS instances. E.g., triton instance create --volume VOLUME ....


  • [joyent/node-triton#222] Fix the matching environment variable for the triton -r,--role ROLE ... option to be TRITON_ROLE instead of MANTA_ROLE.
  • [joyent/node-triton#201] Fix triton -r,--role ROLE ... option for taking up an RBAC role. This was introduced in v4.12.0 and was accidentally broken in v5.0.0.
  • [joyent/node-triton#217] triton volume ls -l should output a RESOURCE column.


  • [joyent/node-triton#173], [joyent/node-triton#174] and [joyent/node-triton#175] Add support for creating and managing NFS shared volumes. New triton volume commands are available:

    • triton volume create to create NFS shared volumes
    • triton volume list to list existing volumes
    • triton volume get to get information about a given volume
    • triton volume delete to delete one or more volumes

    Use triton volume --help to get help on all of these commands.

    Note that these commands are hidden for now. They will be made visible by default once the server-side support for volumes is shipped in Triton.


  • [joyent/node-triton#193] Fix possible CLI crash with triton ssh ... if the instance's image doesn't have any tags.
  • [joyent/node-triton#213] commands fail unhelpfully when cliSetupTritonApi returns error (this includes e.g. supplying an incorrect key fingerprint, which no longer results in a cryptic stack trace and crash)



  • [joyent/node-triton#190] Fix triton profile create|docker-setup breakage with latest "17.03.*" versions of docker installed.
  • [joyent/node-triton#148] Fix triton profile edit ... to work with an "EDITOR" environment variable with quotes and spaces.
  • [joyent/node-triton#183] triton profile create will no longer use ANSI codes for styling if stdout isn't a TTY.


  • [joyent/node-triton#182] Add -y, --yes options to triton profile create and triton profile docker-setup to allow non-interactive setup.


  • [joyent/node-triton#108] Support for passphrase-protected private keys. Before this work, an encrypted private SSH key (i.e. protected by a passphrase) would have to be loaded in an ssh-agent for the triton CLI to use it. Now triton will prompt for the passphrase to unlock the private key (in memory), if needed. For example:

      $ triton package list
      Enter passphrase for id_rsa: <passphrase entered interactively here>
      14ad9d54  g4-highcpu-128M    128M  512M    3G      -
      14ae2634  g4-highcpu-256M    256M    1G    5G      -
  • BREAKING CHANGE for module usage of node-triton. To implement joyent/node-triton#108, the way a TritonApi client is setup for use has changed from being (unrealistically) sync to async.

    Client preparation is now a multi-step process:

    1. create the client object;
    2. initialize it (mainly involves finding the SSH key identified by the keyId); and,
    3. optionally unlock the SSH key (if it is passphrase-protected and not in an ssh-agent).

    createClient has changed to take a callback argument. It will create and init the client (steps 1 and 2) and takes an optional unlockKeyFn parameter to handle step 3. A new mod_triton.promptPassphraseUnlockKey export can be used for unlockKeyFn for command-line tools to handle prompting for a passphrase on stdin, if required. Therefore what used to be:

      var mod_triton = require('triton');
      try {
          var client = mod_triton.createClient({      # No longer works.
              profileName: 'env'
      } catch (initErr) {
          // handle err
      // use `client`

    is now:

      var mod_triton = require('triton');
          profileName: 'env',
          unlockKeyFn: mod_triton.promptPassphraseUnlockKey
      }, function (err, client) {
          if (err) {
              // handle err
          // use `client`

    See the examples/ directory for more complete examples.

    Low-level/raw handling of the three steps above is possible as follows (error handling is elided):

      var mod_bunyan = require('bunyan');
      var mod_triton = require('triton');
      // 1. create
      var client = mod_triton.createTritonApiClient({
          log: mod_bunyan.createLogger({name: 'my-tool'}),
          config: {},
          profile: mod_triton.loadProfile('env')
      // 2. init
      client.init(function (initErr) {
          // 3. unlock key
          // See top-comment in "lib/tritonapi.js".
  • [joyent/node-triton#143] Fix duplicate output from 'triton rbac key ...'.

  • [joyent/node-triton#157] Add triton instance resize ... command and TritonApi.resizeInstance method.

