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Chris Burroughs 3a369e4bb8 joyent/node-triton#137 triton CLI tool fails in default usecase
Reviewed by: Chris Burroughs <>
Approved by: Chris Burroughs <>
2016-12-21 19:27:46 +00:00

427 lines
14 KiB

# node-triton
This repository is part of the Joyent Triton project. See the [contribution
guidelines]( --
*Triton does not use GitHub PRs* -- and general documentation at the main
[Triton project]( page.
`triton` is a CLI tool for working with the CloudAPI for Joyent's Triton [Public Cloud]
( and [Private Cloud] (
CloudAPI is a RESTful API for end users of the cloud to manage their accounts, instances,
networks, images, and to inquire other relevant details. CloudAPI provides a single view of
docker containers, infrastructure containers and hardware virtual machines available in the
Triton solution.
There is currently another CLI tool known as [node-smartdc](
for CloudAPI. `node-smartdc` CLI works off the 32-character object UUID to uniquely
identify object instances in API requests, and returns response payload in JSON format.
The CLI covers both basic and advanced usage of [CloudAPI](
**The `triton` CLI is currently in beta (effectively because it does not yet
have *complete* coverage of all commands from node-smartdc) and will be
expanded over time to support all CloudAPI commands, eventually replacing
`node-smartdc` as both the API client library for Triton cloud and the command
line tool.**
## Setup
### User accounts, authentication, and security
Before you can use the CLI you'll need an account on the cloud to which you are connecting and
an SSH key uploaded. The SSH key is used to identify and secure SSH access to containers and
other resources in Triton.
If you do not already have an account on Joyent Public Cloud, sign up [here](
### API endpoint
Each data center has a single CloudAPI endpoint. For Joyent Public Cloud, you can find the
list of data centers [here](
For private cloud implementations, please consult the private cloud operator for the correct URL.
Have the URL handy as you'll need it in the next step.
### Installation
Install [node.js](, then:
npm install -g triton
Verify that it is installed and on your PATH:
$ triton --version
Triton CLI 4.15.0
To use `triton`, you'll need to configure it to talk to a Triton DataCenter
API endpoint (called CloudAPI). Commonly that is done using a Triton profile:
$ triton profile create
A profile name. A short string to identify a CloudAPI endpoint to the
`triton` CLI.
name: sw1
The CloudAPI endpoint URL.
Your account login name.
account: bob
Available SSH keys:
1. 2048-bit RSA key with fingerprint 4e:e7:56:9a:b0:91:31:3e:23:8d:f8:62:12:58:a2:ec
* [in homedir] bob-20160704 id_rsa
The fingerprint of the SSH key you want to use, or its index in the list
above. If the key you want to use is not listed, make sure it is either saved
in your SSH keys directory or loaded into the SSH agent.
keyId: 1
Saved profile "sw1".
WARNING: Docker uses TLS-based authentication with a different security model
from SSH keys. As a result, the Docker client cannot currently support
encrypted (password protected) keys or SSH agents. If you continue, the
Triton CLI will attempt to format a copy of your SSH *private* key as an
unencrypted TLS cert and place the copy in ~/.triton/docker for use by the
Docker client.
Continue? [y/n] y
Setting up profile "sw1" to use Docker.
Setup profile "sw1" to use Docker (v1.12.3). Try this:
eval "$(triton env --docker sw1)"
docker info
Set "sw1" as current profile (because it is your only profile).
Or instead of using profiles, you can set the required environment variables
(`triton` defaults to an "env" profile that uses these environment variables if
no profile is set). For example:
For compatibility with the older [sdc-* tools from
node-smartdc](, `triton` also supports
`SDC_URL`, `SDC_ACCOUNT`, etc. environment variables.
### Bash completion
Install Bash completion with
triton completion > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/triton # Mac
triton completion > /etc/bash_completion.d/triton # Linux
Alternatively, if you don't have or don't want to use a "bash\_completion.d"
dir, then something like this would work:
triton completion > ~/.triton.completion
echo "source ~/.triton.completion" >> ~/.bashrc
Then open a new shell or manually `source FILE` that completion file, and
play with the bash completions:
triton <TAB>
## `triton` CLI Usage
### Create and view instances
$ triton instance list
We have no instances created yet, so let's create some. In order to create
an instance we need to specify two things: an image and a package. An image
represents what will be used as the root of the instances filesystem, and the
package represents the size of the instance, eg. ram, disk size, cpu shares,
etc. More information on images and packages below - for now we'll just use
SmartOS 64bit and a small 128M ram package which is a combo available on the
Joyent Public Cloud.
$ triton instance create base-64 t4-standard-128M
Without a name specified, the container created will have a generated ID. Now
to create a container-native Ubuntu 14.04 container with 2GB of ram with the
name "server-1"
$ triton instance create --name=server-1 ubuntu-14.04 t4-standard-2G
Now list your instances again
$ triton instance list
7db6c907 b851ba9 base-64@15.2.0 running 9m
9cf1f427 server-1 ubuntu-14.04@20150819 provisioning - 0s
Get a quick overview of your account
$ triton info
name: Dave Eddy
totalDisk: 50.5 GiB
totalMemory: 2.0 MiB
instances: 2
running: 1
provisioning: 1
To obtain more detailed information of your instance
$ triton instance get server-1
"id": "9cf1f427-9a40-c188-ce87-fd0c4a5a2c2c",
"name": "251d4fd",
"type": "smartmachine",
"state": "running",
"image": "c8d68a9e-4682-11e5-9450-4f4fadd0936d",
"ips": [
"memory": 2048,
"disk": 51200,
"metadata": {
"root_authorized_keys": "(...ssh keys...)"
