
897 B

authors state
Marius Pana <mp@spearhead.systems> predraft

things we would like from a load balancer

  • extremely simple to setup
  • api support (cloudapi?)
  • proxy protoicol support
  • http2 support
  • highly available
  • letsencrypt / ssl certificates support

idee: util pentru referinta https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/network/cns/faq#triton-cns-compared-to-elb-elastic-ips-and-brocade-vtm-steelapp mai ales textul despre tags, ca sa identificam IP, etc. astfel am putea teoretic sa facem un query pentru toate cns names, stiind format pentry int, ext, fablans, putem oferi acestea ca optiuni in interfata produsului …

RFD 4 Spearhead Cloud Load Balancer


What problem are we solving?

Key Requirements

How will users interact with these features?

What repositories are being changed, if known?

What is the security impact?