  • [joyent/node-triton#129] Fix triton reboot --wait to properly wait. Before it would often return immediately, before the instance started rebooting. Add --wait-timeout N option to triton reboot. Also add TritonApi#rebootInstance() api method.

  • [joyent/node-triton#166] Update sshpk to fix issue with the TLS client cert created by triton profile docker-setup so that it doesn't create a cert that Go's TLS library doesn't like.

  • [joyent/node-triton#156] Providing all required profile options as command line flags (account, url, keyId) no longer produces an incomplete profile error.

  • PUBAPI-1171/PUBAPI-1205/PUBAPI-1351 The handling of legacy SDC_* environment variables has been cleaned up. These environment variables are used for compatibility with the node-smartdc toolset.

    • SDC_TESTING is now evaluated the same way as node-smartdc. Any set value but the empty string is true.
    • Errors on boolean environment variables will now identify the variable at fault.
    • triton env will emit additional comments grouping variables.
  • [joyent/node-triton#80] Add triton network list public=true|false filtering. Note that this filtering is client-side.

  • [joyent/node-triton#146] Add --wait flag to triton instance rename.

  • [joyent/node-triton#133] Add triton inst fwrule list and triton fwrules shortcuts for the existing triton inst fwrules and triton fwrule list, respectively.

  • [joyent/node-triton#3] triton ssh command not aware of "ubuntu" login for ubuntu-certified images.

  • [joyent/node-triton#137] Improve the handling for the getting started case when a user may not have envvars or a profile setup.

  • [joyent/node-triton#158] tritonapi image cache never expires

  • [joyent/node-triton#153] Bump restify-clients dep. Thanks,


  • [joyent/node-triton#64] Support 'triton instance rename ...' (by

  • [trentm/node-dashdash#30, joyent/node-triton#144] Change the output used by Bash completion support to indicate "there are no completions for this argument" to cope with different sorting rules on different Bash/platforms. For example:

      $ triton -p test2 package get <TAB>          # before
      ##-no -tritonpackage- completions-##
      $ triton -p test2 package get <TAB>          # after
      ##-no-completion- -results-##


  • TOOLS-1592 First workaround for a possible BadDigestError when using node v6.


  • TOOLS-1587 'triton profile docker-setup' fails when path to 'docker' has spaces. This can help on Windows where Docker Toolbox installs docker.exe to "C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox".
  • [#136] bash completion for triton profile create --copy <TAB>


  • [#130] Include disabled images when using an image cache (e.g. for filling in image name and version details in triton ls output.


  • [#120] Don't fail triton instance list if the retrieval of image info (retrieved to get image name and version, as a bonus) fails with an authorization error -- in case it is an RBAC failure where a subuser can ListMachines, but not ListImages.

  • [#113] Usage errors now some "error help", including option or command synopses. Some examples (the new thing is marked with >):

    • Command synopses when argument errors:

          $ triton create
          triton instance create: error (Usage): incorrect number of args
      >   usage: triton instance create [OPTIONS] IMAGE PACKAGE
    • Option synopsis with option errors:

          $ triton image ls --bogus
          triton image ls: error (Option): unknown option: "--bogus"
      >   usage: triton image ls [ --help | -h ] [ --all | -a ] [ -H ] [ -o field1,... ]
      >       [ --long | -l ] [ -s field1,... ] [ --json | -j ] ...
    • Suggested command name misspellings:

          $ triton in
          triton: error (UnknownCommand): unknown command: "in"
      >   Did you mean this?
      >       info
      >       inst


  • [#120] triton -r,--role ROLE ... option to take up an RBAC role(s).


  • [#112] Fix triton completion, broke a while back.
  • [#111] triton env --unset,-u option to emit environment commands to unset relevant envvars.
  • Unhide triton env from triton --help output.


  • [#82] Affinity (a.k.a. locality hints) support for instance creation, e.g.:

      # Use same server as instance 'db0':
      triton create -a instance==db0 ...
      triton create -a db0 ...           # shortcut for same thing
      # Use different server than instance 'db0':
      triton create -a 'instance!=db0' ...
      # *Attempt* to use same server as instance 'db0', but don't fail
      # if cannot. This is called a "non-strict" or "soft" rule.
      triton create -a instance==~db0 ...
      # *Attempt* to use a different server than instance 'db0':
      triton create -a 'instance!=~db0' ...

