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Trent Mick 8d235b8e28 'triton image create' et al
Fixes #76: `triton image create ...` and `triton image wait ...`
Fixes #72: want `triton image` to still return image details even when it is not in 'active' state
2016-01-19 12:30:46 -08:00

231 lines
6.2 KiB

* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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* Copyright (c) 2015, Joyent, Inc.
* Unit tests for `metadataFromOpts()` used by `triton create ...`.
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var cmdln = require('cmdln');
var format = require('util').format;
var test = require('tape');
var metadataFromOpts = require('../../lib/metadataandtags').metadataFromOpts;
// ---- globals
var log = require('../lib/log');
var debug = function () {};
// debug = console.warn;
// ---- test cases
var OPTIONS = [
names: ['metadata', 'm'],
type: 'arrayOfString'
names: ['metadata-file', 'M'],
type: 'arrayOfString'
names: ['script'],
type: 'arrayOfString'
var cases = [
argv: ['triton', 'create', '-m', 'foo=bar'],
expect: {
metadata: {foo: 'bar'}
argv: ['triton', 'create', '-m', 'foo=bar', '-m', 'bling=bloop'],
expect: {
metadata: {
foo: 'bar',
bling: 'bloop'
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', 'num=42',
'-m', 'pi=3.14',
'-m', 'yes=true',
'-m', 'no=false',
'-m', 'array=[1,2,3]'],
expect: {
metadata: {
num: 42,
pi: 3.14,
yes: true,
no: false,
array: '[1,2,3]'
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '@' + __dirname + '/corpus/metadata.json'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'foo': 'bar',
'one': 'four',
'num': 42
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '@' + __dirname + '/corpus/metadata.kv'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'foo': 'bar',
'one': 'four',
'num': 42
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'--script', __dirname + '/corpus/'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'user-script': '#!/bin/sh\necho "hi"\n'
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', 'foo=bar',
'-M', 'user-script=' + __dirname + '/corpus/'],
expect: {
metadata: {
foo: 'bar',
'user-script': '#!/bin/sh\necho "hi"\n'
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', 'foo=bar',
'--metadata-file', 'foo=' + __dirname + '/corpus/'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'foo': '#!/bin/sh\necho "hi"\n'
stderr: /warning: metadata "foo=.* replaces earlier value for "foo"/
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '@' + __dirname + '/corpus/metadata-illegal-types.json'],
expect: {
err: [
/* jsl:ignore */
/invalid metadata value type/,
/\(from .*corpus\/metadata-illegal-types.json\)/,
/must be one of string/
/* jsl:end */
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '@' + __dirname + '/corpus/metadata-invalid-json.json'],
expect: {
err: [
/* jsl:ignore */
/is not valid JSON/,
/* jsl:end */
argv: ['triton', 'create',
'-m', '{"foo":"bar","num":12}'],
expect: {
metadata: {
'foo': 'bar',
'num': 12
// ---- test driver
test('metadataFromOpts', function (tt) {
cases.forEach(function (c, num) {
var testName = format('case %d: %s', num, c.argv.join(' '));
tt.test(testName, function (t) {
debug('--', num);
debug('c: %j', c);
var parser = new cmdln.dashdash.Parser({options: OPTIONS});
var opts = parser.parse({argv: c.argv});
debug('opts: %j', opts);
// Capture stderr for warnings while running.
var stderrChunks = [];
var _oldStderrWrite = process.stderr.write;
process.stderr.write = function (s) {
metadataFromOpts(opts, log, function (err, metadata) {
// Restore stderr.
process.stderr.write = _oldStderrWrite;
var stderr = stderrChunks.join('');
if (c.expect.err) {
var errRegexps = (Array.isArray(c.expect.err)
? c.expect.err : [c.expect.err]);
errRegexps.forEach(function (regexp) {
assert.regexp(regexp, 'case.expect.err');
t.ok(err, 'expected an error');
t.ok(regexp.test(err.message), format(
'error message matches %s, actual %j',
regexp, err.message));
} else {
if (c.expect.hasOwnProperty('metadata')) {
t.deepEqual(metadata, c.expect.metadata);
if (c.expect.hasOwnProperty('stderr')) {
var stderrRegexps = (Array.isArray(c.expect.stderr)
? c.expect.stderr : [c.expect.stderr]);
stderrRegexps.forEach(function (regexp) {
assert.regexp(regexp, 'case.expect.stderr');
t.ok(regexp.test(stderr), format(
'error message matches %s, actual %j',
regexp, stderr));