"tags": {},
"created": "2015-09-08T04:56:27.734Z",
"updated": "2015-09-08T04:56:43.000Z",
"networks": [
"dataset": "c8d68a9e-4682-11e5-9450-4f4fadd0936d",
"primaryIp": "",
"firewall_enabled": false,
"compute_node": "44454c4c-5400-1034-8053-b5c04f383432",
"package": "t4-standard-2G"
### SSH to an instance
Connect to an instance over SSH
$ triton ssh b851ba9
Last login: Wed Aug 26 17:59:35 2015 from
__ . .
_| |_ | .-. . . .-. :--. |-
|_ _| ;| || |(.-' | | |
|__| `--' `-' `;-| `-' ' ' `-'
/ ; Instance (base-64 15.2.0)
[root@7db6c907-2693-42bc-ea9b-f38678f2554b ~]# uptime
20:08pm up 2:27, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01
[root@7db6c907-2693-42bc-ea9b-f38678f2554b ~]# logout
Connection to closed.
Or non-interactively
$ triton ssh b851ba9 uname -v
### Manage an instance
Commonly used container operations are supported in the Triton CLI:
$ triton help instance
list (ls) List instances.
get Get an instance.
create Create a new instance.
delete (rm) Delete one or more instances.
start Start one or more instances.
stop Stop one or more instances.
reboot Reboot one or more instances.
ssh SSH to the primary IP of an instance
wait Wait on instances changing state.
audit List instance actions.
### View packages and images
Package definitions and images available vary between different data centers
and different Triton cloud implementations.
To see all the packages offered in the data center and specific package
information, use
$ triton package list
$ triton package get ID|NAME
Similarly, to find out the available images and their details, do
$ triton image list
$ triton images ID|NAME
Note that docker images are not shown in `triton images` as they are
maintained in Docker Hub and other third-party registries configured to be
used with Joyent's Triton clouds. **In general, docker containers should be
provisioned and managed with the regular
[`docker` CLI](**
(Triton provides an endpoint that represents the _entire datacenter_
as a single `DOCKER_HOST`. See the [Triton Docker
documentation]( for more information.)
## `TritonApi` Module Usage
Node-triton can also be used as a node module for your own node.js tooling.
A basic example appropriate for a command-line tool is:
var mod_bunyan = require('bunyan');
var mod_triton = require('triton');
var log = mod_bunyan.createLogger({name: 'my-tool'});
// See the `createClient` block comment for full usage details:
log: log,
// Use 'env' to pick up 'TRITON_/SDC_' env vars. Or manually specify a
// `profile` object.
profileName: 'env',
unlockKeyFn: mod_triton.promptPassphraseUnlockKey
}, function (err, client) {
if (err) {
// handle err
client.listImages(function (err, images) {
client.close(); // Remember to close the client to close TCP conn.
if (err) {
console.error('listImages err:', err);
} else {
console.log(JSON.stringify(images, null, 4));
See the following for more details:
- The block-comment for `createClient` in [lib/index.js](lib/index.js).
- Some module-usage examples in [examples/](examples/).
- The lower-level details in the top-comment in
## Configuration
This section defines all the vars in a TritonApi config. The baked in defaults
are in "etc/defaults.json" and can be overriden for the CLI in
"~/.triton/config.json" (on Windows: "%APPDATA%/Joyent/Triton/config.json").
| Name | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| profile | The name of the triton profile to use. The default with the CLI is "env", i.e. take config from `SDC_*` envvars. |
| cacheDir | The path (relative to the config dir, "~/.triton") where cache data is stored. The default is "cache", i.e. the `triton` CLI caches at "~/.triton/cache". |
## node-triton differences with node-smartdc
- There is a single `triton` command instead of a number of `sdc-*` commands.
- `TRITON_*` environment variables are preferred to the `SDC_*` environment
variables. However the `SDC_*` envvars are still supported.
- Node-smartdc still has more complete coverage of the Triton
[CloudAPI]( However, `triton` is
catching up and is much more friendly to use.
## Development Hooks
Before commiting be sure to, at least:
make check # lint and style checks
make test-unit # run unit tests
A good way to do that is to install the stock pre-commit hook in your
clone via:
make git-hooks
Also please run the full (longer) test suite (`make test`). See the next
## Test suite
node-triton has both unit tests (`make test-unit`) and integration tests (`make
test-integration`). Integration tests require a config file, by default at
"test/config.json". For example:
$ cat test/config.json
"profileName": "east3b",
"allowWriteActions": true,
"image": "minimal-64",
"package": "t4-standard-128M"
See "test/config.json.sample" for a description of all config vars. Minimally
just a "profileName" or "profile" is required.
*Warning:* Running the *integration* tests will create resources and could
incur costs if running against a public cloud.
Run all tests:
make test
You can use `TRITON_TEST_CONFIG` to override the test file, e.g.:
$ cat test/coal.json
"profileName": "coal",
"allowWriteActions": true
$ TRITON_TEST_CONFIG=test/coal.json make test
where "coal" here refers to a development Triton (a.k.a SDC) ["Cloud On A
Laptop"]( standup.
## Release process
Here is how to cut a release:
1. Make a commit to set the intended version in "package.json#version" and changing `## not yet released` at the top of "" to:
## not yet released
## $version
2. Get that commit approved and merged via <>, as with all
commits to this repo. See the discussion of contribution at the top of this
3. Once that is merged and you've updated your local copy, run:
make cutarelease
This will run a couple checks (clean working copy, versions in package.json
and match), then will git tag and npm publish.
## License
MPL 2.0