    "Affinity" here refers to providing rules for deciding on which server a new instance should by provisioned. Rules are in terms of existing instances. As a shortcut, 'inst' can be used in place of 'instance' above (e.g. triton create -a 'inst!=db0' ...).


  • [#46] Initial support for triton helping setup and manage configuration for using docker against a Triton datacenter. Triton datacenters can provide a Docker Remote API endpoint against which you can run the normal docker client. See for and overview and for developer details.

    • triton profile create will now setup the profile for running Docker, if the Triton datacenter provides a docker endpoint. The typical flow would be:

      $ triton profile create
      name: foo
      $ triton profile set foo            # make foo my default profile
      $ eval "$(triton env --docker)"     # set 'DOCKER_' envvars
      $ docker info

      This profile setup for Docker requires making requests to the CloudAPI endpoint which can fail (e.g. if CloudAPI is down, credentials are invalid, etc.). You can use the --no-docker option to skip the Docker setup part of profile creation.

    • For existing Triton CLI profiles, there is a new triton profile docker-setup [PROFILE].

      $ triton profile docker-setup
      $ eval "$(triton env --docker)"
      $ docker info
    • triton env will now emit commands to setup DOCKER_ envvars. That can be limited to just the Docker-relevant env via triton env --docker.


  • #103 triton ip <inst> to output the instance's primaryIp
  • #52 Workaround for triton ssh .... In version 4.6.0, triton ssh ... interactive sessions were broken. This version reverts that change and adds a workaround for #52 (by disabling ControlMaster when spawning ssh). See for details.
  • #97 triton profile set - to set the last profile as current.
  • PUBAPI-1266 Added instance enable-firewall and instance disable-firewall


Known issue: triton ssh interactive sessions are broken. Upgrade to v4.7.1.

  • #101 Bash completion for server-side data: instances, images, etc. Bash completion on TAB should now work for things like the following: triton create <TAB to complete images> <TAB to complete packages, triton inst tag ls <TAB to complete instances>. Cached (with a 5 minute TTL) completions for the following data are supported: instances, images, packages, networks, fwrules, account keys. See triton completion --help for adding/updating Bash completion.
  • #99 triton profile set ... alias for set-current


Known issue: triton ssh interactive sessions are broken. Upgrade to v4.7.1.

  • #98 triton inst get ID for a deleted instance will now emit the instance object and error less obtusely. This adds a new InstanceDeleted error code from TritonApi.
  • PUBAPI-1233 firewalls: triton fwrule ...
  • PUBAPI-1234 instance snapshots: triton inst snapshot ...
  • #52 Fix 'triton ssh ...' stdout/stderr to fully flush with node >= 4.x.


  • #95 Fix breakage of triton image create in v4.5.0. (By Kris Shannon.)
  • #94, #93 triton inst create ... is broken if "images.json" cache file is missing. (By Kris Shannon.)



  • #88 'triton inst tag ...' for managing instance tags.


  • #90 Update sshpk and smartdc-auth to attempt to deal with multiple package inter-deps.


  • #86 Ensure triton profile ls and triton profile set-current work when there is no current profile.


  • Support triton.createClient(...) creation without requiring a configDir. Basically this then fallsback to a TritonApi with the default config.


  • #83, #84 Fix running triton on Windows. Note: Triton config is stored in "%APPDATA%/Joyent/Triton/..." on Windows, "~/.triton/..." on other platforms.


  • #78 triton image delete IMAGE
  • #79 Fix triton instance get NAME to make sure it gets the dns_names CNS field.
  • PUBAPI-1227: Note that triton image list doesn't include Docker images, at least currently.


  • #77 triton create error in v4.3.0


Bad release. Use >=4.3.1.

  • #76 triton image create ... and triton image wait ...
  • #72 want triton image to still return image details even when it is not in 'active' state


  • Bash completion: Add completion for args to triton account update <TAB>. This isn't perfect because a space is added after completion of "FIELD=", but hopefully is helpful.
  • #75 triton account update ...


  • Unhide triton completion so hopefully more find it and use it.

  • node-triton#73 triton instance list --credentials to include "metadata.credentials" in instance listing.

  • node-triton#35 More easily distinguish KVM and LX and Docker images and instances.

    In PUBAPI-1161 CloudAPI (v8.0.0) started exposing IMG.type, INST.brand and INST.docker. One of the main issues for users is that telling KVM ubuntu from LX ubuntu is confusing (see also joyent/smartos-live#532).


    • triton image list default output now includes the type instead of state. The state column is still in output with -l, -j, -o state.
    • triton instance list default output now includes a flags column instead of primaryIp. The 'D' and 'K' flags identify Docker and KVM instances.
    • triton instance list -l includes the brand.

    Default output examples showing the various cases (and the attempt to stay within 80 columns):

    $ triton imgs
    SHORTID   NAME            VERSION   FLAGS  OS       TYPE          PUBDATE
    1bd84670  minimal-64-lts  14.4.2    P      smartos  zone-dataset  2015-05-28
    b67492c2  base-64-lts     14.4.2    P      smartos  zone-dataset  2015-05-28
    ffe82a0a  ubuntu-15.04    20151105  P      linux    lx-dataset    2015-11-05
    8a1dbc62  centos-6        20160111  P      linux    zvol          2016-01-11
    $ triton insts
    SHORTID   NAME         IMG                    STATE    FLAGS  AGE
    da7c6edd  cocky_noyce  3d996aaa               running  DF     10m
    deedeb42  ubu0         ubuntu-15.04@20151105  running  -      9m
    aa9ccfda  mini2        minimal-64-lts@14.4.2  running  -      9m
    e8fc0b96  centi0       centos-6@20160111      running  K      8m
  • Filtering instances on docker=true:

    $ triton insts docker=true
    SHORTID   NAME         IMG       STATE    FLAGS  AGE
    da7c6edd  cocky_noyce  3d996aaa  running  DF     13m


  • Add triton env -t to be able to emit a shell environment to configure triton itself. This allows one to have the following Bash function to select a Triton profile for triton and node-smartdc tooling:

      function triton-select { eval $(triton env $1); }


  • [backwards incompat] #66 New consistent triton CLI style. See the issue for discussion.

    The major changes is that where some sub-commands used to be some flavour of:

      triton things       # list all the things
      triton thing ID     # get a thing
      triton thing -a ID  # create a new thing

    Now commands are consistently:

      triton thing list       # list all the things
      triton thing get ID     # get a thing
      triton thing create ... # create a new thing

    The most annoying incompatility is the need for "get" to get a thing. E.g.:

      BEFORE                  AFTER
      triton img blah         triton img get blah
      triton inst web0        triton inst get web0

    For listing things, there is typically a shortcut with the old form, e.g. triton images is a shortcut for triton image list.

    Currently all of the CLI except the experimental triton rbac ... is converted to the new consistent style.

  • [backwards incompat] triton whoami was dropped. This used to be a shortcut for triton account get. It could possibly come back.

  • Much improved Bash completion. See triton completion -h for notes on how to install.

  • Add the ability to create a profile copying from an existing profile, via triton profile create --copy NAME.

  • triton key add was added (


  • #67 Add triton create --network,-N NETWORK ... option for specifying networks for instance creation. "NETWORK" is a network id, name, or short id; or a comma-separated array of networks.


  • #67 Add triton create --tag|-t ... option for adding tags on instance creation. E.g. triton create -n NAME -t foo=bar -t @my-tags-file.json IMAGE PACKAGE.


  • #63 "triton images" with a filter should not be cached.
  • #65 Fix triton profile(s) handling when the user has no profiles yet.


  • #60 Display vcpus in triton packages output.
  • Add -d,--data <data> option to triton cloudapi.
  • Fix triton rbac role ROLE. Also get that command to have a stable order for the displayed fields.


  • Improvements for using node-triton as a module. E.g. a simple example:

      var triton = require('triton');
      var client = triton.createClient({profileName: 'env'});
      client.listImages(function (err, imgs) {

    See the README and "lib/index.js" for more info.


  • #59 CLI options to triton create to add metadata on instance creation:
    • triton create -m,--metadata KEY=VALUE to add a single value
    • triton create -m,--metadata @FILE to add values from a JSON or key/value-per-line file
    • triton create -M,--metadata-file KEY=FILE to set a key from a file
    • triton create --script FILE to set the special "user-script" key from a file


  • #58 triton --act-as=ACCOUNT ... for an operator account to auth as themself, but operator on another account's resources. Note that operator accesses like this are audited on the CloudAPI server side.
  • triton --accept-version VER hidden top-level option for development. This allows calling the target cloudapi with the given value for the "Accept-Version" header -- which is how CloudAPI does API versioning. By default triton is coded to a particular cloudapi version range, so forcing a different version could result in breaking in the triton client code that handles the response. IOW, this is just a tool for developers of this Triton client and CloudAPI itself.


  • New (hidden for now, i.e. experimental) triton env ... to dump evalable shell commands for node-smartdc environment setup for a given Triton CLI profile. E.g.:

      eval $(triton env east1)

    I think this should grow to support setting up Docker env as well.

  • #54 triton rbac role-tags for now can't be hidden (as long we have the need to role-tag raw resource URLs like '/my/images').

  • #54 triton rbac apply --dev-create-keys-and-profiles for experimenting/dev/testing to quickly generate and add user keys and setup Triton CLI profiles for all users in the RBAC config.

  • #54 RBAC support, see to start.

    • triton rbac info improvements: better help, use brackets to show non-default roles.
    • triton rbac reset
    • change triton rbac user USER output a little for the 'keys' (show the key fingerprint and name instead of the key content), 'roles', and 'default_roles' fields.
  • #54 Drop support for shortIds for triton rbac {users,roles,policies} commands. They all have unique name fields, just use that.

  • #54 triton rbac apply will implicitly look for a user key file at "./rbac-user-keys/$" if no keys field is provided in the "rbac.json" config file.

  • Change default triton keys and triton rbac keys output to be tabular. Otherwise it is a little obtuse to see fingerprints (which is what currently must be included in a profile). triton [rbac] keys -A can be used to get the old behaviour (just the key content, i.e. output appropriate for "~/.ssh/authorized_keys").


  • #54 RBAC support, see to start.
    • [Backward incompatible.] The triton CLI option for the cloudapi URL has changed from --url,-u to --url,-U.
    • Add triton --user,-u USER CLI option and TRITON_USER (or SDC_USER) environment variable support for specifying the RBAC user.
    • triton profiles now shows the optional user fields.
    • A (currently experimental and hidden) triton rbac ... command to house RBAC CLI functionality.
    • triton rbac users to list all users.
    • triton rbac user ... to show, create, edit and delete users.
    • triton rbac roles to list all roles.
    • triton rbac role ... to show, create, edit and delete roles.
    • triton rbac policies to list all policies.
    • triton rbac policy ... to show, create, edit and delete policies.
    • triton rbac keys to list all RBAC user SSH keys.
    • triton rbac key ... to show, create, edit and delete user keys.
    • triton rbac {instance,image,network,package,}role-tags ... to list and manage role tags on each of those resources.
    • triton rbac info will dump a summary of the full current RBAC state. This command is still in development.
    • triton rbac apply will synchronize a local RBAC config (by default it looks for "./rbac.json") to live RBAC state. Current the RBAC config file format is undocumented. See "examples/rbac-*" for examples.
  • #55 Update of smartdc-auth/sshpk deps, removal of duplicated code for composing Authorization headers


  • #51: Update deps to get dtrace-provider 0.6 build fix for node v4.2.x.
  • #49: triton create ... --firewall to enable Cloud Firewall.


  • #44 'triton rm' alias for delete
  • #43 triton profile ... doesn't use the profile from TRITON_PROFILE envvar


  • #41 Add compatibility with ed25519 keys in ssh-agent
  • #42 Tools using sshpk should lock in an exact version


  • #40 Update smartdc-auth so that newer OpenSSH ssh-keygen default fingerprint formats for setting keyId work.
  • #39 Test suite: Change the test config 'destructiveAllowed' var to 'writeActionsAllowed'.


  • Errors and exit status: Change Usage errors to always have an exit status of 2 (per common practice in at least some tooling). Add ResourceNotFound error for triton {instance,package,image,network} with exit status 3. This can help tooling (e.g. the test suite uses this in one place). Add triton help docs on exit status.

  • Test suite: Integration tests always require a config file (either $TRITON_TEST_CONFIG path or "test/config.json"). Drop the other TRITON_TEST_* envvars.


  • Changed name to triton npm package, graciously given up by suguru from his project. <3 The latest previous release of the triton package was 1.0.7, so we'll separate with a major version bump for this triton package.


Initial release as joyent-triton npm package.